英语人>词典>汉英 : 可漂浮的 的英文翻译,例句
可漂浮的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
floatable  ·  flotative

更多网络例句与可漂浮的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A long,narrow,floatable board used especially in surf in g.


A long, narrow, floatable board used especially in surfing .


METHODS: The rib trabeculae were resected and broken, trypsinizated and washed completely by PBS. Bone surface and non-adhesive floating cells in cleaning fluid were observed with inverted microscope. Rib trabeculae was washed by DMEM culture medium once, and cultured in culture bottle. The culture liquid was replaced by new one once a week. The osteoblast was moved from the sclerite a week later. The cells were fused monolayer and could be subcultured 4 to 6 weeks later.


The internal skin is a layer of rotate-able white translucent screens. When the screen is rotate to the position perpendicular to the facade, the panoramic lake-view enters the dining space; when closed, the dining room has both proper natural light and privacy. The glass boxes would look like white lanterns floating on the lake, as the interior lighting is softly diffused by the screen.


Outside the green eyes well up, may my head but floats that familiar yet strange people, let me green Centerless appreciate this.


Floatable dunnage,lining,packing materials,paper products,rags glass,metal,crockery,etc. stored in after updeck would be discharged at sea after the distance from the nearest land is more 15 than 25 nautical miles or delivered to the port reception facilities.

4.2.5 对可漂浮的垫舱物料、材料、包装材料、纸张、碎布、玻璃、金属、瓶子陶器和类似器物全部储存于船艉甲板,待航行至距岸 25 海里以上时倾倒入海或到港后进行处理。

A floating structure used to close off the entrance to a dock or canal lock.


The floating model is defined with a datum point indicates the model's position. Each kind of models is associated with a set of pose parameters to describe its rotation about the three orthogonal axes and shape parameters to describe its scales along predefined directions.


The hot-air balloon took off. It was as buoyant in the air as a leaf in water.

把热气球升在空中比作叶子在水中,可猜出 buoyant 是&漂浮&的意思。

By experiment I know that wood swims, and dry leaves, and feathers, and plenty of other things; therefore by all that cumulative evidence you know that a rock will swim; but you have to put up with simply knowing it, for there isn't any way to prove it-up to now.


更多网络解释与可漂浮的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


水温和溶解氧的含量等.水生群落按垂直方向,一般可分为: 漂浮动物(neuston) 浮游动物(plankton) 水生生物群落 游泳动物(nekton) 底栖动物(benthos) 附底动物(epifauna) 底内动物(infauna) (三) 水平结构 群落的水平格局,


flitter /飞来飞去/一掠而过的东西/ | flivver /廉价小汽车/失败/乘廉价小汽车/ | floatable /可漂浮的/可浮起的/可航行的/


floatability 浮动性 | floatable 可漂浮的 | floatage 漂浮


flivver /廉价小汽车/失败/乘廉价小汽车/ | floatable /可漂浮的/可浮起的/可航行的/ | floatage /漂浮/浮力/漂浮物/

floatable substance:漂浮物质;可浮动的物质

floatable material 漂浮物料 | floatable substance 漂浮物质;可浮动的物质 | floating aerator 浮置式曝气机

floatable material:漂浮物料

floatable 漂浮物 | floatable material 漂浮物料 | floatable substance 漂浮物质;可浮动的物质


floatable 可漂浮的 | floatage 漂浮 | floater 漂浮者


"浮选(flotation)"一词,是漂浮选矿的简称. 浮选是根据矿物颗粒表面物理化学性质的不同,从矿石中分离有用矿物的技术方法(即按矿物可浮性的差异进行分选的方法). 浮选法广泛用于细粒嵌布的金属矿物、非金属矿产、化工原料矿物等的分选.




water soluble paint 水溶性漆 | water soluble 可溶于水的 | water son 漂浮水面的货物