英语人>词典>汉英 : 可纠正的 的英文翻译,例句
可纠正的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
remediable  ·  rightable

更多网络例句与可纠正的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In response to a previous correctable error having occurred, the location of the previous CE is retrieved.


EEN can correct obstruction sex the T lymphocyte immunity of the patient after icteric operation checks status, promote its immunity function to restore.


According to such relation, the inverse distance power method is used to give the spatial interpolation to reveal the image rectification accuracy. Based on above, the visualizations of accuracy are used to give the detail description of the quality of image rectification.


The invention refers to a method to correct universal frequency of electric communication technique, its character: make signal index quantization on the complex number of cross product, to directly reflect the quantized numerical value of tangent value and the located quadrant of imaginary and real parts, use inverse tangent ROM table to discriminate the processed result, then make loop filter and phase accumulation on the discriminated result to obtain error-correcting angle, and use digital controlled oscillator to make table look-up and quadrant adjustment to obtain correcting factor; use the relationship of trigonometric function in each quadrant to compress inverse tangent look-up table ROM and digital controlled oscillator look-up table ROM.


Either party may terminate this Agreement by written notice immediately upon material breach by the other party if such breach cannot be remedied, or if the other party fails to cure any material remediable breach within 30 days of receipt of written notice.


The transplantation of the bovine chromaffin cells in the brain of hemiparkinsonian rats could correct the abnormal rotational behaviors and the xenografts could survive.


A correction can be, for example , rework or regrade


Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for information about enabling resumable space allocation, what conditions are correctable, and what statements can be made resumable.

Oracle 数据库管理员指南了解如何使用可恢复的空间分配模式,何种空间分配问题可以被纠正,以及何种语句可以被恢复。

Results In 3T3-L1 adipocytes, isoproterenol at the concentration of 10 μmol/L reduced the adiponectin secretion and insulin at the concentration of 5 nmol/L could block the inhibitory effect of isoproterenol. In 313-Li adipocytes expressed myrAkt, adiponectin secretion decreased significantly, isoproerenol treatment increased adiponectin and insulin couldn't block the effect of isoproterenol.

结果 异丙肾上腺素可明显降低3T3-L1脂肪细胞脂联素的蛋白质表达,胰岛素可纠正这一变化;表达myrAkt的3T3-L1脂肪细胞中脂联素明显减少,异丙肾上腺素可增加脂联素蛋白的表达,胰岛素不能纠正这一变化。

With the integration of Confucianism idea and mechanics principium, it is concluded that supplying dormancy can cure mental foul-up.


更多网络解释与可纠正的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

achromatic lens:消色差透镜

这种像差可由消色差透镜(achromatic lens)来纠正. 在球面像差情况下,则是由于透镜或镜面屈曲,使来自物体的所有光线聚焦位置稍有不同的结果. 如果是用平面镜接收光,且光严格平行于光轴的情况下,可用抛物面而不是用球面来纠正.

amenable process:可纠正的程序,可补救的程序

可变更的司法管辖权 ambulatory jurisdiction | 可纠正的程序,可补救的程序 amenable process | n.修正,修订 amendment

birth cohort:出生队列

显示致病因子与年龄的关系 是其最大的缺点.但出生队列分析方法可纠正这一缺点.(2)出生队列分析 (birth cohort analysis): 将同一时期出生的人 出生队列分析 是其最大的缺点 划归一组称为出生队列(birth cohort), 可对其随访若干年,


corrective,纠正的,矫正的 | corrigible,ajd,可改正的,可纠正的 | direct,直接的,坦白的


recti- 表示"直 | rectifiable 可纠正的 | rectification 纠正


remains 残余,余额;废墟 | remediable 可纠正的,可治疗的 | reminisce 追忆,怀旧

posture scoliosis:姿势性侧凸

脊柱过度后弯称为脊柱后凸(kyphosis),也称为驼背(gibbus )姿势性侧凸(Posture scoliosis)时脊柱的弯曲度多不固定 ,改变体位可使侧凸得以纠正.平卧向前弯腰时脊柱侧凸可消失.姿势性侧凸的原因:关节(articulation)是骨骼的间接连接.某一肢体的部分或全部肌肉的体积缩小,


rectangularity 成长方形 | recti- 表示"直 | rectifiable 可纠正的


(4)已管理级(Managed) 产品和过程已建立了定量的质量目标. 过程中活动的生产率和质量是可量度的. 已建立过程数据库. 已实现项目产品和过程的控制. 可预测过程和产品质量趋势,如预测偏差,实现及时纠正. (5)优化级(Optimizing) 可集中精力改进过程,


拒收( 拒收(REJECTED) ) 在 PPAP 中使用,是指生产件提交和/或文件没有满足顾客要求.供方必须纠正生产过程并进行一次 新的提交. (通知顾客采购部门纠正的零件何时可完成的日期. (直到获得顾客对纠正零件的批准后才可发 运生产件.在获得零件批准之前,