英语人>词典>汉英 : 可居住 的英文翻译,例句
可居住 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与可居住相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Astrochemistry Laboratory researches on extraterrestrial materials and especially the formation, distribution, and fate of organic compounds (comprised primarily of carbon, like those in living things), space environments including interstellar, cometary, and planetary ices, extraterrestrial organic molecules that made the Earth habitable and may have even been involved in the origins of life.


In Budapest the most serious social problem has continued to be lack of decent housing.


The Geobiology/Astrobiology group studies of Geobiology and Astrobiology, including elements of the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, and the lithosphere, the limits of life and habitability on our planet, organisms living at unusual conditions, searching for extraterrestrial life, and Mars.


Habitability isn't as important as it is in other 4x space games.


This article and the habitability angle analyzes this question on the urban planning.


Imagery and Habitability in Urban Design:Can these Two Functions be Reconciled?


And it's worth noting that scientists' requirements for habitability count Mars in that category: a size relatively similar to Earth's with temperatures that would permit liquid water.


The 420 million Phoenix mission is analyzing the dust and subsurface ice layers of Mars ' arctic regions to look for signs of potential past habitability .


The habitability of Mars, Europa and Titan, other planetary systems, the co-evolution of life and its host planet, and the evolution of intelligence.


Liveable city alley green car are commonly used in city alley clean process on the urban and city living roads.


更多网络解释与可居住相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


habit 矿物结晶形态;习惯 | habitability 可居住;适于居住 | habitat model 生境模型


habit-forming 成习惯性的 | habitability 可居住 | habitable 可居住

habitable square mile:可居住人口的平方英里

273growth rate人口增长速度 | 277habitable square mile可居住人口的平方英里 | 282hard currencyn.硬通货


gully小峡谷 | habitable可居住的a | habit住(根)


28. 携手 make joint efforts | 29. 可居住 habitable | 30. 生态环境破坏 destruction of ecological balance

habitable planet:可居住行星

GW Virginis star 室女 GW 型星 | habitable planet 可居住行星 | Hakucho X 射线天文卫星

habitable space:居住空间

"公众舞厅"(public dance hall) 指任何为跳舞用途而开设、经营或用作跳舞用途的地方,而该地方可让公众入场,不论是否须缴付入场费;"可居住空间"(habitable space) 指建筑物内各层楼面面积的总和,

livable:适于居住的; 能接受的; 生活有意义的 (形)

livability 生存力; 可居住性 (名) | livable 适于居住的; 能接受的; 生活有意义的 (形) | live and let live 和平共存的

tenantable:可租借的; 可居住的 (形)

tenant farmer 佃户; 佃农 | tenantable 可租借的; 可居住的 (形) | tenantless 无人租赁的; 无人居住的 (形)


habitable 可居住的 | habitably 可居住地 | habitacle 壁龛