英语人>词典>汉英 : 变迟钝 的英文翻译,例句
变迟钝 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dull  ·  duller  ·  dulled  ·  dulls

更多网络例句与变迟钝相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Or matter have or transmit energy. Absolute zero (-460° F) is


The mind of the audience is becoming dulled; the benumbed intellectual faculties can no longer respond.


The sunshine struck hot on his fur, soft breezes caressed his heated brow, and after the seclusion of the cellarage he had lived in so long the carol of happy birds fell on his dulled hearing almost like a shout.


Researchers now believe that a constant stream of stress hormones can desensitize the immune system. Basically, it gets used to high levels of stress and doesn't respond to an infection effectively.


The love is far away causes us to lose, loses causes us to be moved, after moved, we have lost the mind elusiveness, starts becomes slow, becomes stupid.


In our epidemiological investigation, red body disease was commonly prevalent from July to October. The diseased shrimps first displayed sluggish swimming or held still at the bottom,sometime going round or swimming vertically.They were not active in feeding,at the same time,their pleopod and whole body turned red, then died.


Such is the power of wealth, that it commands the ear of greatness and the eye of beauty, gives spirit to the dull, and authority to the timorous…No.153


And it is a life of side effects and dulled minds.


It slows thought, and dulls memory.


Now that Saturn is heading back to Virgo for a short stay, life may start to feel like Ground Hog Day, when you wake up to the same financial circumstance that you saw in the last quarter of last year and thought was behind you.


更多网络解释与变迟钝相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

neuropathic arthropathy:神经病性关节病

3.严重患者下肢出现淤滞性水肿、色素沉积及皮肤变薄等;而足底穿通性溃疡和足部骨关节无痛性破坏,即溃疡-溶骨性神经病(ulcero-osteolytic neuropathy)或Charcot前足(Charcot's forefeet)则少见. 感觉迟钝部位反复出现创伤及合并感染是神经病性关节病(neuropathic arthropathy)的主要原因.

blunderer:犯愚蠢错误的人, 粗心大意的人 (名)

blunderbuss 喇叭枪; 轻率的人 (名) | blunderer 犯愚蠢错误的人, 粗心大意的人 (名) | blunt 使钝; 减弱; 使迟钝; 变钝; 变迟钝 (动)

Another Day,Another Dollar:做一天,一天

20.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只工作而不游戏,会使人变得迟钝. | 21.Another day, another dollar. 做一天,一天. | 22.Any port in a storm. 暴风雨中的港口;危急时的避难所;穷途末路之计....


如果这些辨法都没有用,那就只好求助于通便剂(Laxative)了. 刺激性通便剂: 如果以上方法都没有用,那就只好刺激肠子了. 不过刺激太久,肠子变得迟钝,也会慢慢失效. 用得太多有时还会引起肠子病变. 这类刺激性通便剂较温和的是乐可舒(Dulcolax)塞剂.

Mental retardation:智力迟钝

MSH能游离脂肪组织的脂肪酸,改善人的视觉滞留,改变神经的应急性,提高智力迟钝(Mental retardation)者的注意力和记忆力,以及减少其忧虑. 如配制成5%的滴眼剂,能增加眼睛对黑暗的适应能力. 对视网膜退化或色素变性病均有疗效.


deny否认 | daffy 愚笨的,疯狂的 | dull .变迟钝, 减少


hebephreniac /青春期痴呆者/ | hebetate /使迟钝/使愚蠢/变愚蠢/愚蠢的/ | hebetic /青春期的/

affective blunting:情感迟钝

情感迟钝(affective blunting)对本来能引起鲜明情感反应的刺激表现较平淡,并缺乏与之相应的内心体验. 多指细微情感逐渐丧失,如对亲属变得不体贴,对同志不关心,对工作不认真,情感反应不鲜明不生动. 此种症状多见于精神分裂症和某些器质性精神病的早期.

weak-headed:易醉的; 优柔寡断的; 怯懦的; 迟钝的

we 我们 (代) | weak-headed 易醉的; 优柔寡断的; 怯懦的; 迟钝的 | weaken 削弱, 使稀薄, 减弱; 变弱, 变软弱 (动)


thick-skulled 迟钝的 | thick-witted 头脑迟钝的 | thicken 变厚