英语人>词典>汉英 : 吉普赛人 的英文翻译,例句
吉普赛人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Bohemian  ·  gip  ·  Romany  ·  Rommany  ·  gipsies  ·  gypsies  ·  zingaro

更多网络例句与吉普赛人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I'm midwestern farmer's daughter,americana.


A style of dancing characteristic of the Andalusian gypsies; vigorous and rhythmic with clapping and stamping of feet.


A dance style of the Andalusian Gypsies characterized by forceful, often improvised rhythms.


I thought she was liable to be kidnapped by gypsies.


They were regarded as bohemian. Their ways of life were irregular.


My family has travelled since I was six, so we are kind of Bohemian -they're all artists.


Even the American Break dance and other dances associated with jazz music have borrowed elements from the gypsy folk dance.

美国的 Break 舞蹈,还有其他舞蹈,再加上爵士乐,都从吉普赛人的民间舞蹈中借鉴了很多要素。

It was not the gipsies - it was not mr. frank churchill that I meant.


She separates herself from the gypsies in Colchester, where she is taken up by the town magistrates as a charity case.


It was an appropriate and uplifting intro to an exuberant performance that opened with a group of fiery flamenco gypsies, stamping the runway in flounced skirts, corsetry, and wickedly mannish, form-swathing jackets, their eyes flashing and matches clamped between their teeth.

这是一个适当的和向上的介绍,以旺盛的表现,开放与一组火热的佛兰明高吉普赛人,冲压跑道在flounced裙, corsetry , wickedly mannish ,形成- swathing外套,他们眼中闪动和比赛之间的钳制他们的牙齿。

更多网络解释与吉普赛人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bohemian:波希米亚的 <单词词性>吉普赛人

decanting 滗析(手续) | Bohemian 波希米亚的 吉普赛人 | density controller 密度控制器, 比重调节器

The gypsy earned her money as a fortune-teller:这个吉普赛人以算命谋生

6934. I've never lived in one place too long, it must be the Gypsy in ... | 6935. The gypsy earned her money as a fortune-teller. 这个吉普赛人以算命谋生. | 6936. My colleague has broken off the habit ...

a gentleman of the road:拦路强盗 游民, 乞丐, 出门兜揽生意的人 吉普赛人

a gentleman of the press | 新闻记者 | a gentleman of the road | 拦路强盗 游民, 乞丐, 出门兜揽生意的人 吉普赛人 | a gentleman's agreement | 君子协定


giocoso ad.欢快地 | gip 吉普赛人 | gippo 汤


"吉普赛"一词是欧洲人对罗姆人(吉普赛人自称Rom,音译:罗姆;复数:Roma)的误解,当时欧洲人误以为罗姆人来自埃及(Egypt),于是称之为"吉普赛人"(Gypsy). 非罗姆人(non-Roma)称罗姆人为gadje(也拼作gaje;译为,土包子,乡下佬;粗野之人;


romanticize 浪漫化 | Romany 吉普赛人 | romanza 浪漫曲

Yankee Gypsies:(美国吉普赛人)

Voyages of Dr. Doolittle(都利特尔的航行).pdf | Wives and Daughters(妻子与女儿).pdf | Yankee Gypsies(美国吉普赛人).pdf

And a pikey reaction:但吉普赛人的反应

For every action, there is a reaction.|每个行动,都会有反应 | And a pikey reaction...|但吉普赛人的反应 | ...is quite a fucking thing.|可不一样

I want to use the pikey:我要用那吉普赛人

I've got a bare-knuckle fight in a couple of days.|我在几天内有场不戴拳套的拳赛 | I want to use the pikey.|我要用那吉普赛人 | All right. Of course.|好的,没问题


这将促使一些国家正视吉普赛人是一个单一的民族这一事实. 同时,由于吉普赛民族非常单一(不与外族通婚),科学家研究这种"封闭"民族的基因可以确定某些疾病的发病机理-- 吉普赛人不是不祥的象征,而是非常珍贵的样本. 吉普赛人(Gypsies)