英语人>词典>汉英 : 可熔化的 的英文翻译,例句
可熔化的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与可熔化的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Translation - urea characteristic The urea is one kind of achromatic color, tasteless, the odourlessness acicular or the orthogonal prism build crystallizes, in the actual production is granulated for the white or the tint; The granularity may be possible to be small greatly according to enterprise's characteristic; When heats up to 132.7℃ starts to melt, the solid urea density is 1.335g/cm 3, dissolves in the water and the few organic reagents, the urea assumes the alkalescency, may live the salifying with the acid function, when the temperature surpasses 60℃, the urea in the acid, the alkalinity or the neutral solution has the hydrolisis.

问题补充:尿素是一种无色、无味、无臭的针形或正交棱柱体形结晶,实际生产中为白色或浅色颗粒状;粒度则根据企业的特点可大可小;当加热到132.7℃开始熔化,固体尿素密度为1.335g/cm 3,溶于水和少量的有机试剂,尿素呈微碱性,可与酸作用生成盐,当温度超过60℃时,尿素在酸、碱性或中性溶液中发生水解。

The catheter assembly of claim 35, wherein the first material and the second material have different durometer hardness values.

如权利要求 35 的导管组件,其中第一材料为一种可熔化加工的聚合物,并且第二材料为另一种可熔化加工的聚合物。

The partial melting process during increasing temperature includes uniformization of the compositions, divorced eutectic melting, and the partial melting and glomeration of primary α-Mg.


By using its own grease gun, it can flexibly apply any part that needed heating. It can apply quick heating and drying for large area, hot process of organ, firing in furnace and hot melt which is equipped a fan to produce enough hot gas from the tail-end for heating demand.


The shapes of the melting solid surface may be concave, convex or plane, while the perimeter of plane contact regions may be rectangular, circular, elliptical, parabolic and arc curve. The types of relative motion reviewed here are the movement of a solid PCM melting inside a heated capsule, the movement of a hot body through a melting solid medium, slide contact and rolling contact. The contact melting may be caused by temperature difference, pressure difference, friction and viscous heating. Finally, the research regions in the future are summarized.


The method according to claim 6, for manufacturing a blade wherein a part external to the shell comprises a blade rooting part having at least one attachment bar, in which an end portion for linkage to a hub of said rotor is fitted with a laminate attachment, also comprising thermoplastic composite, and extending said at least one spar bar housed in the shell, the method further comprising the step of producing the elementary piece comprising the at least one spar by producing each attachment bar and the spar bar in the form of a strip of continuous and unidirectional reinforcing fibres which are agglomerated by said thermoplastic matrix, obtained by pultrusion at a melting temperature of the matrix, of several plies of continuous and unidirectional fibres which are agglomerated by said matrix, and, if said rooting part comprises at least two attachment bars, each one of which respectively extends one spar bar, in superimposing parts of corresponding strips forming the spar part housed in the shell, with interposition of at least one ply of continuous and unidirectional fibres which are agglomerated by said matrix between the adjacent superimposed strip parts, and fitting a removable tool, in the shape of a wedge, between parts held spaced from each other of two neighbouring strips, to form two attachment bars of the rooting part, then arranging the strips in a mould, and inserting each linkage end portion of a pultruded strip between two laminate elements of the attachment, to superimpose all the laminate elements of the attachment, closing the mould and compacting its contents under pressure and at a melting temperature of said thermoplastic matrix, and solidifying the matrix by cooling to rigidify the spar thus obtained with the laminate attachment solidly attached to its rooting part.

该方法根据索赔六,制造业刀片其中的一部分,罐壳外部包括一个叶片生根的一部分,拥有至少一个实习酒吧,在其中一结束部分为联系枢纽的说,转子是带有附件的层压板,也包括热塑性复合材料,并延长说,至少有一石酒吧住在蚬壳公司,进一步组成的方法步骤,生产初级一块组成的至少有一个SPAR公司生产每个附件的酒吧和酒吧在SPAR公司的形式,带不断加强和单向纤维是由烧结说,热塑性矩阵,得到的拉挤在熔化温度矩阵,数层的连续和单向纤维是由烧结说,矩阵,如果说,生根部分组成,至少有两个实习酒吧,每个人都分别延长一石酒吧,在叠加部分,相应的带形成的SPAR公司的一部分,居住在蚬壳公司,与干预的至少有一单层连续和单向纤维是由烧结说,矩阵之间的毗邻叠加条形零件,及装修一个可移动的工具,在形状,离间,部分之间举行的间隔从对方的两个邻国带,形成两个附件酒吧的生根部分,然后安排带在一个模具,并插入每个联系年底部分一拉挤带之间的二板的要素扣押,叠加所有层压板的要素扣押,关闭模具和压缩其内容的压力下和在熔化温度说,热塑性矩阵,并巩固矩阵冷却 rigidify该SPAR公司,从而获得与层压板的附着牢固重视其生根的一部分。

The carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system is able to put gas fire out after the gas supply source is cut, and it is also able to put out liquid fire, solid fire of fusible materials such as paraffin and asphalt, solid surface fire, deep-seated solid fire such as wincey, fabric, and paper, and electric fire, etc.


The lowest part of a blast furnace or cupola, from which the molten metal flows.


The method of claim 1, wherein the outer layer of the catheter shaft comprises a melt processable polymer.

如权利要求 1 的方法,其中导管轴外层包含可熔化加工的聚合物。

The method of claim 1, wherein the inner jacket segment comprises a melt processable polymer.

如权利要求 1 的方法,其中内护套段包含可熔化加工的聚合物。

更多网络解释与可熔化的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


设计者现在正在研究替代的基底材料,可忍受更高的温度,以及各向异性的(anisotropic)导电性胶来取代倒装芯片和元件包装应用中的焊锡. 无铅合金的较高熔化温度可提供一些优势,比如,提高抗拉强度和更好的温度疲劳阻抗、使其适合于象汽车电子元件这样的高温应用.


当希腊乳酪(Feta)、法国布里乳酪(Brie)和潘尼拉(Panela )没有莫扎里拉的融解能力, 小量的用在比萨上会起到很好的作用,并可很好地辅佐其它饼顶馅料. 如果您渴望一种乳酪具有类似于莫扎里拉的熔化的能力, 混合型乳酪的作用表现就极好.

consumables store:消耗品物料库

consumable 消耗品船用备品熔化的可消耗的 | consumables store 消耗品物料库 | consumables stores 消耗品


设计师:天木蓝(Timberland)创新工厂余烬(EMBER)是种不一般的香味蜡烛,其原料是清洁燃烧的混合天然蜡,熔化后可作为按摩油. 用户定制设计的陶瓷容器反射柔和的烛光,而当蜡烛融化后,精巧的壶嘴将最大限度倒出蜡油,不会浪费.


涂锡或焊剂的表面是可熔的(fusible). 锡涂层在焊接过程中熔化并渗入到衬底表面产生的金属间化合物中. 比较而言,金涂层表面是可溶解的(soluble),这意味着金完全溶解在焊剂里,金属间化合物在裸露的底层形成.


根据业界现有的微芯片研究...本快速充电器被设计成可作2号、3号、4号各种镍氢/ 镍镉电池充电,因此采用连接器与各电池连接电池盒的方式,值得注意的是电池盒的选用必需非常谨慎,否则电池盒会有熔化(melt)之虞,笔者装设through hole type散热器(heat sink)增加散热效果;



colliquate:熔[融]化, 溶[熔]解

colliquable | 易熔[溶]的, 可熔化的 | colliquate | 熔[融]化, 溶[熔]解 | collision accident | 空中相撞事故


colliquable 易熔[溶]的, 可熔化的 | defog 从...除雾 | hot atom reaction 热原子反应

liquefiable hydrocarbons:易液化烃类

liquefaction 液化;熔化 | liquefiable hydrocarbons 易液化烃类 | liquefiable 可液化的