英语人>词典>汉英 : 反宣传 的英文翻译,例句
反宣传 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

slander campaign
更多网络例句与反宣传相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

While most books and films about this hermetic regime try to peel away the scrim of party-line misinformation,"The Juche Idea" does more or less the opposite: it co-opts the language of North Korean agitprop. As an independent filmmaker, Mr.


After the normalization of relations with the US in 1972, China ended its more extreme anti-American propaganda.


Frente the 'anti rock band' from Australia composed of singer Angie Hart, guitarist Simon Austin, bassist Bill McDonald, drummer Alaister Barden and keyboardist Fraiser Brandly, were recently in town promoting their new album Shape, where we hooked up for an interview.

Frente,这只澳洲走"anti rock"风格的乐团成员包括:主音Angie Hart、吉他手Simon Austin、贝司手Bill McDonald、鼓手Alaister Barden和键盘Fraiser Brandly,他们正在城里(哪个城就不清楚了,估计在美国,反正是采访他们所在的那个)宣传他们的新专辑《shape》(这段介绍估计是96年写的,96年他们出的第二张专辑),所以我们特意约了一次采访。

It is many alleged nation network swims instead making the old standard that promotes ethical culture tradition, traffic them wantonly that is dilettante cannot again dilettante bag is worn ethical culture appearance, the net that is full of very yellow very violent kernel however swims, but these game return at least is conduct propaganda merely, unapt still bold-faced to go infiltrating education is encircled, do to wrapping around the wolf of sheepskin, go pretending to be educational game, will cheat the parent, come prevail on adolescent indulges, will lend this him hype, come be ignorant of is worn conscience makes money.


Two novels, both commissioned in the 1950s by the U.S. Information Service as anti- Communist propaganda, The Rice Sprout Song and Naked Earth , were followed by a third in 1967, The Rouge of the North , which expands her early novella,"The Golden Cangue."


The Boxers were suppressed by foreign force, but in their wake came the first signs of a growing anti-Manchu Chinese nationalism, expressed in newspaper articles and pamphlets, in economic boycotts, and in a flurry of insurrectionary activity aimed at undercutting the power of the Qing state from within.


To further reduce smoking in New York City, in 2006 the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene began an extensive, television-based antitobacco media campaign using graphic imagery of the health effects of smoking, which aired simultaneously with a large New York state antitobacco media campaign.

为使纽约市吸菸率降低的成效更佳,纽约市健康暨心理卫生局(Department of Health and Mental Hygiene,以下缩写为DOHMH)於2006年开始一个广泛性、以电视宣传为主的反菸媒体运动,其中采用吸菸所造成之健康影响的图像,该运动和一个大型的纽约州反菸媒体运动同时播出。

Have do not show pattern at traditional media advertisement, article of conduct propaganda of a lot of websites does not indicate oneself are advertisement, but actually its still suffer " advertisement law "," consumer rights and interests protects a law "," product quality standard "," consumer rights and interests protects a law " and " oppose unfair competition law " the standard that waits for law, and the law related the basis, if,this kind is publicized crackbrained, non-standard, besides the baleful hype that can make the suit that sends customer, competitor, still can be in charge of probably by relevant administration mechanism undertakes condemnatory, accordingly, the enterprise should publicize action on the net according to standard him standard, when necessary, can serve an orgnaization to undertake advisory to professional law.


But it says official and state-supported anti-Zionist propaganda in Arab media, notably Syria's, often crosses the line separating legitimate criticism of Israel and its policies from anti-Semitic vilification.


To be sure, the intellectuals' responses to the official pro-Soviet propaganda are relatively small in terms of percentage to the entire Chinese population.


更多网络解释与反宣传相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


counterpoint of sound and picture 声画对位 | counterpoise 平衡 | counterpropaganda 反宣传


counterpressure 反压力 | counterproductive 反生产的 | counterpropaganda 反宣传


counterpoise 平衡 | counterpropaganda 反宣传 | counterrole 对抗作用

counterpropaganda:反宣传 (名)

counterproductive 产生不良后果的 (形) | counterpropaganda 反宣传 (名) | counterpunch 反击; 迎击; 回击 (名)


counterpropaganda 反宣传 | counterproposal 反建议 | counterpull 反引力

Return To Innocence:反璞歸真

这届奥运会用于宣传之用的电子音乐>(return to innocence)也为人们留下了深刻的印象,该曲由德国著名的新世纪音乐工作室enigma制作,最早发行于1993年,乐曲带有明显的台湾阿美族民歌的痕迹,旋律优美动听,意境宽广高远,听后令人浮想联翩.

rhetorical devices:修辞手段

在设计广告语时,汉英文化都喜欢使用各种修辞手段( rhetorical devices) 如像反语( irony) 、隐语(metaphor) 、夸张( hyperbole) 等等. 如:"小心购物太多,这里商品便宜. "这是国内某一旅游业的广告宣传, "小心购物太多"可以看成是"反语",


但美国防部高层的正式说法,是反复强调将为新闻界提供"前所未有的"(unprecedented)报道条件,认为这是信息时代抵制反宣传最有力的武器. 至于新闻界,虽然肯定了记者可以获得更多的采访报道权,但更多地是持怀疑态度. 总的来说,战前对于嵌入报道,


counterpart support | 对应支助 | counterproof | 反转打样 | counterpropaganda | 反宣传

Psycho-paths and Sociopaths:精神病人与反社会者

宣传Propaganda | 精神病人与反社会者Psycho-paths and Sociopaths | 皮格马利翁Pygmalion