英语人>词典>汉英 : 发动攻击 的英文翻译,例句
发动攻击 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
assault  ·  assaulted  ·  assaults

更多网络例句与发动攻击相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The UK's Daily Telegraph reported Saturday that Israel is negotiating with the US over permission for an "air corridor" over Iraq should an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities become necessary.


The Government will not assail you .


The domain name that uses in all attack is those who comparative is reliable, and makes identical form be atttacked with be being started to all sorts of banks.


Jan Smuts - himself an enemy of the British during the Boer War of 1899-1902, but now serving with them - was tasked in March 1916 with dealing with Lettow-Vorbeck, and in doing so launched an attack from South Africa with a force of 45,000 men.


Is he who attacks first the defender or the compeller?


And when it comes to sparking global conflagration, a US attack on Iran might be just the thing.


A lot of people are conjectural, russia is concerned with these attack, allegedly two computers that launch attack come from Russia.


At this stage the nage allows the uke to initiate an attack and he receives it by using his movement to blend with the attack.


Even if Israel were to launch an attack on Iran without US approval its planes could not reach their targets without the US becoming aware of their flightpath and having time to ask them to abandon their mission.


Guderian was in favour of waiting for his whole corps to arrive before launching an assault the next morning (he was angry that Kleist had changed the dispositions of the Luftwaffe units detailed to support him), but the Panzer Group commander, Ewald von Kleist, ordered an immediate assault.


更多网络解释与发动攻击相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Carronade Chunk:炸裂塔,可以发动大范围爆炸攻击

Laser Chunk:雷射塔,会自动锁定敌人攻击 | Carronade Chunk:炸裂塔,可以发动大范围爆炸攻击 | Hungry Apple:即死塔,无视敌人防御的攻击

Laser Chunk:雷射塔,会自动锁定敌人攻击

Smog Fruit:超级冰塔,可以大范围降低敌人的速度 | Laser Chunk:雷射塔,会自动锁定敌人攻击 | Carronade Chunk:炸裂塔,可以发动大范围爆炸攻击

Throw Dagger:投掷小刀,主动技,用小刀攻击远方敌人

Whirlwind:旋风斩,主动技,发动转转攻击自身周为所有敌人 | Throw Dagger:投掷小刀,主动技,用小刀攻击远方敌人 | Dodge Projectiles:闪躲投射,被动技,有机率可以完全闪避远程攻击

Leap Attack:跳跃攻击,主动技,跳越到空中并坠落攻击范围内敌人

Cleave:噼斩,主动技,发动后攻击会有额外伤害 | Leap Attack:跳跃攻击,主动技,跳越到空中并坠落攻击范围内敌人 | Heavy Handed:压制,被动技,增加近战伤害

Leap Attack:跳跃攻击,主动技,跳跃到空中并坠落攻击范围内敌人

Cleave:劈斩,主动技,发动后攻击会有额外伤害 | Leap Attack:跳跃攻击,主动技,跳跃到空中并坠落攻击范围内敌人 | Heavy Handed:压制,被动技,增加近战伤害

Soul Repel:灵魂击退 当ABK发动时将抵抗所有攻击包括空中打击

Master Impact 撞击大师 一定时间内所有撞击将变成直接撞击 | Soul Repel 灵魂击退 当ABK发动时将抵抗所有攻击包括空中打击 | Hysterical Strength 歇斯底里的力量 以魂量数量增加属性

Soul Repel:灵魂击退 当ABK发动时将反抗所有攻击包括空中打击

Master Impact 撞击大师 一定时间内所有撞击将变成直接撞击 | Soul Repel 灵魂击退 当ABK发动时将反抗所有攻击包括空中打击 | Hysterical Strength 歇斯底里的力量 以魂量数量增加属性

Strengthen Vertical:增强直攻 提示直攻击,其他攻击将削弱

Hyper Mode 亢奋模式 当abk发动时所有属性将在一定时间提升 | Strengthen Vertical 增强直攻 提示直攻击,其他攻击将削弱 | Skill Ability Up 提升技能效果 当abk发动时随机提高技能效果

Strengthen Vertical:纵斩斩攻击强化,其他攻击弱化

Hyper Mode:魂量满时按下A+B+K发动,所有能力上升 | Strengthen Vertical:纵斩斩攻击强化,其他攻击弱化 | Skill Ability Up:魂量满时按下A+B+K发动,随机提高技能效果

Strengthen Vertical:增强直攻 提示直攻击,其它攻击将削弱

Hyper Mode 亢奋模式 当abk发动时所有属性将在一定时间提升 | Strengthen Vertical 增强直攻 提示直攻击,其它攻击将削弱 | Skill Ability Up 提升技能效果 当abk发动时随机提高技能效果