英语人>词典>汉英 : 合瓣花的 的英文翻译,例句
合瓣花的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The androecium were consisted of 3 stamens,two of which were connate ,separating or partial combination.

摘 要 对南瓜的两性花进行外部形态及结构的研究,结果表明:南瓜的两性花可有子房上位花、子房半下位花和子房下位花三种类型:花萼、花冠均为5,合瓣;雄蕊3,其中有两枚各由两个雄蕊合生而成,分离和部分联合,花药结构特殊,花粉发育正常;雌蕊具有单个或两个柱头及花柱。

Sterile flowers few, large; sepals 2 or 3, free or sometimes basally slightly connate, petaloid.


Flowers zygomorphic, 5-merous; stamens 10; fruit of 5 basally connate follicles, 1-2 cm.

左右对称的花,5瓣;雄蕊10; 5基部合生蓇葖果,1-2 厘米的果 8 Dictamnus 白鲜属

Flowers perfect and hermaphroditic or occasionally unisexual, actinomorphic or zygomorphic,(2-)4(-7)-merous, axillary, in leafy spikes or racemes or solitary, or occasionally in panicles, all but Ludwigia with distinct floral tube, nectariferous within.


Flowers yellowish to greenish, rarely brightly colored, small, bisexual or unisexual, rarely polygamous,(4 or)5-merous, hypogynous to epigynous, in mostly axillary, sessile or pedunculate cymes, or reduced to few in fascicles. Calyx tube patelliform or hemispherical to tubular, sometimes absent, at rim with calyx, corolla, and stamens; sepals 4 or 5, valvate in bud, triangular, erect or ± recurved during anthesis, adaxially often distinctly keeled, alternate with petals.


Leaves opposite along stem and/or in a whorl at base, subsessile; stipules absent. Flowers axillary and/or terminal, solitary or in pedunculate umbel-like cymes which sometimes rebranch to form irregular compound umbels, 4-merous, white or yellow, rarely pale blue. Calyx campanulate, 2--4-lobed; lobes valvate.


Flowers [4- or]5[–8]-merous. Calyx with variously estivated lobes, usually valvate in bud.

花 [4-或 ]5 [-8]-瓣。花萼具各种地夏季失去的裂片,在芽中通常镊合状。

Scape suberect, usually shorter than leaves, loosely bearing 6-12cm or more flowers; bracts 5mm long; pedicel including ovary 4cm long; flower light yellow-green, faintly fragrant like Osmanthus fragrans ; dorsal sepal nearly oblong, 4.5-6cmlong, 1.2-1.8cm wide, yellow-green ,base tinged purple-brown on back, lateral sepals oblique-oblong, slightly narrow, petals narrower than sepals, 5-12mm wide, light yellow-green, spotted purple-red at base; lip slightly short-clawed, 3-lobed, side lobes erect, striped purple-red, mid-lobe somewhat reflexed, waved at margin, disk pubescent above, with 2paralles lamellae, long-hairy.

花葶近直立,常短于叶,疏生6~12朵或更多朵;花苞片长约5mm ;花梗连子房长约4cm ;花浅黄绿色,稍有桂花香气;中萼片近矩圆形,长4.5~6cm ,宽1.2~1.8cm ,黄绿色,背面基部有紫褐色晕,侧萼片斜矩圆形,稍窄;花瓣比萼片窄,宽5~12mm ,浅黄绿色,基部有紫红色的小斑点;唇瓣略有短爪,3裂,侧裂片直立,具紫红色条纹,中裂片略反折,边缘波状,唇盘上表面被短柔毛,2条褶片平行,生长毛;合蕊柱须长,3~4.2cm 。

更多网络解释与合瓣花的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


后又把该属和产泰国北部的弯瓣九子母属(Camplopetalum)合立为九子母科(Podona-ceae)T.卡鲁埃尔等把具单被花的黄连木属(Pistacia)也独立成黄连木科(Pistaciaceae). F.A.巴克利等从广义的漆树属(Rhus)中分出漆树属和三叶漆属(Termin-thia).

valvate aestivation:摄合花(叶)襞

裂为瓣状的;摄合状的 valvate | 摄合花(叶)襞 valvate aestivation | 片裂花药 valvate anther

choripetalous flower:离瓣花

与萼片相似 花瓣也可能彼此分离或相互联合 花瓣分离的花称离瓣花(choripetalous flower) 如玫瑰、当归;花瓣联合的花称合瓣花(synpetalous flower) 联合的部分称为花冠管 上端分离的部分称为裂片 如牵牛、丹参等.


gamontgonocyte 配子母细胞 | gamopetalous 合瓣花的 | gamopetaloussympetalous 合瓣的


gamont /配子母细胞/ | gamopetalous /合瓣的/合瓣花的/ | gamopetaly /合瓣性/


离瓣花亚纲恩格勒系统分科目录 (二)合瓣花亚纲 Sympetalae 本亚纲又称后生花被亚纲(Metachlamydeae),主要特征是花瓣多少连合成合瓣花冠. 花冠形成了各种形状,如漏斗状、钟状、唇形、管状、舌状等,由辐射对称发展到两侧对称. 花冠各式的连合,

sympetalous corolla:合瓣花冠

合瓣的 sympetalous | 合瓣花冠 sympetalous corolla | 合瓣花 sympetalous flower


还有人认为与(Styracaceae)、灰木科(Symplocaceae)(Anonaceae)和山茶目(Theales)有较近的亲缘关系. 据J.哈钦森等的意见,柿树、山榄一类是从离瓣花群中较原始的番荔枝目单独起源,与合瓣花群的各目几乎无亲缘. 科内各属界限还不很清楚,

whorled arrangement:轮状排列

较进化的,例如大多数被子植物花的各部分,不仅有定数而且为轮状排列(whorled arrangement). 根据连合状况分类 被子植物花的各部分,彼此离生是原始的,连合是进化的,例如离瓣花是较原始的,合瓣花是较进化的. 花的各部在连合时,在同一种器官连合,

Crab-cactus; Zygocactus truncatus K. Sch:合瓣花蟹爪仙人掌

(放射性元素在诱飖p数器上表现的)每分钟点数 cpm; counts per minute | 合瓣花蟹爪仙人掌 Crab-cactus; Zygocactus truncatus K. Sch. | 海边芥蓝属(十字花科) Crambe