英语人>词典>汉英 : 变化幅度 的英文翻译,例句
变化幅度 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

range of variation
更多网络例句与变化幅度相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the light of the paleoenvironmental significance reflected by the radiolaria, graptolite, brachiopod,sponge spicule and the rock character, its suggested that the greyish green mudstone at the basal WufengFormation of the Goujiaya section would be probably deposited in 60 to 100 meters deep water, theGuanyinqiao bed in 50 to 80 meters deep, and the radiolaria-bearing silicalite from Wufeng Formation inwater with 200 to 400 meters deep. Combining the above-mentioned water depth with the sea-level changecycles, the change range of every one of the 5 cycles could be further conjectured. They were in ascendingorder: 20~120 m, 80~130 m, about 150 m, 50~250 m, and in excess of 200 m.

根据放射虫、笔石、腕足类、海绵骨针以及岩性等对古环境的指示意义,认为五峰组底部灰绿色泥岩段产出时水深约60-100m,观音桥层水深约50-80m,在晚奥陶世最大海侵期(对应于T.typicus亚带下部),水深约400m,五峰组含放射虫硅质岩沉积时最小水深约200m,结合以上海平面变化的5次旋回,从而推算出各旋回海平面的变化幅度:在第①旋回,海平面变化范围大致为20~120m;在第②、第③和第④旋回中,海平面变化分别为80~130 m、大约150 m和50~250m;第⑤旋回的海平面升降幅度大于200 m。

In the light of the palenenvironmental significance reflected by the radiolaria, graptolite, brachiopod, sponge spicule and the rock character, it's suggested that the grayish green mudstone at the basal Wufeng Formation of the Goujiaya section would be probably deposited in 60 to 100meters deep water, the Guanyinqiao bed in 50 to 80meters deep, and the radiolaria-bearing silicalite from Wufeng Formation in water with 200 to 400 meters deep. Combining the above-mentioned water depth with the sea-level change cycles, the change range of every one of the 5 cycles could be further conjectured. They were in ascending order: 20~120m, 80~130m, about 150m, 50~250m, and in excess of 200m.


The results show that the density of gritstone is decreased gradually as the temperature increasing; so that it can be ignored; the longitudinal wave velocity is linearly decreased when the temperature increasing, and decrease rate of it follows the law of conic; R is one temperature point, which makes the law of tensile strength of gritstone after high temperature follows the law of parabola; and the maximal tensile strength appears when the operative temperature is R. After the temperature is higher than 700 ℃, tensile strength is small and change range is small when the temperature is increased.

结果表明,高温后粗砂岩的密度随试验温度的升高减小幅度很小,几乎可忽略不记;高温后试件中纵波波速的传播随温度升高基本呈线性降低,而减小率呈二次曲线规律变化;存在一个温度点R,使高温后试件的抗拉强度呈开口向下抛物线关系变化,且在R温度作用后试件抗拉强度达到最大;当试验温度大于700 ℃后,试件的抗拉强度变得很小,且当温度升高时变化幅度也很小。

There are 95.0 and 65.3 days in the lymph nodules, but the difference between the number of days each little, Along with the growth of age is gradually increasing the size of the lymph nodules; Harderian gland acinar Rebuilding area and the number increased with age, the growth and the increasing trend, 30, 60, 4 between 90 and 120 days of modest changes, but 30, 60 and 10 days. 90 and 120 days compared to larger changes.


Their vocal quality is better than non-passerine, but still much less than oscine passerine. Compared with non-passerine, they appeared longer syllable length, higher basic frequency and more viable frequency ranges. Though the amplitude modulation properties enhanced their vocal production, the type of syllable is still stable and less of variety. So thephrase consisted of syllables are comparatively few and changes of the tone are relatively less.


Through seawater pCO_2 time series observations along with the surface water chemistry, we observed significant diurnal changes of surface pCO_2 ranging from -10μatm in the oligotrophic SCS, 50-150 uatm in Xiamen Bay and Shenhu Bay, up to as high as 600μatm in the coral reef system at Xisha Islands. Processes that modulate the pCO_2 diurnal variations are significantly different between sites, which can be grouped into three categories: temperature control, tide / current control and biological control.


The secondary root number per plant of Yumai No 49,a mi d-s trength quality wheat,is the smallest among the three varieties except the winte r stage but its root system quality is the best;the intensity of reducing TTC an d the activity of SOD of fresh wheat root are the highest during the period fro m winter stage to flag leaf stage.Since flag leaf stage,its physiological charac ters are weaker and have bigger variation during whole stage.The secondary root number per plant of Yumai No 50,a soft quality wheat,is the biggest except duri ng winter stage,and its dry weight of root of single plant is the heaviest in ev ery stage.Before 19th,March,its intensity of reducing TTC is the weakest and dec reases abruptly after flag leaf stage,but its activity of SOD decreases slowly.R oot dry weight per plant of Yumai No 34,a high quality wheat,is the smallest amo ng the three varieties and its root system quality is the weakest.Before jointin g stage,the intensity of reducing TTC is stronger,but after that,it decreases sl owly though it is smaller,and the activity of SOD decreases slowly in every stag e.


As the surface altitude increases, the water level and the imbedded water level decrease, and is lowest in Betula ovilifolia-Carex schmidtii-Sphagnum palustre community, which may be firstly caused by the distribution of the hummocks of Sphagnum palustre, which is powerful in holding water, and this has cushion function on the change of water level; On the other hand, it may be caused by it's position near the hill, the runoff from the hill may supply the district, so that the change extent of water level at a certain extent minishes.


The content of different nutrient was variated in:change of soil organic matter in the rate of 6.32~35.83 g/kg,the coefficient variation was 29.72%,change of the soil available nutrient content was not the same,to the most obvious avail-P,the rate of change for the 4.00 to 91.60 mg/kg,the coefficient variation 68.81%,avail-N smaller the range, changes in the rate of 40~182 mg/kg,the coefficient of variation was 26.66%.The average of all soil nutrients are in the middle level of the plentiful-lack Index of available nutrient.


The change extent of the water level and the falling extent the imbedded water level is the biggest in Phragmites sustralis-Carex schmidtii community, The reason is likely to be it's near to the river, and have gutters in the peatland which is near the river, which makes the water enter the river easily, and so make the change extent bigger.


更多网络解释与变化幅度相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

amplitude modulation:幅度调制

AM 幅度调制 (Amplitude modulation)-----由载波信号的幅度变化代表信息的一种调制方法. 参见modulation. Application layer (应用层)-----OSI参考网络模型的第七层,向OSI模型之外的应用程序 (如电子邮件或文件传输)提供服务.

assignable cause:非机遇原因

7.2.1机遇原因(Chance Cause)与非机遇原因(Assignable Cause): 成品或半成品之好坏主要受到工程中四个M(Man、Machine、Material、Method)等的影响,但如果四者均在标准范围内变化,其变化幅度较小.故称之为机遇原因之变化,



two-seam fastball:二縫線快速球

另一种二缝线快速球(Two Seam Fastball)球系的球路-卡特球(Cutter ball). 又称为切球或快速滑球,因握法跟伸卡球有点类似,姑且把它归类是胞生兄弟. 切球(Cutter)介於直球、滑球之间,进垒时会向右打者外角快速偏移,行进路线像滑球,但变化幅度不如滑球,


片麻岩(gneiss) 具片麻状构造的,主要成分为长石、石英、云母的变质岩. 片麻状构造(gneissic structure) 岩石...理论研究和实际工程中,常用大、中小和微孔隙、角砾、砂粒和粉粘粒、三大矿物(石英、长石和粘土矿物)含量等指标表征这3方面的特征.3方面指标在一定范围上变化幅度多大?


即:Pressure Cooker Test (高压炉测试) 高压炉测试(PCT)指在高温、潮湿、高压力条件下的测试,也称作高压箱测试或压力炉测试(PPOT). Pulse-Amplitude Modulation (脉冲幅度调制) 脉冲幅度调制(PAM)是一种脉冲调制技术,这种调制方式中脉冲幅度随着信号幅度的变化而变化.


另一种是含有不足1口100k的迷你合同交易单.4、除非变化幅度在客户设置的接受变化"范围"(Range)内,或者客户的同意确认,否则订单不会以新价格成交. 5、客户设置的接受变化"范围"(Range)例如设置"10",代表市场变化10点以内都可直接成交,无需另外确认.

gneissic structure:片麻状构造

片麻状构造(gneissic structure) 岩石...理论研究和实际工程中,常用大、中小和微孔隙、角砾、砂粒和粉粘粒、三大矿物(石英、长石和粘土矿物)含量等指标表征这3方面的特征.3方面指标在一定范围上变化幅度多大?

Oligochaeta opisthopora:后孔寡毛目

并且前两者分别在10月份或7月份达到最大值.土壤动物多样性随月份变化幅度较大,多样性变化与反映群落变化的个体数量、类群数以及均匀性指数的变化不一致.鼠妇科(Porcellionidae)在凋落物中集聚的时间最长,后孔寡毛目(Oligochaeta opisthopora)集聚的时间最短,分

interpreted as:解释为

range 变化,变化幅度,范围 | interpreted as 解释为 | accurate 精确的,准确的,正确无误的