英语人>词典>汉英 : 吃不下 的英文翻译,例句
吃不下 的英文翻译、例句


not feel like eating · be unable to eat any more · cannot eat due to loss of appetite
更多网络例句与吃不下相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You don't seem to want to accept the fact that you're dealing with an expert in guerrilla warfare. With a man who's the best , with guns ,with knives , with his bare hands . A man who's been trained to ignore pain. Ignore weather. To live off the land . To eat things that would make a billy goat puke.


I really can't. I've always been a lighter eater.


No, really can't I've always been a light eater.


I wish, my dear friend, I could give proper expression to his language.


I ate a small seeds in pomelo is not enough, I can't eat any more, I will slowly climb down from far out again, I just had a small hole in the grapefruit, good.


The older men went almost supperless, and not a man could finish. his portion, hungry though most of us were.


Sobbing inconsolably, she could no longer hold in the suffocating uneasiness she has hidden from Mithushi in the past few days.


"I've never been in the depths of despair, so I can't say," responded Marilla.


I XiongGuPo if you don't; I would have turned up; you and the lion roar; I dare say; ah; your compliment; luo base; is only ugly luo; but also not ugly; recognize your person; thought you gene mutations;"Funky" this word is somebody else for you; the British; once; I still think you are childish; school of a flower; then; just know you but is the huge slag; didn't see you again; eat; sleep all food and sleep; but when I want to see some of you; because the - can reduce weight; rolling... The rolling... SB batch; the tart; cheap; hammer; just a teacher talk; or finished suo; have what amazing suo; Sue; Sue; Sue; oh; not to have testified against 30; well; good batch laozi; Lao tze want to talk show you hammer son; pipe noise; and you are not cheap; you have the tube Lao technical qualifications; you exactly want to shout; to shout; you have sinned against you; and the benefits of your talk against us and benefits; melon hammer into one partner; we also cried; waste you nearly three years; humiliated you people dead; for there is futile; undead living waste land; air or early death waste dead... Ha ha; my friends at the turn to remember: oh;Don't try to guess who is that man; perhaps is next to you.

我如果你不是熊家婆、我早就和你翻脸咯、你的那个狮子吼、我、实在不敢恭维啊、你、除咯贱、就只剩丑咯、而且还不是一般的丑、认不到你的人、还以为你基因突变的、&Funky&这个词就是人家英国人、为你整出来的、曾经、我还幼稚的认为、你是学校的一枝花、后来、才晓得你不过是人海中的一粒渣、没看你一次,饭都吃不下、觉都睡不好、但是、有些时候我多想看见你、因为-可以减肥、滚…马不停蹄的滚… SB 批,骚货,贱货,锤子嗦,区区一个老师嘛,要不完了嗦,有啥子了不起嗦,告、告、告,日哦,有种不要告卅,给老子明说嘛,好批骚嗦,老子要杂子,管你锤子事啊,贱批,你还不配管老子的,你有资格嗦,你到底想杂嘛,要杂嘛,得罪完人有你的好处嗦,得罪我们对你又有锤子好处嗦,就是瓜婆娘一个,,枉我们还喊了你快三年了哦,丢脸死了,你这样的人还不死留着有啥用哦,活着浪费空气死了浪费土地,还是早点死了算了……呵呵,朋友们看了的要记得转哦、千万不要去猜那个人是谁,或许下一个就是你

My brother is in patients with cerebral cysticercosis has been five years, and last year found that cysticercosis, long before the do not know what things are when infected rule, today's one-year ate insecticide, I may be the words a little wrong, this year, made only two diseases, much better than before, and last week we go to a professor of film to see says Well, my dad did not believe a little bit and took it to the film to my sister's classmates (Wuhan Union Medical College Hospital where he is a special film's) found in the brain, he said the middle of a long one, and the former are not carried out, and now that long special that does not look good inside, this time to come back took five courses of medicine, but on the third day of his return had a grand mal, morbidity, and as before, the body twitching, mouth spit things, but not before the head pain, unable to speak of this headache, and go to an intravenous drip to fight two days of talent is good, could not eat anything for two days, three days before eating a bowl of porridge,(this time his hands have not felt feet, as if pressed to the people, and nearly died), doctors now we I really do not know how to do, please kindly help us, your home bar, help my brother, help my father, my mother, but they just really tired, and five years, they have never slept a day better, you are cures of these diseases, you know that this disease attacks together is really scary, so please help us bar


更多网络解释与吃不下相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


虽然学长说, 什麼都不用带, 只要带人去和好胃口 (appetite) 去就好了, 不过, 我还是左思右想, 想做点东西, 让大家尝尝. 而且, 份量不能太多, 否则大家会吃不下.

be full:吃饱了

banquet 宴会 | be full 吃饱了 | I'm full, I can't eat anymore. 我吃饱了,什么也吃不下了.

Dental Caries:龋齿

龋齿 [概述] 龋齿(dental caries)是牙齿硬组织逐渐被破坏的一种疾病. 发病开始在牙冠, "牙疼不是病,疼起来真要命"一直是广为流传的一句俗语,但其实并不科学,因为牙疼是一种口腔疾病的症状,尤其是在得了蛀牙的情况下,那真是吃不下,

Would you clear the table:能帮我捡一下桌子吗

I can't eat another bite.我一口也吃不下了. | Would you clear the table?能帮我捡一下桌子吗? | Would you put the dishes away? 能帮我撤一下盘子吗?

Megan Fox:梅根.福克斯

小弟也抢先一步到西门町的IMAX看完了电影,这次的变形金刚除了剧情跟特效都有所突破之外,女主角"梅根福克斯"(Megan Fox)也被拍的更加的火辣~辣到小弟我连爆米花都吃不下,一瞬间就把可乐给喝完了(可乐的确是灭火的好东西..)


这是属于(of)我的十(ten)万元钱,可是常常被人家给偷了两只漂亮(pl)的小狗吃(eat)着美味的狗粮,我看着他们,相信(sure)他们现在一定 很高兴.两只小狗广场上死去(squ)他们都是(are)我的最爱,我伤心得吃不下饭.糖糖说,


这是属于(of)我的十(ten)万元钱,可是常常被人家给偷了两只漂亮(pl)的小狗吃(eat)着美味的狗粮,我看着他们,相信(sure)他们现在一定 很高兴.两只小狗广场上死去(squ)他们都是(are)我的最爱,我伤心得吃不下饭.糖糖说,

take away:打包

在我们实在吃不下了之后,我们问能不能AVOCADO JUICE打包(Take Away)的时候,他说可以啊,搞笑的是她用了一个质地很好的保鲜塑料袋给我装了果汁,可爱的小店,下次我一定要在去.

I'm up to here:我实在吃不下了

4.10 I appreciate your invitation. 感谢你的邀请. | I'm up to here. 我实在吃不下了! | 5.31 What's the weather like? 天气怎么样?

bring home the bacon:挣钱养家

10. an adventurous eater大胆的食客 | 11. bring home the bacon挣钱养家 | 12. bite off more than you can chew贪多而吃不下(尤指接下过多工作而完不成)