英语人>词典>汉英 : 古典主义 的英文翻译,例句
古典主义 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
classicalism  ·  classicism

更多网络例句与古典主义相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

L The Chinese type classicism, this kind of style living at home by fresh is elegantly simple primarily, the broken flowers window blind, the insightful antependium, rich green plants and so on reel calligraphy and painting as well as narcissus, asparagus fern have become the Chinese type classicism indispensable soft decoration.

l 中式古典主义,这种风格的家居以清新淡雅为主,碎花的窗帘、通透的帷幔、书香浓郁的卷轴字画以及水仙、文竹等绿色植物已成为中式古典主义不可或缺的软装饰。

This paper discusses the following aspects: the cultural background of the Indian classicalism esthetics,the important influence that the traditional Indian thinking mode has on Indian classicalism esthetics,the basic principle of Indian classicalism esthetics and its performance in art creation.


Through reviewing music history writers explanation about romantic music in the 20th century, reflecting the view that romantic music is free only in form and order and the inheritance is greater than contrariness between romantic music and classic music, this paper finds defectiveness of past conclusion, comparing classic music, the paper holds , romantic music have had new cultural attribute, and the fragmentation between romantic music and classic music is no less than inheritance.


Neoclassicism awhat time period in history were neoclassical artists inspired by?

古典主义 a期间在历史上什么时候是新古典主义的艺术家被启发?

Be in whole in 20 century, chinese economist is the student of foreign economist from beginning to end it seems that, no matter what they learn is classical, Marxism, mix now still in the Keynesia creed of Chinese popularity neoclassicism.


The poem, as a comprehensive study of the theories of literary criticism, exerted great influence upon Pope's contemporary writers in advocating the classical rules and popularizing the neoclassicist tradition in England.


A CD with British female neo-classical group SEVENTH HARMONIC has just been released . Please see details on 'neo-Classical' page on Oriflamme site. Contact Daemonia Nymphe, Souliou 46, Ag. Pavaskevi 15343, Athens, Greece

英国新古典主义女性音乐组合"第七协和曲"最近发行一张CD,欲知详情请在Oriflamme site网站上查看新古典主义网页。

Liang Shi-qiu analyzed the process of marching: form Liberty spirits of classicism to eclipse of neoclassism, and to the resistance of Romanism and finally established the theoretical base for his own theory of classicism.


By the description about the classism planning which is practiced in western city, reveal the influence of western classism to the city construction.


Other cultures have other canons of classics, however, and a recurring strain of neoclassicism appears to be a natural expression of a culture at a certain moment in its career, a culture that is highly self-aware, that is also confident of its own high mainstream tradition, but at the same time feels the need to regain something that has slipped away: Apollonius of Rhodes is a neoclassic writer; Ming ceramics pay homage to Sung celadon porcelains; Italian 15th century humanists learn to write a "Roman" hand we call italic; Neo-Babylonian culture is a neoclassical revival, and in Persia the "classic" religion of Zoroaster, Zoroastrianism, is revived after centuries, to "re-Persianize" a culture that had fallen away from its own classic Achaemenean past.

其他文化有其他经典的经典,然而,周期性应变的新古典主义似乎是一种自然表达的文化在某一时刻在其职业生涯中,文化是非常自我意识,这也是它自己的信心高主流传统,但同时认为有必要恢复这一组织已溜走了:阿波罗纽斯的罗德是一个新古典主义的作家;明陶瓷顶礼膜拜宋青瓷瓷器;意大利15世纪人文主义学习写&罗马&一方面,我们呼吁斜体;新巴比伦文化是一个新古典主义复苏,并在波斯的&经典&的宗教Zoroaster ,拜火教,是恢复后,百年来,&重新Persianize &的文化,已经下降远离自己的经典Achaemenean过去。

更多网络解释与古典主义相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

classicalism:古典主义; 模拟古典 (名)

classical music 古典乐 | classicalism 古典主义; 模拟古典 (名) | classically 古典主义地; 正统地; 经典地 (副)

New Classicalism:《新古典主义>

Jogenson)于1967年在>一文中提出,依据新古典主义(New Classicalism)的分析方法创立的一种理论. 出于对古典主义的反思,在一个纯粹的新古典主义框架内探讨工业部门的增长是如何依赖农业部门的发展的.


"古典主义"(Classicism)和"新古典主义"(Neoclasscism)虽然只相差一个单词(neo),但它们并不是同一个文艺派别,它们所代表的文艺思想并不相同. 不管是欧洲"古典主义",还是欧洲"新古典主义",它们与当代中国"书法新古典主义"都是风马牛不相及的两种概念.


Rococo 洛可可式 | classicism 古典主义,古典风格 | neoclassicism 新古典主义


Neocene 新第三纪的 | neoclassic 新古典主义的 | neoclassicism 新古典主义

neoclassic:新古典主义的 (形)

neoarsphenamine 新胛凡纳明药物; 九一四; 治梅毒之药 (名) | neoclassic 新古典主义的 (形) | neoclassicism 新古典主义 (名)


classicism 古典主义,古典风格GJm中国英语学习网 | neoclassicism 新古典主义GJm中国英语学习网 | romanticism 浪漫主义GJm中国英语学习网

neoclassicism:新古典主义 (名)

neoclassic 新古典主义的 (形) | neoclassicism 新古典主义 (名) | neocolonialism 新殖民地主义 (名)


pseudo-classicstyle仿古式 | pseudoclassicism模仿古典主义的文学艺术伪古典主义 | pseudoclonus假阵挛

classically:古典主义地, 拟古地

classicality /古典/古典的学识/ | classically /古典主义地/拟古地/ | classicism /古典主义/