英语人>词典>汉英 : 叮嘱 的英文翻译,例句
叮嘱 的英文翻译、例句


urge again and again · repeatedly advise
更多网络例句与叮嘱相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I remember Dad that you told me a man must always be honest to himself, his country, his loved ones abd his fellow man.


Her last adjuration to daughter was to escape from dinginess if she could.


Well, emma, I do not believe I have any thing more to say about the boys; but you have your sister's letter, and every thing is down at full length there we may be sure.


Don't leave home for any reason whatsoever, asvise the avuncular voices of WCCO radio, our neighbor to the Great Northwest.

无论如何,不要以任何借口离家出门, WCCO 广播以大叔般的口气叮嘱道,这是我们大西北的一个邻居。

The doctor told him to bathe his eyes with a very dilute solution of boric acid .


He told me to watch out sharp and let him know when the men come in sight again; said they was up to some devilment or other -- wouldn't be gone long.


What had happened underlined his strictures of the night before; We should keep hands off the Middle East.


She went, however; and when they reached the farm, and she was to be put down, at the end of the broad, neat gravel walk, which led between espalier apple-trees to the front door, the sight of every thing which had given her so much pleasure the autumn before, was beginning to revive a little local agitation; and when they parted, emma observed her to be looking around with a sort of fearful curiosity, which determined her not to allow the visit to exceed the proposed quarter of an hour.


This was the peasant's last Good-night


So the mother goose took the carving knife and set forth with the little gosling close behind her.


更多网络解释与叮嘱相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be tempted to do:特别想要做某事

Beyond description 无法描述 | Be tempted to do特别想要做某事 | Impress upon st that 再三地叮嘱某人

high blood pressure:高血压

美国人大都很胖,据说60%以上超重,过胖容易发生糖尿病(diabetesmellitus)、高血压(high blood pressure)等疾病,所以妇女在控制体重方面自然特别重视. 医生会叮嘱孕妇,孕期内最多只能增重25磅(不到25斤),这样,新生儿重量大都能控制在6磅(不到6斤)左右.


3) Caution 叮嘱 | 4) Dawdle 闲逛 | 5) Stranger 陌生人

San Francisco:美国三藩市

不但游戏画面和动作很 港化,李连杰参与制作的故事剧情看起来也很像一出 港电影:李连杰扮演的主角是 港一名黑社会老大身边最信任的保镖,某天,老大遇刺身亡,临死前叮嘱李连杰一定要到美国三藩市(San Francisco)帮他找到失散多年的女儿

Go straight to:径直

1) Straight 直的 | 2) Go straight to 径直 | 3) Caution 叮嘱


皮球画出一道完美的弧线,向着球门左上角飞去,虽然门将埃拉(Ira)努力作出扑救,但是球仍然从他的手指尖滑过,球进了~~!这场比赛的首发阵容我没有做出任何调整,和上一场比赛一样. 但是在出场之前,我仔细的叮嘱球员们,


1973年1月9日,意大利摄影记者(photojournalist)洛迪(GiorgioLotti)先生随同意大利外长梅迪奇(ItalianForeignMinisterMedici)见到了周恩来. 洛迪作为摄影记者,早就产生要为周恩来拍张单人像的强烈愿望. 尽管此次接见前意大利使馆向洛迪等记者叮嘱不允许携带照机,

she completely disregarded our instructions:她罔顾我们的叮嘱

My leg doesn't hurt anymore.|我的腿不疼了 | she completely disregarded our instructions.|她罔顾我们的叮嘱 | He asked a question. I was tired of lying.|他一直问 我不想撒谎了