英语人>词典>汉英 : 变化不定 的英文翻译,例句
变化不定 的英文翻译、例句


come and go
更多网络例句与变化不定相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However because of the changeable policies of British authority and abetment from U .


However,because of the changeable policies of British authority and abetment from U. K to Tibet,this plan was aborted.


Notwithstanding continued equity and corporate bond market volatility, the U.S. household sector's balance sheet appears to have stabilized.


To begin with, I believe with Schopenhauer that one of the strongest motives that leads men to art and science is escape from everyday life with its painful crudity and hopeless dreariness, from the fetters of one's own ever shifting desires.


It may stand as an example of the fitful swerving of his passion.


For humans, these systems coalesce around the domains of folk psychology, folk biology, and folk physics. Unpredictable information is predicted to be associated with the evolution of brain and cognitive systems that enable explicit, consciously driven top-down behavioral responses.


Moreover, recently the weather variety not certain, the difference in temperature that is sooner or later attains more than 10 degrees, a lot of ladies have no time at work in the daytime, protect hairdressing time of skin to arrange in the evening, but because of indoor outside difference in temperature obvious, protect skin be over to be subjected to cold breeze incitement after go out, the skin will appear erythema, papula, dropsy and take off scraps, among them allergic sex skin of the lady express more obviously.


It is very important to us that we how to find our position by ourselves in such protean conditions and our enterprise how to survive and develop in society.


Protean configuration of international power is an important factor which endangers the world peace.


Against the difficult problems in protean month sales volume of goods, the method of cloud model is proposed to do month sale forecasting.


更多网络解释与变化不定相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

come and go upon:信赖, 信任; 有行动自由

come and go 来来往往; 作短暂访问; 变化不定 | come and go upon 信赖, 信任; 有行动自由 | come apart 裂开; 破裂; 垮下来, 崩溃

come to blows (over sth:(为某事)打起来

blow hot and cold 变化不定 | come to blows (over sth.) (为某事)打起来 | once in a blue 难得一次


fluxibility /助熔性/ | fluxion /流动/不断的变化/转变/ | fluxional /微分的/不定的/

ind. indeclinable:不变化词

imp. imperative 命令式 | ind. indeclinable 不变化词 | inf. infinitive 不定词

prostrate: upright:伏地的:垂直的

394.prosperous: depressed 繁荣的:萧条的 | 395.prostrate: upright 伏地的:垂直的 | 396.protean: static 变化不定的:固定的

qualified: unreserved:受限制的:不受限制的

396.protean: static 变化不定的:固定的 | 397.qualified: unreserved 受限制的:不受限制的 | 398.quell: arouse 镇压:引发


fluxion /流动/不断的变化/转变/ | fluxional /微分的/不定的/ | fluxionary /微分的/不定的/

unsteered axle:非转向车桥[轴]

unstable 不稳定[变化不定.易变]的 | unsteered axle 非转向车桥[轴] | unusual low-emisson vehicle特低排放车

<His feelings fluctuated between excitement:变动

on one's own = 独自 | Section A fluctuate vi. vary irregularly 变动 <His feelings fluctuated between excitement | and fear. 他的情绪在兴奋与恐惧之间变化不定.>; 波动


等到器皿被适当地支持 会产生另一个机会.RA: 我是Ra, 这个疗法, 如你所称, 是个有些笨拙且 用处变化不定的工具, 这个工具煽动(instigating)一个实体的心/身/灵复合体 强化其能量或振动, 以帮助该实体.