英语人>词典>汉英 : 参选 的英文翻译,例句
参选 的英文翻译、例句


participate in evaluation and election
更多网络例句与参选相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"That means everything to me as it's a great accolade," he said. The standard of players is high, so to be named the best is special.


I think he is probably making too much money, getting too much adulation to put himself through the again.


But then to bring him here with Archie's campaign on the line?

还把他带到这来 Archie 可是在这准备参选的啊!

The Republicans are a mess, and the elderly Arizonan senator has plainly failed to stir up his party's supporters in the same way as either of the main Democrats. But Mr McCain is a brave man, with huge experience of international affairs and a much longer record of reaching out to his opponents in politics.


While I was trying to decide whether to run again, the governors race was shaping up to be a real donnybrook, whether I ran or not.


The content and context of campaign of KTM presidential candidate Mr.Ma Ying Geou decide not the future of democracy of Taiwan ,but more importantly how the path of reunification with China and democratization of China shall be shaped .Some quarter were of the view that Mr.Ma is lacking in ambitious ,for he had only wished to remain status quo.If at all the perception holds water , than it is extravaganza to expect of him to come out of the doldrum.


Reports said the mayor John So supported the former mayor of Geelong Peter McMullin to be mayor and urged the Chinese to support his team member Kevin Louey to be councilor to help McMullin.

有报导称苏震西市长支持前智朗市长Peter McMullin参选市长并呼吁华裔支持他团队中的华裔雷示人先生参选议员,辅助McMullin 当市长。

Undesirables will be nobbled in advance, by denying them access to state-controlled television, and by new laws on political parties and elections that make it difficult for them to run or to win seats when they do.


Members who are interested in the election of the committee of Iai Kenjutsu Club should submit their Nomination form and Credential of Seconders form before the deadline.


Members who are interested in the election of the committee of Christian Fellowship should submit their Nomination form and Credential of Seconders form before the deadline.


更多网络解释与参选相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


约克夏(Yorkshire Terrier)排名第三,黄金猎犬(Golden Retriever)第四,贝高犬(Beagle)第五. 美国犬种协会发言人皮特森(Lisa Peterson)表示:「德国狼犬近30年来首度挤下约克夏,荣登第二名. 」在参选的164个品种狗当中,


」在参选的164个品种狗当中,第6到第10名分别由拳狮犬(Boxer)、斗牛犬(Bulldog)、腊肠犬(Dachshund)、贵宾犬(Poodle)及西施犬(Shih Tzu)获得. 名次是依据各个犬种在美国犬种协会登记的数量定高下. 过去十年来,

potential browser:潜在浏览器

选举这种事不管是人与人或电脑对电脑都是很浪费时间的,尤其是浪费频宽,所以如果可以来个同额竞选,那不就不用选了吗?是的,我们可以透过 Registry 的设定,让大部份的电脑放弃参选,只留下几部伺服器级的主机参选 潜在浏览器(Potential Browser) 就可以了,方式如下:

announced their candidacy:宣布参选

宣布停课 announced the suspension of classes | 宣布参选 announced their candidacy | 宣布新一轮打压分离主义份子运动 announced yet another campaign against separatists


据悉今年东湾参选公职的华裔共有12人,其中菲蒙市(Fremont)共有8位,阿拉美达(Alameda) 1位, 都伯林(Dublin)1位,及阿尔班尼(Albany)1位. 他们参选的公职分别有:徐诚方(Raymond Chui)竞选联邦众议院第13区共和党议员候选人提名;

launch pad:宣布参选的活动

229. the rubber chicken circuit 为竞选募款而前往各地举行餐会 | 230. launch pad 宣布参选的活动 | 231. dark horse 默默无闻,成功希望渺茫的候选人

was thrown out of the KMT for running for president as an independent:因以独立候选人身分参选总统而被踢出党

光华新闻文化中心Taiwanese Kwang-hwa Informati... | 因以独立候选人身分参选总统而被踢出党was thrown out of the KMT for running for president as an independent | 因涉嫌盗用款项而饱受抨击under fire for all...

forge the ballot box:放弃参选

拒绝出席公开论坛refusing to attend open forums | 放弃参选forge the ballot box | 争取选举委员会的支持canvass support from the Election Committee

Trying out, huh:来参选的 哈

You're gonna be joining the Sea Lions.|你得加入Sea Lions队 | Trying out, huh?|来参选的 哈? | No, just checking things out.|不 只是来看看

run in election:参选

ruling party 执政党 | run in election 参选 | sectionalism 派系主义