英语人>词典>汉英 : 古怪地 的英文翻译,例句
古怪地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bizarrely  ·  oddly  ·  peculiarly  ·  weirdly  ·  anticly  ·  rumly

更多网络例句与古怪地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sporting a powerful but eccentric downstroke, Guldahl won three major championships in as many years.


Fauchery looked at her as she sat quaintly perched, in her voluminous ball dress of pale blue satin, on the corner of her armchair. She looked as slight and impudent as a boy, and he ended by feeling astonished at seeing her there.


I looked at her quizzically, wondering what she could mean.


He recalled that, in the intoxication of his love, in the Rue Plumet, during those six or seven ecstatic weeks, he had not even spoke to Cosette of that drama in the Gorbeau hovel, where the victim had taken up such a singular line of silence during the struggle and the ensuing flight.


Mother looked at me oddly, pursed her lips and offered me more rice.


Myself effusing and fluid, a phantom curiously floating, now here


He turns away from the mirror with brush in hand and gives me a strange smile.


Breaking the frame of the ancient drama, in a script element in the tragedy and comedy combined to enhance the vivid nature of the plot so that the "lofty and lowly, terror and funny, bold, and humorous bizarre blend together."


Everyday practice Wu3 Dun Ma3 step of result, let she detection oneself had a turnip leg, just a detection of time, she control don't live of a burst of scream, ask for the magpie think the day fell down and used light achievement formerly hospital Lue come in, come in of time, on the contrary it quick get a fright, peculiarly stare at her to say:"Originally you of light achievement so good."


In this portrait, Chagall is more interested in depicting the Poet's destiny than his individual personality.


更多网络解释与古怪地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

curiously: adv.1:好奇地 2.奇特地,离奇古怪地,稀奇地

yearn: v.渴望,热切企盼,思慕,向往 | curiously: adv.1.好奇地 2.奇特地,离奇古怪地,稀奇地 | meditative: a.沉思冥想的

erratically: adv.1:飘忽不定地,不稳定地,无规律地 2.古怪地,反复无常地,乖

trait: n.品质,特性,性格 | erratically: adv.1.飘忽不定地,不稳定地,无规律地 2.古怪地,反复无常地,乖 | isolate: v.隔离,孤立,使脱离

erratically: adv.1:飘忽不定地,不稳定地,无规律地 2.古怪地,反复无常地,乖僻地

trait: n.品质,特性,性格 | erratically: adv.1.飘忽不定地,不稳定地,无规律地 2.古怪地,反复无常地,乖僻地 | isolate: v.隔离,孤立,使脱离


kinkily 绻毛地 | kinkily 古怪地 | kinkily 纠结地


weirdie 古怪的人 | weirdly 古怪地 | weirdness 古怪

whimsically:异想天开地; 离奇地, 古怪地 (副)

whimsicality 反复无常; 怪诞的观念 (名) | whimsically 异想天开地; 离奇地, 古怪地 (副) | whimsy 怪念头, 反覆无常, 心情浮动 (名)

anticly:奇怪地, 古怪地

anticlutter | 反干扰系统 | anticly | 奇怪地, 古怪地 | anticoagulant | 抗凝血剂

crankily:任性地, 暴躁地, 摇晃不定地, 古怪地

crankery | 怪诞念头, 脾气古怪者的行为和想法 | crankily | 任性地, 暴躁地, 摇晃不定地, 古怪地 | crankiness | 狂妄, 古怪, 偏执

eccentrically:古怪地, 离奇地 (副)

eccentric 古怪的人; 偏心轮; 偏心圆 (名) | eccentrically 古怪地, 离奇地 (副) | eccentricity 偏心; 离心率; 古怪 (名)


Cantando 歌唱般的,悦耳的 | Capriccioso 幻想地,古怪地,变幻无常地 | Commodo 舒适地