英语人>词典>汉英 : 发动进攻 的英文翻译,例句
发动进攻 的英文翻译、例句


declare war on
更多网络例句与发动进攻相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Union force arrived in the middle of September. It did not attack immediately. It spent one full day getting into position along Antietam Creek across from the Confederate army.


CHAPTER IV Chinese THE NOTE submitted by Bennigsen, and the report sent in by the Cossacks of the enemy's left flank being unguarded, were simply the last straws that showed the inevitability of giving the signal for advance, and it was arranged to advance to attack on the 5th of October.

第四章 英文贝尼格森所呈交的有关必须发动进攻的意见书和那个哥萨克所做的关于法军左翼未设防的报告,只不过是必需下达进攻命令的最后迹象罢了,于是决定十月五日开始进攻。

THE NOTE submitted by Bennigsen, and the report sent in by the Cossacks of the enemy's left flank being unguarded, were simply the last straws that showed the inevitability of giving the signal for advance, and it was arranged to advance to attack on the 5th of October.


By contrast, as the day unfolded, it looked awfully easy to declare war on us.


Because the Chinese enemy in the night attack endeavors to smother the position at close range and his attacking line is frequently in defilade to our artillery fires by the time the attack is sensed, the mortars are given a wide variety of decisive fire missions.


Thirdly, the narrative metaphor of" pursuit/escape" implies that intellectuals are devoted to disclosing the absurdity of violence and power and attacking despotism and fatuity although they know they are doomed to fail.


IN MAY 2006 a gang of jailbirds declared war on South America's biggest city.


Goals are proportion in the first half and the second half. Goals flood tide appear in the first 15 minutes of first half and second half, and the amount of goal reduce more and more as the time goes by during the other period of time. The main districts of goal are 1 section and 2 section. Besides, the big forbidden zone spread to 30M line section also become the main district of goal. The most important means of offense is tactics of placement, the ball past from side to the middle and offense of middle pass are also the important means of goals. Most of the goals are done by vanguard player, the aggressive plug into of vanguard has become the important means of goal in each team.


The voices of those who urged delay, and counselled waiting for something and not advancing, had been so unanimously drowned and their arguments had been confuted by such indubitable proofs of the advantages of advancing, that what had been discussed at the council, the future battle and the victory certain to follow it, seemed no longer future but past.


Vandervoort took all this in, then ordered Wray to return to the company and have it attack the German flank before the Germans could get their attack started.


更多网络解释与发动进攻相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


与此同时,戈特虽然争辩说内阁的指示不切实际,但还是在手下十三个师中派出两个师,连同已经派往法国的唯一坦克旅,从阿腊斯(Arras)向南发动进攻. 这次反击在21日发动后,进攻的兵力就压缩成两个力量薄弱的坦克营,随之以两个步兵营.

declare war on:对...宣战; 发动进攻

declare war 向...宣战 | declare war on 对...宣战; 发动进攻 | declared 公告的; 公然的 (形)

vertical envelopment:垂直包围,依靠空中突击师采用空降的方式将部队部署到敌军的侧翼和后方,发动包夹进攻

unveil fresh policy 新政策出台 | vertical envelopment 垂直包围,依靠空中突击师采用空降的方式将部队部署到敌军的侧翼和后方,发动包夹进攻 | victim 受害者

vertical envelopment:垂直包围,依*空中突击师采用空降的方式将部队部署到敌军的侧翼和后方,发动包夹进攻

unveil fresh policy 新政策出台 | vertical envelopment 垂直包围,依*空中突击师采用空降的方式将部队部署到敌军的侧翼和后方,发动包夹进攻 | victim 受害者

vertical envelopment:垂直包围,依赖空中突击师采用空降的方式将部队部署到敌军的侧翼和后方,发动包夹进攻

unveil fresh policy 新政策出台 | vertical envelopment 垂直包围,依赖空中突击师采用空降的方式将部队部署到敌军的侧翼和后方,发动包夹进攻 | victim 受害者


early crosser = 早传的 | playmaker =组织者,也貌似发动进攻的 | one time passer = 一次传球者

Gneeral Bradley says you want me tie this in with a land-based attack:布拉德利将军说你要我同时发动陆地上的进攻

. . .by sea, to make a landing up h... | Gneeral Bradley says you want me tie this in with a land-based attack.|布拉德利将军说你要我同时发动陆地上的进攻. | -Hell, it's only 15, 20 miles.|-General, but...

unprovoked attack:无故发动的进攻

civilian 平民,百姓 | unprovoked attack 无故发动的进攻 | Admiral Yamamoto 山本五十六,日本海军统帅

zero hour:发动进攻的时刻;决定性的时刻;零点

Youth look forward and age backward. 青年人展望未来,老年眷恋过去. | Zeal without prudence is frenzy. 热情而不审慎等于狂热. | Zero hour 发动进攻的时刻;决定性的时刻;零点.

Tilt at windmills:与假想的敌人或坏事战斗; 徒劳地对不可能战胜的事物发动进攻

tiller 耕作者, 农夫; 耕作机#舵柄#分蘖 (名) | tilt at windmills 与假想的敌人或坏事战斗; 徒劳地对不可能战胜的事物发动进攻 | tilted at windmills 与假想的敌人或坏事战斗; 徒劳地对不可能战胜的事物发动进攻