英语人>词典>汉英 : 取景 的英文翻译,例句
取景 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

peep sight · find a view
更多网络例句与取景相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This study mainly interest in shot size and shot angle, which are the basic elements of Lens language. 3D animation is different from movie while everything can be seen on the screen is through the frame of virtual camera; it concerns the whole visual images of the film.


We all have preference for Taiwan because it's where "Au Revoir Taipei" filmed in.


Obviously, you should be careful not to damage the bellows while you do this.


In your viewfinder, you see a billboard for a great product — basketball shoes.


Color saturation can be left at your normal viewing adjustment.


The contribution of this dissertation is to identify and explain 8 different contrast factors in the motion events: 1. The factive or the fictive motion in events; 2. The motion caused by the internal or external forces; 3. The process windowing or objective windowing; 4. The live reporting or non-live reporting; 5. The Directive role or the Objective role in motion event; 6. The high or low volition of the Subject of motion; 7. The event or state; 8. The Container schema or Path schema.


For a normal (45 or 50 mm) lens, the Leica has an advantage. The view finder is brighter in the M6. Additionally, since the 50 mm frame does not fill the entire viewfinder, the photographer can also see the area beyond the picture area. This assists in composition.


The direct view finder has an overlaid internal QXGA LCD which displays variable frame lines and, if MF is selected, a 'digital rangefinder spot' in which the rangefinder image is taken off the image sensor, and thus operates with a diagonal split.


Additionally, some people feel more connected to a subject when looking through a rangefinder than through a viewfinder.


Because the rangefinders you will use this on have viewfinders that are designed for the angle of view of 50mm lenses, you will need a special viewfinder to put in the accessory shoe in order to properly frame your subject.


更多网络解释与取景相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

assistant cameraman:取景助理

cameraman, set photographer 取景师 | assistant cameraman 取景助理 | property manager, propsman 道具员

photographer, cameraman:取景师

snapshot, snap 快照 | photographer, cameraman 取景师 | backlighting 背光

Best Cinematography:最佳取景

最佳外语片Best Foreign Film | 最佳取景Best Cinematography | 最佳衣服预设Best Costume Design

collimator viewfinder:准直取景器

collimator tube 准直管,平行光管 | collimator viewfinder 准直取景器 | colliquation 溶化,溶解


从"取景器"(finder)到"屏幕"(screen)的转变就能看出观念的变化. 当人们通过"取景器"观察时他们是在"选取"真实的世界里的"景",而当他们通过"屏幕"观察时他们看到的则是一堆图像. 这些图像和真实之间是不对等的,

range finder:测距取景器

对于测距取景器(Range Finder)方式,通镜头实际拍摄的范围和取景器中形成的上移范围有所差异. 但是,单反相机的镜头摄影范围和通过取景器观察到的范围是相同的. 严格地说,实际拍摄的范围要大于取景器观察到的范围. 另外,

View finder:取景器

一些专业术语、固定用语和习惯说法必须表达得准确、地道,例如在翻译数码相机说明书时会遇到这样一些术语:镜头后盖(ear lens cap)、三角架(tripod)、数码变焦(digital zoom)、快门帘幕(shutter curtain)、曝光不足(under exposure)、取景器(view finder)等,需按专业说法表达出来,

View finder:录像器,取景器

view 观察,视力 | view-finder 录像器,取景器 | viewing box 看片灯

View finder:检影器取景器

view 视图 | view finder 检影器取景器 | viewfinder 取景


做为第一台采用传感器成像实时取景的大尺寸传感器数码相机,R1提供了两种取景模式--取景(Framing)和预览(Preview). 前者会自动调整图像亮度,让用户可以轻松构图取景;而后者则会采用用户设置的曝光参数进行感光,给用户呈现最真实的拍摄状态,