英语人>词典>汉英 : 可空的 的英文翻译,例句
可空的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与可空的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You can rely on only put on the air gun, which will allow expansion of your enemy, until the last explosion


The only thing you can count on to bring the air gun, which allows expansion of your enemy, until the final explosion


Results The ethanol extracts 0.48 gkg^(-1, macroporous resin eluate of aqua 0.3 gkg^(-1 and the further purification 0.1, 0.3 gkg^(-1 could hasten gastric emptying in mice. Furthermore, they restrained the inhibition of dopamine on gastric emptying in mice. They had no effect on the inhibition of atropine.

结果 醇提物0.48gkg^(-1、大孔树脂水洗脱物0.3gkg^(-1及继续纯化物01、0.3gkg^(-1对正常小鼠的胃排空有促进作用,并可拮抗多巴胺引起的小鼠胃排空的抑制作用,而对阿托品引起的小鼠胃排空抑制作用无影响。

Proposal documents seen by Jane's suggest that the demonstrator vehicle will improve upon the Shkval with a movable, retractable cavitator on its nose cone.


For this reason, the author of this dissertation initiates a research project to investigate L2 learners'accessibility to UG by studying Chinese L2 learners'sensitivity to two of the UG principles: Subjacency and the ECP, two constraint principles on wh-movement.


Columns not marked as nullable will automatically raise exceptions if you attempt to persist an instance with a null value.


A method for cold transportation of goods that are placed in a hollow-walled refrigerating container, comprising the following steps: storage of a pumpable solution of tiny ice crystals, known as binary ice, having a given composition and temperature, in a binary ice store until said binary ice is used for refrigerating or filling purposes; the optionally filled wall of the refrigerating container that is to be used is emptied via an outlet valve for the binary ice; binary ice is allowed to circulate inside the refrigerating container via filling instruments that are supplied with binary ice from the binary ice store until the temperature of the wall drops to a given temperature, whereby the heated fluid that is discharged from the outlet valve is fed to a binary ice fluid store; the wall of the refrigerating container is filled with a given amount of binary ice; the refrigerating container is decoupled from the filling instruments; the binary fluid that result from the melted binary ice is returned to a corresponding binary fluid store in order to produce new binary ice from said binary fluid.


To obtain frequency is mixed take the intermittent breath with sky adjustable comparing, put forward a kind to be based on gas to accuse reversal valve switch from oscillation loop, accuse throttle of series connection of mouth of forerunner of a powerful person through be being enraged, tone sheds a powerful person to leave successively degree, and control aerates to forerunner mouth time, control gas to charge the reversal time of a powerful person then, produce different frequency and the intermittent breath that take sky comparing.


If parents really filial piety to parents, please turn the wheel, what really help to them, because the body all the good qualities of mouth meaning in the root, is one of the biggest merit wheel, all land, water, fire, wind, empty transgression; all can eliminate the margin of wealth, fame, life can be growth.


Based on Wavelet Packet Analysis and Smoothed Pseudo Wigner-Ville Distribution, the experiment data is time-frequency analyzed. The experimental results indicate that the amplitude of the laser-induced acoustic waves increases with the laser energy; the frequency coverage is from 0 to 150 KHz, and in the meantime there is a peak located at about 25 KHz. In addition, the spectrum and the peak of frequency are basically stable in spite of the change of laser energy and target texture.


更多网络解释与可空的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


4.6 Testing and Marking of Venting Devices排气装置的测试和可... | 5 REFRIGERATED ABOVEGROUND AND BELOWGROUND TANKS制冷的地上和地下储罐. 17 | 5.2 Causes of Overpressure or Vacuum导 致 超 压 或 真 空.的因...


急急急啊 香港理工大学 网上申请 籍贯(nationality)中 没有可选项 是空旳!急急急! 香港理工大学 网上申请 籍贯(nationality)中 没有可选项 是空的!或者可以这样说:急急急啊 香港理工大学 网上申请 籍贯(nationality)中 没有可选项 是空旳!

Nicolas Flamel:尼可 勒梅

据传欧洲最伟大的炼金术师--尼可.勒梅(Nicolas Flamel)完成了历史上唯一的一块贤者之石. 这位大炼金术师在1330年出生於法国,他在巴黎所住过的房子现在还保存著. 他的坟墓是空的,有人认为这是觊觎勒梅炼金术成果的盗墓者干的好事,


我以为佛学可分两部观察之,一即有的系统,所谓胜义有,亦即现象论(Phenomenalism)的范围;另一为空的系统,所谓毕竟空,亦即本体论(Ontology)之范围. 而空的系统其实还是个空,它是无法说的. 其系统乃由于"遮遣"(或称之为扬弃或否定)有的系统而建立的.

worked out:采空的

workable seam 可采煤层 | worked out 采空的 | worked out section 工作;采空区

paces abouts her room again,alone:她在我精神造夢能力的時空轉換下 再次獨自走過她被姦暴的香潔閨房

when lovely woman stoops to folly and 可愛的女人都... | paces abouts her room again,alone 她在我精神造夢能力的時空轉換下 再次獨自走過她被姦暴的香潔閨房 | she smoothes her hair with automatic hand,她自發...

citable form:可引述的形式

blank nomination forms 留空待填的提名表格 | citable form 可引述的形式 | common form probate business 普通形式的遗嘱认证事务


unique 唯一的 | nullable 可为空的 | insertable 可插入的

Nullable Type:可空类型

但是这种方法不是很适合参数和返回值. 第三种方法是使用一组用户定义的可空类型,但是这仅适用于属于闭集的类型集合. C# 的可空类型 (nullable type) 通过为所有值类型的可空形式提供完整和集成的支持,解决了这个由来已久的问题.


vapor-air release valve 蒸气-空气阀 | vaporable 可挥发的,可蒸发的,可汽化的 | vaporability 蒸发性,挥发性,汽化性