英语人>词典>汉英 : 口腔干燥 的英文翻译,例句
口腔干燥 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

Zagari's disease
更多网络例句与口腔干燥相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is reported that after the female enters the menopause, because the ovarian function starts to decline, the secretion female, the progestogen reduced, causes the skin to have a series of changes, like some person skin elastic fibers thinning, easy to break; Some person hair becomes withered, easy to lose hair; Some people present the fixed spot or the whole body skin pruritus; Some people have the dermal sensation to be unusual, like the numbness, the needle grip or creeps; Some people present the mucous membrane to be dry, the eye is colored in the very short time endomorphism, has the dust or the sense at present; Some person nasal cavity, the oral cavity mucous membrane withers, the mouth does frequently, always wants to drink water; Some person vagina mucous membrane withers, the secretion reduces, affects the sex life quality.


Compounds in olives called tannins dry out your mouth and can help soothe the queasiness .


If you have had a general anaesthetic you will be taken to a recovery room immediately after your operation. When you wake up you may find that you have an oxygen mask over your mouth and nose. You may also find that your mouth feels very dry.


更多网络解释与口腔干燥相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

sicca syndrome:干燥综合征

干燥综合征(sicca syndrome)是以眼、口腔黏膜干燥为特征的自身免疫性疾病. 1888年首先由米库利奇(Mikulicz)所报告,早年称之为米库利奇综合征. 干燥综合征是一种以侵犯泪腺、唾液腺等外分泌腺体为主的慢性自身免疫性疾病,又称为自身免疫性外分泌腺体病.

skein; spireme:染色质纽

休格伦氏症候群;口腔干燥风湿性关节炎症候群;干燥症候群 Sjogren's syndrome | 魟类 skates | 染色质纽 skein; spireme


xeroradiography 干放射性照相术 | xerosis 干燥病 | xerostomia 口腔干燥

Yatrium Alumium Garnet Laser:钇铝石榴石激光器

Xerostomia 口腔干燥症 | Yatrium Alumium Garnet Laser 钇铝石榴石激光器 | θ theta 角度




另外用于口腔干燥症(Xerostomia)正在注册;用于骨髓发育异常(Myelodysplastic)综合征及化疗-放疗引起的粘膜炎处于II期临床阶段. 1995年在德国首次获准,现世界范围广泛上市. 包括美国及欧洲诸国. 2000年世界处方药销售额排名第485位,

Dry mouth Xerostomia:口腔干燥病

Dizziness Vertigo 眩晕 Xuanyun | Dry mouth Xerostomia 口腔干燥病 Kouqiang ganzao bing | Ear drum Tympanic membrane 耳鼓膜 Er gu mo


xerostomia 口干症 口腔干燥 | xerotes 干燥 | xerothermicperiod 干热期


xerostomia 口腔干燥 | xerotocia 干性分娩 | xiphisternum 剑突

Ear drum Tympanic membrane:耳鼓膜

Dry mouth Xerostomia 口腔干燥病 Kouqiang ganzao bing | Ear drum Tympanic membrane 耳鼓膜 Er gu mo | Ear infection Otitis 耳朵发炎 Erduo fayan