英语人>词典>汉英 : 号召力 的英文翻译,例句
号召力 的英文翻译、例句


rallying point
更多网络例句与号召力相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After years of hard work and development of companies in domestic and foreign brands have a high appeal.


Participating in the art and becoming a part of an artistic work is indeed a very attractive theme.


Arum isn't crazy about this matchup because Abraham wouldn't generate a lot of money here.


Besides, the Android equipment of diversification still can produce the result outside meaning, for example, make consumer feels bemused, force of appeal of attenuant brand.


"He's certainly strong in the U.S., but you see the global reach of him," Burman said.


His energy and charisma will be helpful.


Also on the agenda for next year: a proposal, backed by some influential law-makers , to split the INS into two agencies—a good cop that would tend to service functions like processing citizenship papers and a bad cop that would concentrate on border inspections, deportation and other functions.


Casting Downey Jr. in the lead was not only a good choice based on his ability to pull off diverse characters, but also a great marketing decision because of his cross-generational appeal.


Telekom Malaysia know all about the power of the Club to energise people in Malaysia and they have some great ideas about how to bring this deal to life.


She has not hitherto been regarded by Washington insiders as a real firebrand, or heavy hitter.


更多网络解释与号召力相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


河正宇和妻夫木聪的联手出演,使>成09年上半年备受期待的作品 河正宇和妻夫木聪可谓韩日两国代表性的演技派明星,具有超强的票房号召力,由于两人联袂出演的影片>(Boat)备受关注,成了2009年上半年备受期待的作品.

box office appeal:票房号召力

ballad n. 歌谣 | box office appeal: 票房号召力 | box office earnings: 票房收入

box office earnings:票房收入

box office appeal: 票房号召力 | box office earnings: 票房收入 | Broadway: 百老汇

box office earnings:票房收入 *roadway: 百老汇

box office appeal: 票房号召力 | box office earnings: 票房收入 *roadway: 百老汇 | celebrity n. 名人


动作/惊悚类预告片有三款:>(Jonah Hex)、>(Piranha 3D)、>(Buried). >的乔什.布洛林在>失利后,自然想继续构筑票房号召力,但当梅根.福克斯再一次像骆驼顶着驼峰一样挺着巨胸登场时,


charge 电荷 | chariness 谨慎 | charisma 号召力


几天前,布兰妮出席了她为伊丽莎白.雅顿公司代言的香水"好奇"(Curious)的庆功宴. 淡出娱乐圈有一段时日的布兰妮依然有强大的市场号召力,卖出了超过一千万瓶的"好奇",这个数字足以表明人们对这位话题小天后的好奇心依然够强. 同天,

Runaway Jury:失控的陪审团

接下来不论是浪漫喜剧>Serendipity中重回斯文小生的魅力演出,或是在票房惊悚佳作>Identity、>(Runaway Jury)里获得影评人一致肯定的精湛演出,都让约翰库萨克的角色范畴和跨类型的票房号召力大为拓展.

Shanghai Noon:赎金之王

自从1998年他与黑人谐星基斯德加合演>(Rush Hour),在美国爆冷叫座后,2000年与反斗白星奥云威逊合演>(Shanghai Noon)也有号召力,成龙就成为历来最成功地打入好莱坞的亚洲影星.

boxoffice appeal:票房号召力

balladn.歌谣 | boxoffice appeal:票房号召力 | boxoffice earnings:票房收入