英语人>词典>汉英 : 可遵守的 的英文翻译,例句
可遵守的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与可遵守的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I SWEAR by Apollo the physician, and Aesculapius, and Health, and All-heal, and all the gods and goddesses, that, according to my ability and judgment, I will keep this Oath and this stipulation- to reckon him who taught me this Art equally dear to me as my parents, to share my substance with him, and relieve his necessities if required; to look upon his offspring in the same footing as my own brothers, and to teach them this art, if they shall wish to learn it, without fee or stipulation; and that by precept, lecture, and every other mode of instruction, I will impart a knowledge of the Art to my own sons, and those of my teachers, and to disciples bound by a stipulation and oath according to the law of medicine, but to none others.


I swear by Apollo the physician, and Aesculapius, and All-heal, and all the gods and goddesses, that, according to my ability and judgement, I will keep this stipulation to reckon him who taught me this Art equally dear to me as my parents, to share my substance with him, and relieve his necessities if required; to look upon his offspring in the same footing as my own brothers and to teach them this art, if they shall wish to learn it, without fee or stipulation; and that by precept, lecture, and every other mode of instruction, I will impart a knowledge of the Art to my own sons, and those of my teachers and to disciples bound by a stipulation and oath according to the law of medicine, but to none others.


6 All traffic signs and signals, whether fixed or portable must be obeyed; drivers must cooperate with BP Amoco security officers and others appointed to direct traffic.

应遵守所有的交通指示牌和交通警示灯(无论固定的还是可移动的),司机必须配合BP Amoco的保安员和其他派来指挥交通的人员的工作。

From the angle of institution, the function of economic law is mainly the one of the formal reason; that is to say, it is to provide a set of rules and procedure for state intervention.


The required standard of conduct is that of the reasonable person in the circumstances, and depends, in particular, on the nature and value of the protected interest involved, the dangerousness of the activity, the expertise to be expected of a person carrying it on, the foreseeability of the damage, the relationship of proximity or special reliance between those involved, as well as the availability and the costs of precautionary or alternative methods.


In any situation whatsoever and wheresoever occurring and whether existing or anticipated before commencement of or during the voyage, which in the judgment of the Carrier or the Master is likely to give rise to risk of capture, seizure, detention, damage, delay or disadvantage to or loss of the ship or any part of her cargo, or to make it unsafe, imprudent, or unlawful for any reason to commence or proceed on or continue the voyage or to enter or discharge the goods at the port of discharge, or to give rise to delay or difficulty in arriving, discharging at or leaving the port of discharge or the usual or agreed place of discharge in such port, the Carrier may before loading or before the commencement of the voyage, require the shipper or other person entitled thereto to take delivery of the goods at port of shipment and upon failure to do so, may warehouse the goods at the risk and expense of the goods; or the Carrier or the Master, whether or not proceeding toward or entering or attempting to enter the port of discharge or reaching or attempting to reach the usual place of discharge therein or attempting to discharge the goods there, may discharge the goods into depot, lazaretto, craft, or other place.

不论任何地方任何情况,不论是在开航前或航程中存在或预料到的,只要承运人或船长认为可能有导致捕获、扣押、没收、损害、延误或对船舶或其货物不利或产生灭失,或致使起航或续航或进港或在卸货港卸货不安全、不适当、或非法,或致使延误或难于抵达、卸载或离开卸货港或该港通常或约定的卸货地,承运人可在装货或开航前要求发货人或与货物权利有关的其他人在装货港口提回货物,如要求不果,可仓储货物,风险和费用算在货主头上;承运人或船长,不论是续航至或进入或企图进入卸货港,或抵达或企图抵达港口通常的卸货地,或企图在此卸货,也可将货物卸在仓库、检疫站、驳船,或其他地方。分析:用来表示遵守的词和词组很多,我们大致列举出像follow, observe, abide by, comply with等。在前面这些词和词语中,comply with是最正式的一个表达,因此,也常常在法律英语中使用。从语法上来说,comply with 的主语通常是物,而其他几个单词或词组的主语通常为人。如

Whether or not legal proceedings are brought against any person in respect of any failure to comply or contravention specified in subsection (1); or the ship ceases to be registrable .


The design of our WPKI rigorously complies with standard specifications as PKI, WPKI and WAP, which ensures properties such as authority, justness and reliableness .


They swore an oath which none shall break, and none should take, by the name even of Iluvatar, calling the Everlasting Dark upon them if they kept it not; and Manwe they named in witness, and Varda, and the hallowed mountain of Taniquetil, vowing to pursue with vengeance and hatred to the ends of the World Vala, Demon, Elf or Man as yet unborn, or any creature, great or small, good or evil, that time should bring forth unto the end of days, whoso should hold or take or keep a Silmaril from their possession.


Dao De is the rule which should be abided by for sustainable development of the society.


更多网络解释与可遵守的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


英国法在确认商事习惯的法律性质时,要求该商事习惯必须是"确定的"(certain),"可预见的"(predictable),"古老的"(sincetimeimmemorial). (注:U.C.C. 1-205,Comment5.)而在美国,商人的习惯做法或方式只要是在某一地区、某一行业、或某类贸易中得到了经常遵守,


这句话是说,凡事都应考虑"三个C":遵守(compliance)各种规则. 包括一切成文法律、道德原则、社会习俗、公司政策,以及一般公认的公平原则;对社会的贡献(contribution). 包括提供有价值的产品与服务、工作机会,以及可为社会带来繁荣与兴盛;


是一种分布式服务系统,它由若干个相互作用的联邦成员(Federate)组成,只要遵循通用的HLA规则,任何联邦成员可自由地加入与退出. 并且基于规范自主定义的分布式松散耦合模式,各类企业均可采用. -加入联邦的成员遵守联邦协同规则,


则可记成: 因有(have)特(te)急事,脚步很匆忙英语字词 strict,则可记成:弟(di)在行政区里面,遵守严格的(strict)的制度那里好象(seem)有接缝(seam)成:RANKING第四(fourth)难满足,鼓足劲头向前(forth)追形上只相差唯一字母,


高效网(HEPA)汐止可 除99.97%直径大於0.3微米的微子.线的管制与进出必须遵守的除污(decontamination)步骤,避免交叉感染.对於隔vehicle)及病媒(vector)等方式传播而在作业场所造成扩散感染,同时该感染性物质虫(protozoa),昆虫(insects)及微生物产生之毒素


则可记成:弟(di) 在行政区里面, 遵守严格的(strict)的制度音 er, 则可记成: 她(she)的儿(er)子胆真大,爬上陡峭的悬崖的词形相近; 则可记成: 脖子(neck)上面刻痕(nick)记成:绰号是带有刻痕(nick)的名字(name)的词形相近;


observable stratigraphic unit 可见地层单位 | observable 可探测到的 | observance 遵守;纪念;惯例;礼仪;注意


英国法在确认商事习惯的法律性质时,要求该商事习惯必须是"确定的"(certain),"可预见的"(predictable),"古老的"(sincetimeimmemorial). (注:U.C.C. 1-205,Comment5.)而在美国,商人的习惯做法或方式只要是在某一地区、某一行业、或某类贸易中得到了经常遵守,


对于人的"尊严"、"唯一性"(uniqueness)等概念亦可从同样的思路做出解答. 最后是规则. 在通过契约达成相对统一的概念和原则之后,人们就可以进一步通过契约来达成可供大家共同遵守的规则. 规则可以是法律、道德与伦理等. 一般而言,

respirable suspended particulates:可因呼吸进入人体的悬浮微粒

respect immediately and fully;立即完全遵守;; | respirable suspended particulates;可因呼吸进入人体的悬浮微粒;RSPs; | respirable-sized particulates;颗粒大小可因呼吸进入人体的微粒;;