英语人>词典>汉英 : 双器官的 的英文翻译,例句
双器官的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Man has a strong and wisdom cerebrum, which is into divided two Hemispheres jioned by Corpus Callosum.


At present, most genes were isolated by screening the cDNA or DNA library with theprobes homologous to sequences of dicot plants, and their functions were identified by themorphology of floral organs in transgenic plant.


The primary cambium is found in the stem and root between the phloem and xylem cells, and by division gives rise to the secondary phloem and xylem in woody dicotyledonous plants.


With the purified α-NT-linked affinity chromatography, nicotinic acetylcholine receptor is purified from the electric organ of ray .


Weekly news magazine Le Point reported that the recipient lives in Valenciennes, in northeast France, and that the donor's facial organs were removed in a hospital in Lille, about 60 miles from where the transplant was performed.


Results:After the blood flow was restored by operation, 4 died in the postoperative early stage because of sudden cardiac asystole due to hyperkalemia; in the late stage, 6 died of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome socondary from acute renal failure.


Because homeotic gene mutation and floral organ variation is a direct relationship,therefore the mutant application is the current functional genomics study developmentdirection. We discovered one mutant ah from line 458, which was a line ofthe twin-seedling strain W2555.ln this study, we have investigated the morphogenesisprogress, genetic analysis of mutant traits and molecular tagging of related gene.


As to'Cabemet Sauvignon'and'Queen of Vineyard', which belong to the'West Europe Cultivars Group', no obvious decline of Fv/Fm was found in their potted plants even under severe drought stress. Their photosynthetic abilities also greatly recovered after rewatering, i. e. no serious photodamage was formed in these cultivars under drought stress. Between them, the φPSⅡ of 'Queen of Vineyard'under severe drought stress was much lower than that of'Cabernet Sauvignon', which suggested that the light use efficiency of the former was much lower than the latter under severe drought stress. The potted plants of'Autumn Royal'and'Rizamat' sustained high Fv/Fm and φPSⅡ before moderate drought stress, but seriously declined under severe drought stress, which indicated that these cultivars had a weak resistant ability to extreme drought stress. A hybridized cultivar of Vitis vinifera L. and V. labrusca L.,'Red Double Taste', its Fv/Fm and φPSⅡ expressed mild decline along drought stress grade.φPSⅡ of'Red Double Taste'was the highest among seven cultivars under severe drought stress condition, which might closely connected with its high photorespiration activity. Another new cultivar,'Red Globe', and a rootstock,'1103Paulsen', the Fv/Fm and φPSⅡ of their potted plants declined markedly under slight drought stress, which suggested that they held a weak ability to defend against photoinhibition.


Each male ratwas paired with 2 female rats in proestrus when administration terminated. Femalerats were examined the next morning for the presence of sperm in vaginal smears andunderwent a cesarean section on day 13 of gestation. Then the reproductive indiceswere calculated as follows: copulation index, pregnancy index, and fertility index,which can evaluate male fertility directly. The sperm motility and morphology wereevaluated by computer-assisted sperm analysis, moreover, the caudaepididymal sperm ultramicrostructure were analyzed by transmission electronmicroscope, which can evaluate the influence on sperm maturation bydutasteride ; sperm survival rate was assessed by SYBR-14 and propidium iodidefluorescent staining; serumal dihydrotestosterone and testosterone of ratswere detected by enzyme-labeled immunoassay, which can evaluate the effecton androgenic levels; the weights of testes and epididymides, were determined byprecise electronic balance; histological examination of above tissues were evaluatedby HE staining and TEM, which can evaluate treatment on histology of reproductiveorgans by dutasteride.

给药结束后雄鼠与处于动情前期的雌鼠按2:1合笼,计算雌鼠的交配指数、受孕指数和生育指数,直接评价雄鼠生育力;采用计算机辅助精子分析系统分析大鼠附睾精子活力和形态,在此基础上合并使用透射电镜技术对各组附睾尾部精子进行透射电镜分析,评价度他雄胺对大鼠精子成熟的影响;采用SYBR-14和propidium iodide双重荧光染色计算精子存活率;采用Elisa法测定大鼠睾酮(testosterone, T)和双氢睾酮(dihydrotestosterone, DHT)血清浓度,评价度他雄胺对雄鼠雄激素水平的影响;采用精密电子天平对各组睾丸、附睾、前列腺和精囊进行称重,评价度他雄胺对大鼠生殖器官重量的影响;采用HE染色法对各组睾丸和附睾进行组织学分析,同时采用透射电镜技术对附睾上皮细胞超微结构进行分析,评价度他雄胺对大鼠主要生殖器官组织学的影响。

These are foundation stones of biological classification of the genus Bifidobacteria. The designation of species and biotypes is on the basis of carbohydrate fermentation physiological characteristics and DNA-DNA homology studies.


更多网络解释与双器官的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

biserrate antennae:重锯齿触角

\\"双列趾\\",\\"biserial crochet\\" | \\"重锯齿触角\\",\\"biserrate antennae\\" | \\"两性的;兼具两性器官的\\",\\"bisexual\\"


显著影响正常社交能力的听力减迟称为聋(deafness),因双耳听力障碍(hearing handicap)不能以语言进行正常社交者称为聋哑或聋人(deaf). 定义:系继发于基因或染色体异常等遗传缺陷(genetic defect)的听觉器官发育缺陷而导致的听力障碍.


dimeric 二部组成的 | dimerous 双器官的 | dimerous 由两部分组成的


dimerous 双器官的 | dimerous 由两部分组成的 | dimetallic 二原子金属的


(4)如果睾丸未降入阴囊内而隐居在腹腔、腹股沟管内或阴茎根部、会阴(perineum)部等处,称为隐睾症(cryptorchism). 触诊时应仔细寻找,可在其他部位触及睾丸,但多较正常柔软而细小. 隐睾以一侧为多,偶有双侧者. 若为双侧可影响生殖器官及第二性征的发育.


雄性蝎子有一个特殊的生殖器官,叫精囊(Spermatophore),内藏精子. 它通过分泌物将精囊粘着在地上. 雄蝎子与雌蝎子跳求爱舞,先用尾部扫动地面,引起雌蝎子注意. 然后两者双螯相抵,互相牵拉. 雄蝎子会用毒针蜇一下雌蝎子,并释放少量毒素,

spider monkey:蛛猴

原来几乎所有雄性哺乳类动物的生z器官都有软骨,唯人类及蛛猴(spider monkey)双付阙如......男女肋骨数目相同而男人那话儿偏偏是唯一没有软骨的灵长类动物,这两位学者的"发现",足以推翻>肋骨造人说.


1.子宫肌瘤剔除术(myomectomy) 只切除子宫肌瘤并修复创面,适用于需要保留生育器官和功能的未生育妇女和<40岁的年轻妇女. 3.全子宫切除术 切除子宫体部、子宫颈,保留双侧附件,适用于合并宫颈上皮内瘤样病变(ClN)或者其他良性病变者.年龄较大(>40岁)已无生育要求的子宫肌瘤患者.


编者按 老年性耳聋(presbycusis)是指由于年龄的增长,使听觉器官衰老、退变而出现的双耳对称、缓慢进行性的感音神经性听力减退. 在老年人中,听力障碍的发生率为30%~60%. 临床的共同特点是由高频向语频缓慢进行的双侧对称性聋,伴高调持续性耳鸣.


\\"两性的,兼具两性器官的\\",\\"bisexual\\" | \\"门齿修饰术(马)\\",\\"bishoping\\" | \\"双羟香豆素\\",\\"bishydroxy coumarin\\"