英语人>词典>汉英 : 合唱曲 的英文翻译,例句
合唱曲 的英文翻译、例句


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Another interesting company waiting in the wings to go public soon is Capella Online University.


Anthem: short musical composition,usu for a choir and an organ,to be sung in religious services,often with words taken from the Bible


While all the other types of Greek choric verse are simply the highest intensification of the Apollinian musician, in the dithyramb we see a community of unconscious actors all of whom see one another as enchanted.


At the request of their guests the young people sang the quartette the "Spring," with which every one was delighted; then Nikolay sang a song he had lately learnt. How sweet in the moon's kindly ray, In fancy to thyself to say, That earth holds still one dear to thee! Whose thoughts, whose dreams are all of thee!


Bach's masterpiece Passion oratorio consists of four parts: introductory choral preludes, recitative, chorales, and solo arias.


The prominence of the chorus in The Suppliant Women now is seen not as a sign of primitivism but as analogous to the massive choral songs of the Oresieia.tatistics have been formulated,or reformulated, to show that stylistically The Suppliant Women does actually occupy a position after The Persians and Seven Against Thebes, which now become the "primitive" plays, and before the Oresteia.


The prominence of the chorus in The Suppliant Women now is seen not as a sign of primitivism 8ttt8.com as analogous to the massive choral songs of the Oresieia.tatistics have been formulated,or reformulated, to show that stylistically The Suppliant Women does actually occupy a position after The Persians Seven Against Thebes, which now become the "primitive" plays, before the Oresteia.

com 亦风靡传播开来。合唱队在《乞援衰女》中的显赫地位现在 dd dtt。 com 已不再被视作原始风貌的表征,而被视作近似于《奥瑞斯提亚》的大规模合唱曲

He wrote many choral settings of religious texts and his choral preludes for organ strongly influenced JS Bach.


The inside of the farmland, the corn of gold is like gold wooden stick similar together brush one connect one, sorghum that red of 穗 son, be like shy the young girl is similar, red the face was lowly awkward and shy head, flutter in the light breeze, the soybean swaggers, rustling in the breeze, being like to give musical performance a chorus song of great universe in countryside.


Based on the results, the researcher makes recommendations to the sponsor of music competition unit, the choral composers and arrangers and choral masters. Hopes the results will contribute to the future research.


更多网络解释与合唱曲相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a cappella:無伴奏合唱曲

一、 无伴奏合唱曲(a cappella):不用任何乐器伴奏的合唱曲,即为无伴奏曲. a Capplela此字是由Cappella(圣咏家)演变而来,是古代圣咏歌队员们聚集在教堂唱歌的意思. 德文Kapell除了圣歌队之意外,还有[乐团]的意思. 后来,无伴奏合唱曲,

a cappella:无伴奏合唱曲 无伴奏合唱曲

Source Term 繁体翻译 简体翻译 其它翻译 备注 | A Cappella 无伴奏合唱曲 无伴奏合唱曲 | Acid 酸性 酸性


冻顶茶的茶性滋味在合唱中的比拟如女 中音(alto)音色醇和圆柔. 如流行歌中的(友情)般甘 甜醇美,如(祝你幸福)般的温馨,也似合唱曲中的(人生如 蜜)英文歌曲:(Yesterday Once More )般的令人回味,韵味十足、醇厚甜美.

Baby talk,baby walk.mp:大自然合唱曲/宝贝的悄悄话

6 大自然合唱曲/宝宝的蓝调 Babies and blues.mp3 | 7 大自然合唱曲/宝贝的悄悄话 Baby talk,baby walk.mp3 | 8 大自然合唱曲/大海的摇篮曲 Baby smells the sea.mp3


众赞歌(Choral)基督教礼拜仪式中众人一齐合唱的赞美诗. 原为天主教的单声部众赞歌(齐唱),后经德国音乐家约翰.瓦尔特等将其改编为四部合唱曲,流传极广. 后来巴赫等音乐家以它为基础创作了不少康塔塔、清唱剧及受难曲等宗教性音乐作品.

Humming Chorus:哼鸣合唱曲

26: 现在来帮我梳妆Or vienmi ad adorn.... 05:06 | 27: "哼鸣合唱曲"Humming Chorus 02:46 | 28: 噢,哦!噢,哦!(合唱)Oh eh! Oh eh!.... 07:15

Claudio Monteverdi:蒙台威尔第

蒙台威尔第(Claudio Monteverdi),意大利巴洛克音乐作曲家,在文艺复兴时期地位有如莎士比亚,作品以器乐曲、合唱曲和歌剧为主,代表作有歌剧>及合唱曲>和>等.


choric 合唱歌舞式的 | choric 合唱曲的 | chorine 歌舞团的女团员

ch - Chorales:合唱曲

cg - Concerti grossi 大协奏曲 | ch - Chorales 合唱曲 | cl - Chorale preludes 合唱前奏曲

part song:合唱曲

part 部分 | part-song 合唱曲 | part-time 兼职的