英语人>词典>汉英 : 发生栓塞 的英文翻译,例句
发生栓塞 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与发生栓塞相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The researchers found that thromboembolic eents during the procedure occurred in 18 of the 102 aneurysm embolizations attempted without acetylsalicylic acid -- a rate of 17.6%.


Among the patients treated with acetylsalicylic acid, 14 thromboembolic eents occurred among the 159 aneurysm coil embolization procedures -- a rate of 8.8%.


Air embolism : This is a rare type of embolism that happens when a bubble of air trapped in the blood and causes a blockage.


Methods The clinical data of 132 patients with liver tumors received transcatheter chemoemb olization therapy were reviewed, including the conditions of cholecyst before em bolization and the methods of embolization, related to the occurrence of cholecy stitlis after embolization.


Hemorrhage from vagina in 26 of 27 cases reduced significantly after operation, 1 case failed after 12 hours whereat accepted second re??embolization, blood liking discharge from vagina disappeared about 10 days.


CASE REPORTSUterine arterial embolization were performed with Seldinger interventional radiology in 27 cases of gynecologic hemorrhage caused by different kinds of reasons. Hemorrhage from vagina in 26 of 27 cases reduced significantly after operation, 1 case failed after 12 hours whereat accepted second re?embolization, blood liking discharge from vagina disappeared about 10 days.


CASE REPORTSUterine arterial embolization were performed with Seldinger interventional radiology in 27 cases of gynecologic hemorrhage caused by different kinds of reasons. Hemorrhage from vagina in 26 of 27 cases reduced significantly after operation, 1 case failed after 12 hours whereat accepted second reembolization, blood liking discharge from vagina disappeared about 10 days.


In this group,16 cases were involved in central pulmonary arteries (66.7%) and 4 cases with dilated bronchial arteries (17%),9 cases with pulmonary infraction (37.5%) whose pulmonary embolismic index was ranged from 24% to 83%, other 15 cases with no pulmonary infraction whose embolismic index was ranged from 5% to 61%,and there were significant difference between the two groups.


But special attention should be paid to the extent of embolization , preventing anti-infection , controlling abdominal distention,controlling ascites ,enhancing treatment of liver function and treatment for palliating symptom could effectively prevent complication.


Such conditions can occur in sickle cell disease, fat embolization, or air embolization from dysbaric phenomena.


更多网络解释与发生栓塞相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

air embolism:空气栓塞

2,气体栓塞: (1)空气栓塞(air embolism) :多发生于静脉破裂后,尤在静脉内呈负压的部位.例如, 头颈部手术,正压静脉输液,人工气胸,分娩,流产. (2)减压病(decompression sickness) :深潜水或沉箱作业者迅速浮出水面或航空者由地面 迅速升入高空时发生.又称沉箱病,

paradoxical air embolism:反常空气栓塞

反常空气栓塞 反常空气栓塞(Paradoxical air embolism)指静脉内的空气栓子进入动脉系统,引起器官的动脉栓塞,当栓塞发生冠状动脉和脑内动脉时,可引起严重后果,甚至死亡.


在疾病的晚期,上述症状会出现恶化,可能发生顶叶功能障碍:像是语言障碍(dysphasia)或运用障碍(dyspraxia). 血管性痴呆症与颅外动脉的血栓性栓塞症有关联,此外,也与主要血管的粥状动脉硬化(arterioscelerosis)所造成的多次梗塞有关联.


冠心病的发生是从心血管疾病的危险因子(risk factors)的病变所开始起动的,经过粥状动脉硬化病程、斑块(atheromatous plaque)形成到后来的斑块蚀溃或破裂,导致形成栓塞(thrombosis)及血栓(embolism)的发生(心肌梗塞或中风),

pulmonary embolism:肺动脉栓塞

主要为严重肺动脉栓塞(pulmonary embolism)引起. 最常见为周围静脉或盆腔静脉血栓,其次为右心血栓、癌栓、气栓及脂肪栓等栓塞所致(表1). ㈠ D-二聚体:D-二聚体(D-dimer)为交联的纤维蛋白降解产物,对判断是否发生肺栓塞的敏感性较高,


动脉血管栓塞术(TAE)及经由血管导管将栓塞物质注入所选定的器官血管内,造成血管阻塞,被阻塞的血管由於血液供应不足而发生梗塞 (Infarction),及组织坏死,因为血管的梗塞会有疼痛及不适感,因此病人可能引起发烧等症状,这个过程称为血管栓塞术.


④ 赘生物(vegetation) 指发生在心瓣膜上的附壁血栓,常由血小板和纤维蛋白组成,实质为白色血栓.气体栓塞(gas embolism)包括空气栓塞和氮气栓塞.贫血性梗死(anemic infarction)主要是动脉阻塞的结果,常发生在组织结构比较致密和侧枝血管细而少的器官如脾,

venous thromboembolism:静脉血栓栓塞症

骨科大手术后静脉血栓栓塞症(venous thromboembolism)发生率较高,是患者围手术期死亡的主要原因之一,也是医院内非预期死亡的主要原因. 对骨科大手术患者施以有效的预防方法,不仅可以降低发生静脉血栓栓塞症的风险,减轻患者痛苦,


由于血栓内的水分被吸收而变得干燥、无弹性、质脆易碎,可脱落形成栓塞. 若血栓未能软化又未完全机化,可发生钙盐沉着,称为钙化. 血栓钙化后成为静脉石(phlebolith)或动脉石(arteriolith). 机化的血栓,在纤维组织玻璃样变的基础上也可发生钙化. .

gas embolism:气体栓塞

原来淤积于静脉和毛细血管内的血液可以从破坏的血管中流出,再进入坏死组织内,形成出血性梗死.12.弥漫性血管内凝血(DIC)时微血管内的血栓称之为75.弥散性血管内凝血(DIC)发生广泛出血的主要原因是气体栓塞(gas embolism)包括空气栓塞和氮气