英语人>词典>汉英 : 变形动物 的英文翻译,例句
变形动物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与变形动物相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Under transmission electron microscope, cellular swelling in brain tissue, nuclear membrane of neuron has incisures, some chromatic agglutination, group A mainly appears endoplasmic reticulum distention and glial cell endocytosis, while group B mainly appears histolysis; cardiac fibrous structure is chaotic, Z line concentrates, mitochondria swelling, nucleus deform; the ecphyma of podocyte becomes thinner and longer like villus, some mix together, plasma membrane infolding of renal cells decreases, mitochondria malformation, cells in lumens.


Morph people into other people or animals.


To establish Polymerase Chain Reaction method for detection Proteus mirabilis, so as to provide a reference method for sanitary inspection.


Theriomorph: A being with the ability to shapeshift at will into an animal (i.e., a werewolf), as distinct from someone who uses magic to shapeshift.


"We've become completely and utterly desensitise to the fact that breeding these deformed, disabled, disease-prone animals is either shocking or abnormal."


Just compare Dan Oki's morphs with creatures from mythology, the medieval bestiaries or the peculiar beings by Jeroen Bosch.

只要将Dan Oki的变形与神话中的生物做比较,你就能看到中世纪的动物寓言或希罗尼穆斯·波希的独特创造。

The animal part of the body deity in it consists of being dead deity the rear embodiment is animal ,Also consist of through some kinds of sundry shooing of animal form either overstates animal some features but one-tenth deformation animal .


There is a world where witches rule the northern skies, where ice bears are the bravest of warriors and where every human is joined with an animal spirit who is as close to them as their own heart.


There is a world where witches rule the northern skies, where ice bears are the bravest of warriors and where every human is joined with an animal spirit who is as close to them as their own heart.


Currently the Druid has the ability to Shapeshift into two forms: Bear and Cat.


更多网络解释与变形动物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


变形虫属(Amoeba)原生动物门肉鞭动物亚门肉足总纲根足纲变形目(Amoebida)变形虫科的1属. 虫体赤裸、柔软,因可向各个方向伸出伪足,以致体形不定而得名. 音译"阿米巴".


挖掘机"破坏者"(Demolisher)在上海钢铁厂,可以欣赏到它变形的全过程. 他一变形就来了一招"双拳震地",打飞了一打钢管,画面左侧可以看到"进出口"的牌子. 原生态"机器狗"(Ravage)在水面上奔跑,细看能发现它嘴里有类似猫科动物口腔的纹路,


日本学者曾经对孕卵发育障碍与环境因素的影响进行动物试验:用含有2%的酒精硫酸(As)或直链烷基磺酸盐(LAs)涂抹在已孕的小白鼠背部,每日 2次,连涂3天,在妊娠第3天取出孕卵检查,发现多数孕卵在输卵管内已极度变形或死亡.


古病理学(paleopathology)是根据古生物遗体论证其病变的科学. 如果动物受伤后能继续生存,则会存在病变现象,例如不适当的体积增大、骨瘤、骨疽、骨痂、骨髓炎、寄生病、脊椎变形、再生等. 古病理状态主要见于恐龙、哺乳动物化石,


在各类细.变形杆菌检验 变形杆菌(Proteus)在自然界分布极广,人和动物的粪便带菌很高,各类食品及用具等均可检出,虽是常见的腐生细菌,但在严重污染的食物中,通过生长繁殖后,.

rachitic rosary:佝偻病性串珠

在儿童出现的缺乏症状则因骨矿物化不足而导致佝偻症(rickets),症状包括长骨端变宽、佝偻病性串珠(rachitic rosary),骨骼变形,如前额凸出(frontal ...因维生素B 6 涉及原血红素(Heme)的合成,故缺乏维生素B 6 时,亦会造成人体或动物的贫血,


并传递养分给其他的细胞;有些变形细胞可在中胶层中分泌骨质纤维,具有支持身体的功能. 骨骼的化学成分是本门动物分类的重要依据,有些种类形成含碳酸钙或矽质的骨针(spicules),有些分泌蛋白质成分的海绵丝(spongin),柔软且具弹性.

amoebula:变形动物 小阿米巴

amoeboidtapetum变形绒毡层 | amoebula变形动物 小阿米巴 | amoeda变形虫


变形者(Shapeshifter) 可以变身为狼人. 优点 每升2级,每天能多变身为狼人一次 升到13级后,能够变身为巨型狼人 缺点 不能变身为其它形态 不能装备任何防具 图腾德鲁依(Totemic Druid) 在动物召唤术上有特殊造诣的德鲁依 优点 每升5级,

with a nucleolytic subdermal membrane:长有溶核活性皮下薄膜

They are unicellular amphipods|他们单细胞片脚类动物 | with a nucleolytic subdermal membrane|长有溶核活性皮下薄膜 | and capable of complete chromodynamic distortion.|能够使染色体变形