英语人>词典>汉英 : 发出尖声 的英文翻译,例句
发出尖声 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
screech  ·  screeched  ·  screeches

更多网络例句与发出尖声相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You'll never hear one give away its whereabouts by roaring; it lacks the throat structure, though it can hiss, chuff, mew, growl, and wail.


A case in point for this, I believe, is what happened to me a year ago in Albuquerque (right after the below-described encounter with a 'mystery man') when I spotted the same person one night walking across a dimly-lit area at the same time that a sudden shrill, high-pitched tiny ring began emanating from the back of my head at the base of my skull.

这有个例子,我相信,它是1年前在 Albuquerque 发生在我身上(刚好在那后,下面那叙述的遇到一个'神秘的男人'),当我发现同一人在晚上穿过一个阴暗的地区在同一时间,突然一声尖声的,尖锐的小铃音开始从我的头部,在我头骨的底部发出。

Squawk shrilly and loudly, characteristic of hens.


Of course there ought to be jungle-cats and birds of prey and other agencies of sudden death to add to the illusion of liberty, but the bird's own imagination is capable of inventing those ---- look how a domestic fowl will squawk an alarm note if a rook or wood pigeon passes over its run when it has chickens.


"Snatching up stones to fling at them, with shrill, incoherent exclamation s, that made her mother tremble, because they had so much the sound of a witch's anathemas in some unknown tongue."


"Snatching up stones to fling at them, with shrill, incoherent exclamations, that made her mother tremble , because they had so much the sound of a witch's anathemas in some unknown tongue."


" Snatch ing up stones to fling at them, with shrill, incoherent exclamations, that made her mother tremble, because they had so much the sound of a witch's anathemas in some unknown tongue."


The wolf got up again with a surprising rapidity and flew at the young hound; his teeth clacked, and the hound, covered with blood from a gash in his side, thrust its head in the earth, squealing shrilly.


If she hadn't shrieked out the warning, there would have been a nasty accident.


Piazza San Marco,(Piazza del san.marco) as the most romantic squares, pigeons here is the greatest feature Bridge of Sighs, Bridge of Sighs connecting the two buildings are the courts and prisons; In general, people enter the prison will not go out alive, and the Bridge of Sighs became the last of their only place to see the sun, After prisoners here will be sent to Buzi Jin A Sigh, with the passage of time, the sigh sigh on a "Bridge of Sighs"...

圣马可广场,(Piazza del san.marco)被誉为最浪漫的广场,鸽子是这里最大的特色叹息桥,叹息桥连接的两座建筑物分别是法院和监狱;一般来讲,进入监狱的人都不会活着出去的,而叹息桥就成为了他们最后唯一可以看见阳光的地方,因此,囚犯们经过这里的时候都会不自禁地发出一声叹息,久而久之,这些叹息就叹成了&叹息桥&了……总督宫,威尼斯共和国时期的最高权力机关;粉红色的大理石外墙,连续的尖型拱门和四辨花型圆窗,属于典型的哥特式风格。

更多网络解释与发出尖声相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

screechy:声音尖锐的; 喜欢尖声喊叫的 (形)

screech 尖着声音讲; 发出尖锐的声音 (动) | screechy 声音尖锐的; 喜欢尖声喊叫的 (形) | screen 掩蔽, 拍摄, 放映 (动)


stridence 刺耳 | strident 刺耳的 | stridulate 发出尖声


strident 刺耳的 | stridulate 发出尖声 | stridulation 鸣声


stridor /喘鸣/ | stridulate /发出尖而高的声音/吱吱叫鸣/ | stridulation /鸣声/尖锐的声音/磨擦声/


stridulate 发出尖声 | stridulation 鸣声 | strife 斗争

The child screeched insults at us:那孩子尖着嗓子骂我们

* old ladies screeching hymns 用尖声唱着赞美诗的老妇人 | * The child screeched insults at us. 那孩子尖着嗓子骂我们. | 2 [I] make a harsh high-pitched sound 发出尖利的声音