英语人>词典>汉英 : 反面角色 的英文翻译,例句
反面角色 的英文翻译、例句


character part
更多网络例句与反面角色相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On getting dramatic in her upcoming film Buttercup: Obviously, I'm drawn to comedy, good or bad.


In the film, he is the villain of the piece, of Jiangjieshi, when people see this name, may be disgustful, for his reason, China people had to be in deep water for several years. But in this film. I just see a leader loneliness, he did not play politics but Worried everyday.


As a role who set countless barriers on the hero's way to success, Salim, to some extent, is a kind of antagonist. Nevertheless Salim is of course not merely as this role, but a complex character. We can get its true idea though his fleeing of Latika without any hesitate after being a member of gangdom, which helps his little brother meet his love again. Consider this episode, we can find the kind-heart of Salim, as a mirror character, without any difficulties.

作为不止一次阻碍主人公达成目的的Salim也算是反面角色的一员,但我认为Salim不单纯是一个反面角色,在电影中后段扮演了黑帮角色后义无反顾的放走Latika,让弟弟寻回真爱,却又是一个支持主角的镜像角色mirror character。

Part I :the definition of officialdom novels ,the insightful discussion of the development of them ,and the primary analysis of the reasons of their flourishing ;Part II :the construction of subject matters of officialdom novels by probing analysis into official corruption ,official and social psychologies ;Part III: the of artistic features of characters and narrative (i.e. narrative perspective constructions ,discourse and ironical narration ),which are illustrated by the positive characters with personalities ,negative ones with complex characteristics ,more importantly ,the vulgar existence ofgray characters ,the discovery of features of narrative methods with the contract of two types of novels ; Part IV: the positive comment on the realistic rules of officialdom novels and the surpassing of the previous ones ,the shortcomings from the artistic perspective : the adoption to the reality seriously fetters artistic imagination of literature works ,it also reads to the lacking of insightful thinking ,the simple characters fail to reveal artistic glamour ,the routinized narrative methods also degrades the artistic savor of works .


What a villain brings to any feature is a clear and present threat.


In his praise of that traditional Western schoolbook villain, Saladin③.


He was cast as the villain in the play.


In 1857 his friend Wilkie Collins wrote a play about a failed Arctic expedition.


In the initial brainstorming sessions for the Clone Wars micro-series, the artists at the Cartoon Network wanted Wat Tambor to figure as a villain.


In the initial brainstorming sessions for the Clone Wars micro-series, the artists at the Cartoon Network wanted Wat Tambor to figure as a villain.


更多网络解释与反面角色相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


那么为什么会出演>(Masters of the Universe)中的骷髅魔王呢?1993年,他在影片>(Dave)中再次出演反面角色. 对于那些已经习惯了他神采奕奕的主角形象的观众来说,这是一个不小的冲击.


最新的片场照也曝光,主角布莱克-莱弗利(Blake Lively)、莉顿-女星德玛托将入主紫藤巷在热门美剧>(Desperate Housewives)中的"坏女人"伊迪(Edie)去世后,由谁来接棒出演"反面角色"一直受到关注,

Dirty Harry:哈利

从左至右分别是:>(Dirty Harry)令马格南.44口径(44 Magnum)、>中反面角色黑武士使用的激光剑、>中机关枪. 中国日报网环球在线消息:据英国>报道,20世纪福克斯公司日前评出了电影史上的"十佳武器".

henchman:党羽, 走狗

(3) Land Reform 土地改革, 五十年代的土改运动 | (4) Henchman 党羽, 走狗 | (5) Landlord Huang Siren 地主黄寺仁, 歌剧或电影白毛女里的反面角色

Art Malik:埃尔塔.马里克

任何一个好故事里都会有一个恰到好处的反面角色,如:终结者;各种异形;>中疯狂的科菲;T1000型号机器人;>中埃尔塔-马里克(Art Malik)饰演的萨利姆(Salim);当然还有>中比利-赞恩(Billy Zane)饰演的卡尔.


两人分别和邦德女郎以及在邦德电影中出演反面角色的演员、为电影演唱主题曲的雪莉.贝西(Dame Shirley Bassey),她之前为邦德系列电影中的>(Goldfinger)、>(Diamonds Are Forever)以及>(Moonraker)演唱过主题曲.


突围办法:她转而饰演那些反面角色,比如在尼古拉斯.凯奇的导演处女作>(Sonny)中,她扮演一个新奥尔良的妓女,与帅哥男性詹姆斯.弗兰科演对手戏. 她应该听取的忠告是:去参加那些名利双收的大制作影片的演出,要放弃那些不怎么样的小制作.

The Wild One:飞车党

他在>(Eight Iron Men)、>(The Big Heat)和 >(The Wild One)中的表现均给人留下了难忘记忆. 在银幕上树立起根植人心的反面角色印象后,马文凭借在>(M Squad)中侦探一角的成功演出完成了角色的变换.

the Way of the Cross:十字架之路

the villain of the piece 反面角色 | the Way of the Cross 十字架之路 | the way of the world 人情世故

play the devil'S advocate:有意唱反面角色

稳操胜券的人/物shooin | 有意唱反面角色play the devil'S advocate | 两面派的two-faced