英语人>词典>汉英 : 发展迟缓的 的英文翻译,例句
发展迟缓的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与发展迟缓的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This study also show us the although the families have appeared the cooperation with each other, but they were not prepare well to interact with relevant professionals. And the early intervention service's impact on the family in this study was the family could be accepting the uncertain about developmentally delayed children, maintaining/increasing the life quality, and keeping the hope of the future.


When the current set of taxes expires, the delays, the missed connections and the headlines are only going to get worse, much worse," Blakey said."


RESULTS: Complex language surroundings, intrapsychical self-isolated and improper educational attitude of parents were main reasons of language development delay.


The effects of milieu teaching on the functional language of children with developmental delay were evaluated in this study.

摘要 本研究之目的在探讨自然环境教学对发展迟缓幼儿之功能性语言的影响。

One of the important reasons for the slow development of rural economy is at the choice of development path.


The work up that carries a system integratedly as our country and perfect, relatively fragile in the past highway, waterborne especially marine wait for contemporary carriage means, below the new condition of reforming and opening, grasp opportunity, produce respective advantage, realized rapid development, broke railroad the monopoly position in freight, reasonable billabong partial railroad freight flow, enlarged freight market share, improved composition of market of our country freight, the inevitable result that should say this is modernization of progress of economic progress, society, traffic, but will look from another angle, also mirror taphole road to develop become rigid of logy, mechanism, lack to innovate, the demand that incommensurate socialist market economy expands, from this and contractible, market owns the market share that cause rate drop considerably, what should say these are not traffic development is inevitable, what system of incommensurate socialist market economy leaves the field such as ability of means of system of as politic as railroad oneself development, management, sale, service is normal move have affinity.


She was fat and inert; a sluggish worker; a mind grown torpid in old age.


The basic reason that the development of democracy in modern China is slow,is not for the cultural,economic,and social factors which can be changed,but for the exclusive and monopolizing politicaland military power under which the government is dominant in the social interest structure.


S. G. organs in different places and their personnel were mostly composed of the weak industry-commercial capitalists, who served as the class base of the bourgeoisie constitutionalists and worked in concert with the constitutionalists in political attitudes.


In a potentially important reversals of roles, a mainland Chinese electronics company based in Shenzhen has kickstarted a multimillion-dollar investment in Hongkong's laggard high-technology sector by signing a contract with the Hongkong Government to take a site for a planned US 2 million state-of-the-art semiconductor plant.


更多网络解释与发展迟缓的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


卡门氏症候群是先天促性腺激素分泌不足的低性腺功能症和嗅觉缺失(anosmia)和嗅觉迟钝(hyposmia)有关. 此症状也被提及和嗅觉基因(olfactogenital)发展迟缓有关. 自发性的促性腺激素分泌不足的低性腺功能症广义包含单一性腺激素缺乏,


至于为腓尼基人及以色列人所崇拜的圣石,则统称为"伯特利"(Bethel),或"秘之第宅". 然而以色列族正因为这一种发展比较迟缓,所以他们便容易从多神主义的信仰中解放出来,当他们在古代文化顶峰的时候,逐渐学得了各个巨大城市之哲学及伦理的一神主义的时候,


俄国可以在一种称为"碉堡"的建筑中训练它的步兵,"碉堡"(Blockhouse)的作用与防守领地的"哨塔"(Outpost)相同. 土耳其与德国有点相似,初期发展迟缓,它是通过免费生产村民来弥补的. 为了持续地生产村民,土耳其必须尽早建造清真寺(Mosque)并频繁地为它研究科技.


俄国可以在一种称为"碉堡"的建筑中训练它的步兵,"碉堡"(Blockhouse)的作用与防守领地的"哨塔"(Outpost)相同. 土耳其与德国有点相似,初期发展迟缓,它是通过免费生产村民来弥补的. 为了持续地生产村民,


症状较严重者,通常在婴儿期早期即出现严重的运动发展迟缓、躯干肌张力低下、四肢僵直及动作减少(hypokinesia)等表徵,眼睑下垂(Ptosis)及/或眼动危象(oculogyric crises)也时常发生,通常levodopa对此类型患孩的治疗不易,



retarded:智力迟钝的, 发展迟缓的

contract of hire 租用契约 | retarded 智力迟钝的, 发展迟缓的 | yard trap 集水井存水隔间, 进水口防臭设备

revengeful ridiculous:可笑的,滑稽的;该嘲笑的;荒谬的

retarded发展迟缓的(尤指智力迟钝的) | revengeful ridiculous可笑的,滑稽的;该嘲笑的;荒谬的 | righteous正直的,公正的,正义的


文明特色:有免费的枪骑士(Uhlan)伴随主城援助一起抵达土耳其与德国有点相似,初期发展迟缓,它是通过免费生产村民来弥补的. 为了持续地生产村民,土耳其必须尽早建造清真寺(Mosque)并频繁地为它研究科技. 土耳其拥有的独特单位比其它任何文明都多.


口吃(stuttering)、迅吃(cluttering)亦属少见. 少数的选择性缄默症(约38%)与神经生理发展落后、说话与语言障碍及语言发展迟缓、构音异常(articulation disorder)等问题有关. 就经验而言,口吃患者常常会在社交场合选择以缄默来处理人际关系,