英语人>词典>汉英 : 可长期使用的 的英文翻译,例句
可长期使用的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与可长期使用的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There're big, medium and small bellyband according to the belly measurement so as to achieve ideal waist- line;Size:S/M/L.


The results show that the surface out-gassing is mainly responsible for the pressure increase, and that at 77K, the base pressure in the Dewar vacuum interlayer can be 5.0×10^(-4)Pa and maintained for a fairly long period of time.


This paper presents the idea and implementing method of the computer automatic compilation of the cash flow sheet .


Long-term use of my company's full range of products that can maintain the whiteness of grass cloth, grass cloth to extend the service life compared to similar products and domestic, has the following advantages. 1, security, environmental protection 2, dosage Province 3, effective 4, 5 easy process, low energy consumption and time to the province.


However, large amount of immunosuppressants can cause not only the side-effects, such as hyperpiesia and hepatorenal toxity, but also severe infection and malignant carcinoma, especially in a long run.


The doctrine of excusable nonuse mitigates even that long a period of nonuse if the prior user can demonstrate that the nonuse was only a temporary withdrawal from the market that was caused by external forces.


Such waste silk with high oil content as bisu and spotted cocoon are degumming once with degreasing agent PT-1 and Tz-2 instead of schapping processing used for a long time in the past.

使用脱脂助剂PT 1、TZ 2一次练滞头、黄斑茧等含油高的原料,代替过去长期使用的腐化练工艺,减少了丝纤维的受损程度,既可减轻劳动强度,提高劳动效率,节省水、电、汽,又可提高练折、梳折和纤维长度,使丝纤维色泽更白净,提高滞头类绢纺原料的品位。

The two drums transmissions are intercrossed for more reasonable weight distribution, realizing higher compaction quality in operation.3.Dual frequency and amplitudes vibration system may obtain optimal compaction for different quality and course materials.


Beneficial bacteria, it is with the characteristic of ammonification, nitrification, denitrification, desulfidation and dephosphorylation, etc., its growth is very quickly, it has the good efficiency for degrading water quality factor, it can well reduce ammonia and nitrogen, degrade nitrite, increase the dissolved oxygen in water, activate water quality, rich water, purify water, adjust water color, increase the transparency of water, restrain the reproduction of pathogen, prevent diseases of fish, by using this product for long term, can restore the water-ecological balance destroyed by slathering disinfector, antibiotics, form the advantage community, improve the water quality quickly, keep the good water ecological balance, decrease the disk of breeding, increase the benefit of breeding.


Maximum Series portable chillers will operate efficiently for many years in many types of industrial environments.


更多网络解释与可长期使用的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bretton Woods system:布雷顿森林协定

可调整的钉住汇率制(adjustable pegged exchange rates)源于1944的布雷顿森林协定(Bretton Woods system). 在这种体制中,各国的汇率既可以保持稳定又可以具有灵活性. 在短期,各国可以使用外汇稳定基金把汇率维持在固定的水平;而在长期,

sales contract:销售合同

这种合同可分为"销售合同"(Sales Contract)和"购货合同"(Purchase Contract)两种. 使用的文字是第三人称的语气. 这是合同的简化形式,一般适用于成交金额不大、批数较多的轻工产品或土特产品,或者已订有代理、包销等长期协议的交易.

purchase contract:购货合同

这种合同可分为"销售合同"(Sales Contract)和"购货合同"(Purchase Contract)两种. 使用的文字是第三人称的语气. 这是合同的简化形式,一般适用于成交金额不大、批数较多的轻工产品或土特产品,或者已订有代理、包销等长期协议的交易.

Psyllium seed:洋车前子

这类产品里 的主成分通常是磨碎的洋车前子(psyllium seed). 这是一种超级浓 缩的纤维,它不会让使用者上瘾,通常可安全使用,甚至可长期服 用. 然而,服用这类通便剂时,必须搭配大量的水(详读使用说明), 以免它们黏着于肠内.

Long lasting, razor-sharp edge:长期持久的,锐利边缘

Features: 特点: | Long lasting, razor-sharp edge长期持久的,锐利边缘 | Reusable package可重复使用的包装


但也有明显的缺点,化学防治的缺点概括起来可称为"三R问题",即抗药性(Resistance)、再猖獗(Rampancy)及农药残留(Remnant). 由于长期对同一种害虫使用相同类型的农药,使得某些害虫产生不同程度的抗药性;由于用药不当杀死了害虫的天敌,


混凝土技术发展的一个终极目标是最大限度地延长其使用寿命,也即耐用性(Serviceability)问题. 这就对混凝土的长期性能特别是耐久性提出了更高的要求. 另外一个很重要的问题是混凝土技术的可持续发展,其目标就是要使混凝土技术的发展与资源、环境等实现良性循环,

suppressive infection:隐性感染

隐性感染(suppressive infection)是指人体感染寄生虫后,没有出现明显临床表现,也不能用常规方法检测出病原体的寄生现象. 只有当免疫功能不全时,例如长期使用抗肿瘤药物、免疫抑制剂或艾滋病患者,这时寄生虫大量增殖,致病力大为增强,可使患者致死,


产品描述 成分:鲔鱼(TUNA)白身鱼、纤维素、海藻粉末、蛋白质分解酵素、人工胶质(凝胶)、维他命类、矿物质类等 |化毛球的肉罐,排毛球效果达88%‖有耐热性蛋白质分解酵素,海藻粉及纤维素,具有除毛球机能,安全可靠且可长期使用


七、血管扩张剂(vasodilator)治疗: 以血管扩张剂口服或静脉注射,可使afterload减低,而降低肺动脉压,增加周边血液循环. 临犬上可使用的药物包括apresoline 及nitroprusside,但因静脉注射需要随时注意心跳、血压等变化,不适长期使用.