英语人>词典>汉英 : 反抗者 的英文翻译,例句
反抗者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
mutineer  ·  resistant  ·  resister

更多网络例句与反抗者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Such figures of thinking and personality of contradictions: On the one hand, they love life, the pursuit of happiness, a fiery passion, a strong love, extraordinary character; now dare to despise the system, and social evil irreconcilable blood feud, determined to revenge Therefore, they are social evils and the insurgents Avenger.


Captain Fannicot, a bold and impatient bourgeois, a sort of condottiere of the order of those whom we have just characterized, a fanatical and intractable governmentalist, could not resist the temptation to fire prematurely, and the ambition of capturing the barricade alone and unaided, that is to say, with his company. Exasperated by the successive apparition of the red flag and the old coat which he took for the black flag, he loudly blamed the generals and chiefs of the corps, who were holding council and did not think that the moment for the decisive assault had arrived, and who were allowing "the insurrection to fry in its own fat," to use the celebrated expression of one of them.


It is adread, that their whole effort is directed into the emasculation and


It is a manifestation of rage acted out by those who fear impotence with such dread, that their whole effort is directed into the emasculation and destruction of the terrifying rival of their unconscious fantasies.


The Obama administration has resisted such language, worrying that full-throated American backing for the protesters would harm their cause by making them more susceptible to对..敏感 being labeled by被...贴上标签 Iranian officials as tools of Washington.


These were proceeded against as traitors and rebels, guilty of no less than high treason.


It's a revolt in the romantic perspective.


Iran's motive for supplying the weapons would be to foster client networks among the loose-limbed Mahdi Army, to tie the Americans down and to be able to stir up more violence, should America attack Iran.


The state media is reporting there were more death s yesterday in the o ngoing protest s over Iran's presidential election. State television reports ten were killed, one hundrand others were hurt in the clashes between protest o rs and security forces.


Some people treat law as an objective realm distant from the lives of individuals and they regard themselves as supplicants before law. Some people regard law as a game to serve individual interests and values and themselves as the player of the game.


更多网络解释与反抗者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


deficit /赤字/亏/亏损/ | defier /反抗者/ | defilade /遮蔽/

Fearless Resistance:無懼的反抗

Fearless Repentant 無畏的悔改者 | Fearless Resistance 無懼的反抗 | Fed Ogre 吃飽的巨魔

Fearless Repentant:無畏的悔改者

Fearless Fanatic 無畏的狂熱信徒 | Fearless Repentant 無畏的悔改者 | Fearless Resistance 無懼的反抗

Rebel Informer:反抗军告密者

2 Defiant Vanguard无畏前锋 | 1 Rebel Informer反抗军告密者 | 3 Armageddon毁天灭地


301. magpie: 饶舌的人. | 302. malcontent: 不满分子,反抗者. | 303. malefactor: 罪犯,作恶者.


302. malcontent: 不满分子,反抗者. | 303. malefactor: 罪犯,作恶者. | 304. malingerer: 装病逃避工作的人.


workerengineer 工人工程师 | mutineer 叛变者,反抗者 | routineer 职员,墨守陈规者,事务主义者


mutineer 反叛者,背叛者 | mutinous 加入叛变的,反抗的 | mutton 羊肉


迷雾山脉 -梅杜莎、幽冥犬(Cerberus )、反抗者(Rebel)黑暗森林 -梅杜莎、幽冥犬、狼、黑豹(Leopard)、反抗者(Rebel)野蛮人村庄 -梅杜莎、幽冥犬、北欧狂战士(berserker)、反抗者(Rebel)强盗营地 -梅杜莎、幽冥犬、土匪(Robber)、反抗者(Rebel)古代神庙 -梅杜莎

recalcitrance:反抗; 不听话; 顽强 (名)

rebutter 反驳者; 反驳的论点; 答辩者 (名) | recalcitrance 反抗; 不听话; 顽强 (名) | recalcitrancy 反抗; 不顺从 (名)