英语人>词典>汉英 : 反应性的 的英文翻译,例句
反应性的 的英文翻译、例句


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The accentuation of vascular sensitivity to α2-AR agonist may be one of the mechanisms of abdominal aorta hyperreactivity.


Effects of vapour of organic solvents on the poly- was studied by the differential scanning calorimetry.


But there are few or no visible F-actin ring of blocking proteinase being released in MC of tryptase and chymase immunoreactivity MC(subscript TC and MC of chymase immunoreactivity MC(subscript C. Cell appearance was inflated and intracellular proteinase had been released.


Considering, it is limited the cross-reactivity displayed by a single HVR peptide. We designed to ligate several high reactive HVR1 genes, and the recombinant fused protein containing several HVRls would have the ability to cross-react with most of HCV infected sera, and could be an effective immunogen of HCV vaccine.


Reactions of 2-methyl-1,4 naphthoquinone with human telomeric DNA and telomerase RNA ESR spin elimination has been used with 4-oxo-TEMPO as spin trap. The reactivities of 3VK3* with telomeric DNA, template of telomerase RNA and its L6-P6 region have been confirmed respectively. The results show that the reactivity of 3VK3* with polynucleotides is directly proportional to their G amount, and the one for reaction of 3VK3* with telomeric DNA is the highest in polynucleotides. 2. Reactions of 2-methyl-1,4 naphthoquinone with nucleosides, nucleotides ESR spin elimination has been used with 4-oxo-TEMPO as spin trap.


Methods: We examined the relations among selected familial andenvironmental factors, markers of allergy, spirometric measuresof lung function, and AHR in a cross-sectional study of 403Costa Rican children with asthma between the ages of 6 and 14years.

鉴于对西班牙美国地区儿童哮喘中气道高反应性的决定因素方面的了解很少,Ly等人对403例Costa Rican哮喘儿童(年龄6~14岁)进行了横向研究,在此研究中我们检测了某些家族和环境因素、过敏标志物、肺功能中肺量计的指标以及气道高反应性间的关系。

In this study, We typed the the gene of β〓-AR from genomic DNA of asthmatic patients and made the further analysis: The distributing condition of genetic polymorphisms at positions 16 and 27 in β〓 AR coding region and at position 19 in 5'Leader Cistron (5'LC) among southwest Chinese asthmatic population; The relationship between the each polymorphisms at the above three positions and the asthmatic phenotypes (FEV〓 or nocturnal asthma); The effect of each polymorphisms at the above three positions on bronchodilator responsiveness induced by β〓- agonists(initial bronchodilator response, pharmaco-dynamic); The relationship between the haplotypes of polymorphisms in the 5'LC or in positions 16, 27 of β〓AR coding block and asthmatic phenotypes or bronchodilator responsiveness induced by β〓-agonists.


This dissertation was focused on the electron-transfer reactions of per-fluoroalkyl halides. It consists of two parts.


The prerequisite for the multi-reaction of heavy metal ions distributed on the mineral-water interface mainly depends on the hydrolyzation of the ad sorbates and the electric charge of the sorbent. Thus the pH value becomes a key factor affecting the reaction of mineral-water interface.


The relation between reactivities of chars of Heshan coal and their burnouts is studied.


更多网络解释与反应性的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


此外,老年患者的无反应性(anergy)和癌死 亡率相关,但经统计学处理无显著性. 老年妇女生殖道恶性肿瘤特点 顾美皎 中图 总之,癌和老龄化关系复杂,包括各种因素,主要是暴 露于致癌物时间过长和宿主防御功能下降[1]. 2 女性生殖道癌武汉,

clonal anergy:克隆无反应性

1.克隆无反应性( clonal anergy)导致的耐受指在某些情况下,T、B细胞虽然仍有与抗原反应的 TCR或 mIg表达,但对该抗原呈功能上无应答或低应答状态. 3.克隆忽视( clonal ignorance)导致的耐受

atopic asthma:特应性哮喘

它只能用于那些经过临床血清学,或皮试检查后证实的个体.过敏症状发生在具有特异反应性个体时可以说是特异反应性的, 如特应性哮喘 (atopic asthma).然而,由IgE介


中...过敏:过敏可以是体液(抗体)或者是细胞免疫机制介导的.在大多数情况下,可产生过敏反应的抗体属于IGE类,这些个体可以归类于患有IGE-介导的过敏反应.然而,并非所有的"特异反应性" (atopy) 个体都会发生与


5)特异质反应(idiosyncratic reaction):也称特异反应性(idiosyncrasy)是药物引起的一类遗传学性异常反应,发生在有遗传性药物代谢或反应变异的个体,特异反应性反应在性质上和药物在正常人中引起的反应可能相似,




reactive 反应性的 | reactively 反应性地 | reactivelyretroactively 反动地

airway responsiveness:气道反应性

气道反应性(airway responsiveness)指气道对各种物理、化学、变应原或运动的反应程度. 正常人气道对上述微量刺激并不引发平滑肌收缩或仅发生微弱收缩反应;而在同样刺激下,某些哮喘患者则可因气道炎症处于过度反应状态,表现出敏感而过强的支气管平滑肌收缩反应,

Acute laryngopharyngitis:分类于他处的其他疾病引起的反应性关节炎

反应性关节病 NOS Acute laryngitis | 分类于他处的其他疾病引起的反应性关节炎 Acute laryngopharyngitis | 梅毒感染后关节炎 Acute laryngotracheitis

reactional psychosis:反应性精神病

reaction velocity 反应速度 | reactional psychosis 反应性精神病 | reactionary 反动的