英语人>词典>汉英 : 参加国 的英文翻译,例句
参加国 的英文翻译、例句


acceding state · participant state
更多网络例句与参加国相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

H. Yeung, Yang, Liu, Yan Hong, ZHUANG Guang-Ping Tang a bright, Yang Fan, Liu Xiaobo, Gong Pengfei, Shou-Cheng Wang, Yangming Jun, ZHANG Min, Yu Alfonsin, Cao Xiuying, Wang JF, Yang Deming, LIU Chang, SONG Li Cai, ZHOU Bin, Ma Liang, Yu Gui-silver, Wujiang, Shaanxi Bureau of Surveying and Mapping, the National test of a large group, the State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping agencies, China Surveying and Mapping propaganda Center, the State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping Management Information Center comrades to attend the meeting.


By high concentration of ozone-affected areas to expand Solution: To conserve electricity = pick off Save gasoline consumption = walk, go out more on public transport Cut = research and development of clean non-polluting energy sources such as solar, geothermal, wind, hydro Green prescription = to stop logging, cultivating a large number of plants


The results showed that the incidence rate of IDDM was 0.45/100 000/year in children under 15 years old,incidence rate was 0.33/100 000 in male and 0.58/100 000 in female,0.68/100 000 in urban and 0.36/100 000 in rural,0.72/100 000 in Han and 0.34/100 000 in Zhuang.

我国为WHO DiaMond计划的参加国,在预防医学科学院成立WHO中国DiaMond计划协调中心,用统一方法在全国进行IDDM发病率调查研究。

Warplanes from India, Brazil, Sweden, France, South Korea and Turkey joined their US counterparts.


Australia like other participating countries wants to introduce a international market for tradeable permits to meet the aim of emission reduction in an cost efficient way.


The first deposit of ratifications shall be recorded in a procès-verbal signed by the representatives of the Powers which take part therein and by the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs.


更多网络解释与参加国相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

parcel post receipt:包裹收据

按照国际贸易的惯例,托运人对邮包货物只需按邮局章程办理一次托运,一次付清足额邮资,取得邮政包裹收据(Parcel post receipt)交货手续就告完成. 我国与很多国家签订有邮政包裹协定和邮电协定,也是"万国邮政联盟"(Universal Postal Union)的参加国.

acceding state:参加国

acceding party 加入一方 | acceding state 参加国 | accelerate 促进

acceding party:加入一方

academy 学校,学院,学会 | acceding party 加入一方 | acceding state 参加国