英语人>词典>汉英 : 变形体 的英文翻译,例句
变形体 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与变形体相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to characteristics of the discontinuous piecewise rigid-body model and the continuous deformable body model, a new model—Arbitrary Mesh Interface Element Model based on piecewise rigid-body displacement pattern and strain accumulated on interfaces is established, which can put both continuous media problems and discontinuous media problems into consideration.


The derivation and solution of highly non-linear equation of motion are also involved.


All the swarm cells have an obvious flagellum . myxamoebaand swarm cell can change between each other


This paper attempt to summarize the metamorphose phenomenon of literature and art and call it "metamorphose genre "and try to reveal its source and course, compare the difference of the world understanding that it shows in the culture of Chinese and Western, display its special artistic quality and the development in future.


At first step, the processor before the deformable body contact the end face of cone die cavity regarded as an extrusion process. The minification of core boss's cross-section regarded as compressibility of direct extrusion, which acted as definition factor when construct the Direct Extrusion Model element. Another step, the model element of flat punch extrusion on wedge piece process was constructed when propose the process of deformable body overflow die corner. In this way the spherical end face of blank looked as cone end face one, t he approximate treatment is one of originality innovation in this paper. At last, the two elements have been connected and constructed the model element of cone boss part's deformation in the open die forging.


You have the morph on your wrist as a watch. The phone rings.


Research methods:The absolute deformation of plasmodium is measured through measurement of relative deformation.


In continuous extrusion forming process, the friction between the wheel groove and the feed is a driving force. The frictional energy and deformational energy change into heat, which makes the feed and the die's temperature field, strain field and stress field change.


Generalized reciprocal theorems of non-coupled and coupled system s, which are valid for two deformed bodies with different constitutive relations are established by generalizing the idea of Betti s reciprocal theorem.


When the constitutive relations of the two deformed bodies are all alike and linear elastic, the generalized reciprocal theorem of non-coupled system s just becomes Betti s.


更多网络解释与变形体相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sub-Saharan Africa:撒哈拉以南之非洲地区

plasmodium 原形体, 变形体, 疟原虫 | sub-Saharan Africa 撒哈拉以南之非洲地区 | quinine 奎宁化合物

deformable body mechanics:变形体力学

deformable body 可变形体,变形体,柔体 | deformable body mechanics 变形体力学 | deformable cross arm 变形横担


dimonoecious 同株二型花 | dimorph 同质异象变体 | dimorphic 同质二形体 二态的 二形的


当幼虫侵入寄主组织,其外层具纤毛的细胞消失,生殖细胞多分裂形成多核的变形体(plasmodium). 变形体由无性的碎裂方法产生很多变形体,然后由它们发育成雌、雄个体. 近十余年来对中生动物的系统发育、亚显微结构、生理、生殖、发育、生态以及生化分类等进行了多方面的研究.


Amoebiasis 阿米巴病 | amoebula;plasmodium 变形体 | ampholyfic compounds两性化合物


06.013 孢团果柄 sorophore | 06.014 粘变形体 myxamoeba | 06.015 子粘变[形]体 meront


06.0249 孢子发生 sporogenesis | 06.0250 胶丝变形体 myxamoeba | 06.0251 胶丝鞭毛体 myxoflagellate

neomorphism:新生变形作用 新形体形成

neomorphically altered limestone 新生蚀变灰岩 | neomorphism 新生变形作用; 新形体形成 | neomorphosis 新变态

Myxomycota; Plasmodial slime molds:变形体黏菌门

"黏菌(门)","Myxomycophyta" | "变形体黏菌门","Myxomycota; Plasmodial slime molds" | "黏菌类","Myxophyceae; Myxophyta"


pseudoperithecium 拟子囊壳 | pseudoplasmodium 假变形体 | pseudoplasmolysis 拟质壁分离