英语人>词典>汉英 : 变苗条 的英文翻译,例句
变苗条 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
slim  ·  slimmed  ·  slims

更多网络例句与变苗条相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By the original circular, and the shape of crescent moon becomes more and more"slender".


One of my friend is a dieter , for she wants to be slender.


I remember my mom eating only boiled meat or only drinking kefir during the whole day to become slimmer.


If you try to become slim overnight, you're in danger of failure.


Instead of saying you're going to go to the gym, and never getting around to it, use these fashion tricks to help you look slimmer and sleeker.


With a little planning and will power you can be on your way to a slimmer trimmer and healthier new you.


Can give you a plastic law reducing weight, from the start, the more beautiful eyebrow shu qi co-star, if the right to try to use this approach, the weight at wrap steps: A slim recipe, thighs 1 and in the thigh and ham and coxal connected place daub weight cream.

可以给您提供一个保鲜膜减肥法,最早是从舒淇开始,越来越多美眉开始尝试,如果正确的使用这个方法,一起看看保鲜膜减肥步骤:一,大腿变苗条的秘方 1、在大腿及大腿和臀部相连处涂抹减肥霜。

Gradually, their look changes to bright and deep; the body changes thin and healthy; the action changes to simple and fast; the female changes to slenderer; the man changes to capable; the body is as hiding the detonation strength.


The researchers were even able to make mice that had been raised in a germ-free environment fatter or thinner by colonising their guts with microbes from either obese or lean mice.


The poll by cereal brand Special K also revealed that 30 per cent of women fantasised more about slimming back into their "trophy" jeans than about Hollywood heartthrobs such as George Clooney or Brad Pitt.

此外,这一由Special K麦片品牌开展的民意调查显示, 30%的女人对于身材变苗条,重新穿上昔日牛仔裤的渴望超过乔治克鲁尼或布拉德皮特这样的好莱坞&万人迷&。

更多网络解释与变苗条相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

distinguishing feature:特点, 特征

slim adj.苗条的, 纤细的, 不足取的, 无价值的, 细长的v.变细, 减肥 | distinguishing feature 特点, 特征 | chins n.下巴, 下颚

This year I made a resolution to lose weight and finally get into shape:今年我下定决心要减肥,最终让身材变得苗条

1>I make a resolution to practice English ever... | 2>This year I made a resolution to lose weight and finally get into shape.今年我下定决心要减肥,最终让身材变得苗条. | 1>I resolve to tell him the tru...


ker+首领(chief)变成了头巾(kerchief),再加hand,变成了手帕. 腰围少了sl厘米lim,就瘦了下来变得苗条(slim)指甲(nail)打弯s象蜗牛(snail)班级(class)跑出一个少女(lass),少女(maid)需要妈妈m的帮助(aid)


词中词,形象联想. ker+首领(chief)变成了头巾(kerchief),再加hand,变成了手帕. 腰围少了sl厘米lim,就瘦了下来变得苗条(slim)指甲(nail)打弯s象蜗牛(snail)班级(class)跑出一个少女(lass),少女(maid)需要妈妈m的帮助(aid)

We become slimmer and happier:我们变得越来越苗条,越来越快乐

[05:03]It makes us look better too.~也能使我们看起来气色更好. | [05:05]We become slimmer and happier.~我们变得越来越苗条,越来越快乐. | [05:08]Exercise gives us energy.~锻炼使我们精力充沛.


sliminess /滑溜/粘性/ | slimming /为减轻体重或变瘦而做的节食或运动/减轻体重的/ | slimmish /稍为苗条的/瘦弱形的/


slimming 为减轻体重或变瘦而做的节食或运动 | slimming 减轻体重的 | slimmish 稍为苗条的


slimming /为减轻体重或变瘦而做的节食或运动/减轻体重的/ | slimmish /稍为苗条的/瘦弱形的/ | slimsy /细的/些微的/脆的/不结实的/

worships the magazine:很喜爱这份杂志

stylish, slender, of course...|时髦 苗条 当然了 | worships the magazine.|很喜爱这份杂志 | But so often, they turn out to be-|但通常 她们最终都会变得...