英语人>词典>汉英 : 去贝壳 的英文翻译,例句
去贝壳 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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I'd like to pick sea shells this aft ernoon.


It is obvious that shells have higher capacity to decontaminate the pollution of 89Sr from water.


I can go to stroke those many small shells, suppose there is any pearls in it; I can see a few sand crab ball rolling in the sea; I can with the small fish in the coral where they play hide and seek, look to find their surprised face when seeing them; really good fun!


Here, powder-soft beaches are flecked with starfish, shells and coral, and fringed by palms, hibiscus, sea grape and ylang-ylang which scent the air. In the crystal clear waters of the lagoon, baby sharks and the occasional ray swim among shoals of trumpet fish; further out to sea dolphin and flying fish leap before the prows of local dhoni boats.


" One of his most-quoted saying is his own criticism of his discoveries:"I don't know what the world may think of my labours, but to myself it seems that I have been but as a child playing on the sea-shore; sometimes finding some prettier pebble or more beautiful shell than my companions, while the unbounded ocean of truth lay undiscovered before me.

" 被人引用最多的一句话是牛顿对自己发明的评价:"其实我不知道大家对我的成果怎么看,但对我来说,我只不过像是一个在海滩玩耍的孩子;只是比我的同伴多看见些漂亮的鹅卵石,或是美丽的贝壳,可大海般浩瀚无垠的真理还在等着我们去探索。

This is a fun project for kids who have visited the beach recently and gathered seashell s.


If you have a big seashell, why not close your eyes and treat yourself to a quick trip to the seaside?


Witless shellfish swam in the gross lenses to and fro, seeking outlet.


The aims is fighti hunger and help0 rurally econmies with neighbor saving agriculture devices that can be reproduced locally.Former piececrop voluteer Jave Rose hats the food of Balley project.He says a village in Malowafe used a single sheller to process 30 tons of peanuts over 2 months .


A Xing: Don't say like that. Conches have been made into ornaments for thousands of years. Conches servered as currency in the ancient time! People who had conches were people with dreams, for they could trade for what they want.


更多网络解释与去贝壳相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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collect shells:收集贝壳

在所读故事中,学生对I can swim最感兴趣,印象较为深刻:故事描写主人公Grace很孤独,没有朋友,有一次父母带他去海滨游玩,他独自一人在沙滩上垒沙城堡(make a sand castle),收集贝壳(collect shells),而父母没有和他一块玩,

shell - v. to fire artillery:炮轰,去壳,脱落

severe - ad. not gentle; causing much pain, sadness or damage 严重的,严厉的,严格的 | shell - v. to fire artillery 炮轰,去壳,脱落; | a hard outside cover 炮弹,贝壳

collect seashells:收集贝壳

7. go with my family 和我的家人一起 | 8. collect seashells 收集贝壳 | 9. go to the ballet 去看芭蕾