英语人>词典>汉英 : 古建筑 的英文翻译,例句
古建筑 的英文翻译、例句


historic building
更多网络例句与古建筑相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dazzling gold plaque inscription; abundant charm every couplet; murals, antique altar; stone stele records the history of the temple, is a preserved old buildings.


Many ancient architecture and relics have long become the significant symbol of Chinese culture.


"Surface relics include ancient structures, caves, temples, and other historic buildings."


The layout of group is the characteristic of Chinese ancient buildings. It can help to improve the conservation of heritage in its integrity.


The school in the ancient construction In fact,it is coincident that the school was


Through several examples of the most famous buildings in Rome ,such as The Pantheon,Navona Piazza,The Colosseum,The Arch of Constantine,Spanish Piazza and Vatican,this article introduces the achievements made in ancient architecture protection,and the ideas and experiences in heritage conservation in Rome .


To grasp the aesthetic thoughts of traditional architecture, We must research into Chinese traditional architecture in point of literature such as poem、prose、novel and annals illustrate this fact.


Based on the construction characteristic of ancient timberwork buildings, this article studies the computer-reappearance technique.


According to the features of southern Fujian,and combined with the reinforcement principles of ancient architecture,it discusses the reinforcement strategies of ancient architecture in southern Fujian from the wooden structure reinforcement and block stone structure reinforcement.


Analyses ancient architecture value of history,science and art,and synthesizes the protection expense and economic benefit.


更多网络解释与古建筑相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Acropolis, Athens:雅典卫城

■德尔斐考古遗址Archaeological Site of Delphi 1987 | ■雅典卫城Acropolis, Athens 1987 | ■塞萨洛尼基古建筑Palaeochristian and Byzantine Monuments of Thessalonika 1988

University of Chichester:奇切斯特大学

奇切斯特大学(University of Chichester)位于英国最南端的奇切斯特市. 该市地处海滨,城内有著名的罗马式古建筑,历史悠久,景色秀丽,气候宜人. 奇切斯特市距伦敦车程90分钟,离著名港口城市朴茨茅斯车程仅20分钟. 你可以将非母语英语课程和一门学位课程结合起来学习,


rmind)、指挥(direct)等造价工程师_工程管理_造价工程师培训工程师是把数学与自然科学知用于实际目的(如设计、建造结构并加以操作)的人造价工程师_工程管理_造价工程师培训 工程师的专业包括土木建筑、土木工程、岩石工程、土岩方、风景园林、园艺、园林、园林建筑、园林工程、园林绿化、古建筑园林、工民建、工民建安装、建

Archaeological Site of Epidaurus:埃皮达鲁斯考古遗址

■塞萨洛尼基古建筑Palaeochristian and Byzantine Monuments of Thessalonika 1988 | ■埃皮达鲁斯考古遗址Archaeological Site of Epidaurus 1988 | ■罗得中世纪古城Medieval City of Rhodes 1988

Hercules powder:赫克里斯炸药<弱性

herbicides 除草剂 | Hercules powder 赫克里斯炸药<弱性 | heritage building 古建筑

hermaphrodite coupling:雌雄同体接口

heritage building 古建筑 | hermaphrodite coupling 雌雄同体接口 | hermaphroditic coupling 内扣式接口

joinery work:小木作

中文摘要: 罩为中国古建筑小木作(joinery work)构件之一,是对柱、梁两侧的两个空间的界划,即对空间做虚拟式的界定,形成空间的过渡和转换,使不同的空间相互连贯,开而不断.

Fasil Ghebbi, Gondar Region:贡德尔地区的法西尔盖比城堡及古建筑

■拉利贝拉岩石教堂Rock-Hewn Churches, Lalibela1978 | ■贡德尔地区的法西尔盖比城堡及古建筑Fasil Ghebbi, Gondar Region1979 | ■阿瓦什低谷Lower Valley of the Awash1980

Fasil Ghebbi, Gondar Region:贡德尔地的法西尔盖比城堡及古建筑

■拉利贝拉岩石教堂Rock-Hewn Churches, Lalibela1978 | ■贡德尔地的法西尔盖比城堡及古建筑Fasil Ghebbi, Gondar Region1979 | ■阿瓦什低谷Lower Valley of the Awash1980

Fasil Ghebbi, Gondar Region:贡德尔地区地法西尔盖比城堡及古建筑

■拉利贝拉岩石教堂Rock-Hewn Churches, Lalibela1978 | ■贡德尔地区地法西尔盖比城堡及古建筑Fasil Ghebbi, Gondar Region1979 | ■阿瓦什低谷Lower Valley of the Awash1980