英语人>词典>汉英 : 及早 的英文翻译,例句
及早 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

at an early date · in season · in good season · before it is too late
更多网络例句与及早相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Learning by doing in truth achieves the abatement of greenhouse gases; it gives a hint government has to promote the action for abatement of greenhouse gases; hence, we can approach to the decoupling circumstance for greenhouse gases emission advanced.


But unofficial results show 106,064 people casting early and absentee votes for president.

但非官方的结果展示106,064 人及早熔铸和缺席者表决为总统。

I think 6 weeks before delivery to me here in the USA should be early enough for advance payment of 30%.

我认为,分娩前6周,我在这里的美国应及早预先付款的30 %。

He sent the letter by air mail, so that it might reach them in good time.


Early optometry and correct ametropia were key in prevention and treatment of cerebral palsy with amblyopia.


Results There were significant differences between MDS and CAA in Hb, red cell distribution width-coefficient variation, immature reticulocyte fraction, BPC, the ratio of G1 (the sum percentage of myeloblast and premyelocyte) to G2 (the sum percentage of neutrophilic myelocyte and metamy-elocyte), the ratio of E1 (the sum percentage of proerythroblast and early erythroblast) to E2 (the sum percentage of intermediate erythroblast and late erythroblast), megakaryocyte count,erythroblast PAS, neutrophil alkaline phosphatase, and serous levels of indirect bilirubin,lactose dehydrogenase, folic acid, VitBl2 and ferritin.

结果 MDS患者血红蛋白,红细胞体积分布宽度。变异系数、未成熟网织细胞比率、血小板计数、骨髓原始细胞及早幼粒细胞之和与中性中幼粒细胞及中性晚幼粒细胞之和的比值、原始红细胞及早幼红细胞之和与中幼红细胞及晚幼红细胞之和的比值、巨核细胞计数、有核红细胞糖原染色阳性率和阳性指数、中性粒细胞碱性磷酸酶染色阳性率和阳性指数、血清间接胆红素、乳酸脱氢酶、尿酸、叶酸、维生素B12(VitB12)、铁蛋白水平等常规实验室指标与CAA患者比较差异有统计学意义。

If we can judge the leakage of poisonous gas earlier, and take measures before the accident enlarge ,we can avoid safety misadventure.


In summary, a close relationship was observed between the method of management for different causes of torticollis and its outcome.


Poor Richard's Almanac advised that "Early to Bed, and early to rise, makes a Man healthy, wealthy, and wise."


Conclution: We should pay attention to the education of treatment of hypoglycaemia during diabatic therapy in order to find in time and treat in time.


更多网络解释与及早相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a mass of pottage:眼前利益,因小失大,付出巨大代价得到的物质享受

49. To keep an ear to the ground,它的意思就是保持高度警觉,及早发现... | 50. a mass of pottage. 眼前利益,因小失大,付出巨大代价得到的物质享受 | 51. After quitting school, he realized that life was not ros...

antenatal care:产前检查

通过产前检查(antenatal care)可及早发现这些异常变化并及时给予指导和治疗,以免影响胎儿的生长发育;根据产前检查的结果还可预计分娩难易,让孕妇及家属做好分娩准备;通过产前检查,可以了解胎儿宫内发育情况、胎方位及胎儿成熟度,


Elaine亦在传真内告知,前一晚曾与她母亲通电话,宋太太歉然(apologetic)未能及早通知我,爱玲女士大部分遗物都已转交台北皇冠出版社. 另外,宋家仍存留有两箱英文文稿,包括英译>及未完成的>......等,可以转赠给我.


betide 发生于 | betimes 及早 | betise 愚蠢

betimes:及早, 及时

betilles | 贝蒂利网眼细布 | betimes | 及早, 及时 | betis | 菲律宾巴因那木

Pap smear:子宮抹片

"由于子宫颈癌有不同类型,因此接种疫苗也无法全面确保妇女不会感染子宫颈癌,妇女们仍须定期接受子宫抹片(Pap Smear)的检查,及早发现及早治疗. "

in good season:及早、及时地

for a season一会儿 | in good season及早、及时地 | in season and out of season任何时候、一年到头

early token release:及早令牌释放

Electronic Trade Opportunity system 电子贸易机会系统 | Early Token Release 及早令牌释放 | Effective Transmission Speed 有效传输速度

To keep an ear to the ground:它的意思就是保持高度警觉,及早发现那些即将会发生的事情的预兆

48. He is a man after my own heart. 他和我气味相投... | 49. To keep an ear to the ground,它的意思就是保持高度警觉,及早发现那些即将会发生的事情的预兆 | 50. a mass of pottage. 眼前利益,因小失大,付出巨大代...

To keep an ear to the ground:保持高度警觉,及早发现那些即将会发生的事情的预兆

Pay through the nose 付出很高价钱 | To keep an ear to the ground 保持高度警觉,及早发现那些即将会发生的事情的预兆 | Up to one's ears 很忙"