英语人>词典>汉英 : 吉辛 的英文翻译,例句
吉辛 的英文翻译、例句


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Israeli analyst Ra'anan Gissin says the prime minister has no choice, but to make concessions through quiet diplomacy.


Taking Gissing's masterpiece New Grub Street as an example, this thesis, based on Gissing's writing techniques, is meant to analyze his succession of realist style and his combination of naturalism in the novel and discuss how he makes a great breakthrough of the two writing styles, thus revealing that his ideas have transcended the time.


His work has been praised for its mastery of prose, and for its teeming gallery of unique personalities, by writers such as George Gissing and G. K. Chesterton, though the same characteristics have prompted others, such as Henry James and Virginia Woolf, to criticize him for sentimentality and implausibility.


With that , I thanked Mike for his time and wished him success with the distribution of The Search of John Gissing .


With that, I thanked Mike for his time and wished him success with the distribution of The Search of John Gissing.


The analysis of such a transitional writer as Gissing helps us walk out of giving the doctrine tack to any writer and his works, and transcends the analysis model of "Binary Opposition". It is believed the study on Gissing will throw some light on the real world of the Victorian Age, and the comprehension of his many-faceted writing styles will help us fully understand the development of literary tendency.


George Robert Gissing (1857-1903) is one of the most important realist writers in the Victorian Age. With delicate observation of social life, he uses his incisive style to create a series of works, which factually reflect kinds of the corruption in the industrial British society. By exposing and criticizing the injustice and corruption in the Victorian Age, his works probe the dilemma of people's spiritual world and unmask the intrinsic essence of the Age.

乔治·罗伯特·吉辛(George Robert Gissing,1857-1903)是英国维多利亚时代后期的重要写实主义作家之一,通过对生活细致入微的观察,他用犀利的笔锋创作了一系列小说作品,这些著作真实地反映了英国工业社会的种种弊端,揭露和批判了当时社会的不公和腐败现象,反映了那个时代人们精神上的窘境,揭示了维多利亚社会的真实面目。

Gissing was a born writer.


His work has been praised for its mastery of prose, and for its teeming gallery of unique personalities, by writers such as George Gissing and G. K. Chesterton, though the same characteristics have prompted others, such as Henry James and Virginia Woolf, to criticize him for sentimentality and implausibility.


For instance, Barbara Arnett Melchiori thinks that Gissing "shows more hatred than pity for the oppressed", and Raimund Schaffner claims that Gissing looks down on them the poor masse...


更多网络解释与吉辛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"巴辛吉"(basenji) 几乎从不吠叫,有"来自非洲不吠之犬"的雅号. 这并不意味着这种狗是"哑巴",只不过它们通常比较安静. 它们的叫声也非常特别:声音类似小鸭子. 这种狗原产于非洲刚果盆地,因此又被称做"刚果犬",


另外,美国前国务卿季辛吉(Kissinger)、英国外交大臣米勒班(Miliband, David)、南韩外长柳明桓等近日相继访中,阿富汗总统卡赛(Hamid Karzai)等将於下周到访.

Martina HINGIS:(辛吉斯)

1999年法网决赛,辛吉斯(MARTINA HINGIS)只要3分就能击败格拉夫了. 但是,辛吉斯屡屡与裁判争论,甚至跨过球网. 最后一盘比赛中,辛吉斯故意上洗手间. 最后,辛吉斯还趁格拉夫没有准备好偷偷发球. 然而,辛吉斯输掉了比赛,球迷对她起哄不停,

Martina HINGIS:(玛蒂娜.辛吉斯)

他和玛蒂娜 辛吉斯(Martina Hingis)有过婚约,现在正在和尼科尔 瓦伊迪索娃(Nicole Vaidisova)打得火热. 斯泰潘内克的幽默感和他自己称为"蠕虫"的胜利之舞让他所向披靡,俘获无数美女的芳心. 几年前,他在赢得一项大赛事后参加了奥地利阿尔卑斯山的一个网球选手派对,

Jimmi Simpson:吉米.辛普森

塔拉吉.P.汉森 Taraji P. Henson | 吉米.辛普森Jimmi Simpson | 盖尔.加朵 Gal Gadot


蓝旗亚骑士对他膝下四个孩子--吉奥瓦尼(Giovanni)、阿特鲁(Arturo)、马里亚(Maria)和文森佐(Vincenzo,昵称为森辛,Censin)的将来早有打算. 蓝旗亚骑士希望森辛能成为一名律师. 可是森辛在上学的时候,却被认为是个迟钝的学生.

Gitoxigenin:吉妥辛配基 羟基洋地黄毒甙元配基

gitostin 吉托司廷 | gitoxigenin 吉妥辛配基 羟基洋地黄毒甙元配基 | gitoxin 羟基洋地黄毒甙 吉妥辛


叶内有效成分是洋地黄毒甙和吉妥辛(Gitoxin)等. 中欧出产另一种洋地黄即毛花洋地黄(Digitalis lanata),其强心作用比紫花洋地黄强,且奏效较快;其中另含有二级甙地高辛,可以提纯,广泛应用于临床. 又此式与糖基及乙酰基等的结合物,

gitoxin:羟基洋地黄毒甙 吉妥辛

gitoxigenin 吉妥辛配基 羟基洋地黄毒甙元配基 | gitoxin 羟基洋地黄毒甙 吉妥辛 | gitoxincellobioside 纤维二糖羟基洋地黄毒甙

George Gissing:吉辛

而且,柯克还认为这个保守主义非常接近柯勒律治、迪斯累利和乔治.吉辛(George Gissing)的英国保守主义. 如果要简要了解保守主义的讨论主题,最好参阅罗伯特.尼斯贝特的<<保守主义:梦想与现实>>.