英语人>词典>汉英 : 去荚 的英文翻译,例句
去荚 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Many studies have reported that Klebsiella pneumoniae is associated with ankylosing spondylitis but the mechanism of pathogenesis is remained unclear. The endoplasmic reticulum stress would be induced upon exposure of decapsulated KP in HLA-B27 expression B lymphoblast CA46 cells and non-HLA-B27 expression U937 monocytes. Our previous studies demonstrated that decapsulated KP could up-regulate BiP/Grp78 and calreticulin expressions in a dose- and time-dependent manner. We screen more than 60 kinds of traditional herbs and bioactivity agents and we found that berberine,taurine,extracts of Andrographis paniculata Nees.

许多研究指出克雷伯氏肺炎杆菌和僵直性脊椎炎有相当的关系,但是致病机制仍然不是很清楚,因此我们使用去荚膜克雷伯氏肺炎菌来诱发表现HLA-B27的CA46 B淋巴球母细胞、不含HLA-B27的U937单核球细胞可以产生内质网压力,我们先前的实验指出,随著剂量增加,去荚膜克雷伯菌能够过度调控内质网压力指标蛋白质BiP和Calreticulin表现增加。

And Spatholobus suberectus Dunn. provided protection activities against decapsulted KP-induced ER stress in U937 monocytes、B lymphoblast CA46 cells and PBMC of normal individuals. We also found a significantly increase of IL-1β、IL-6 and TNF-α proinflammatory cytokine by PBMC obtained from normal individual under decapsulated KP treatment.

我们筛选超过60种中药及生物活性成分中,并且发现小蘗碱、牛磺酸、鸡血藤萃取物和穿心莲萃取物能够保护去荚膜克雷伯氏肺炎杆菌诱发U937单核球细胞、CA46 B淋巴球细胞和健康者身上周边血液单核球细胞的内质网压力。

So saying, with dispatchful looks in haste She turns, on hospitable thoughts intent What choice to chuse for delicacie best, What order, so contriv'd as not to mix Tastes, not well joynd, inelegant, but bring [ 335 ] Taste after taste upheld with kindliest change, Bestirs her then, and from each tender stalk Whatever Earth all-bearing Mother yields In India East or West, or middle shoare In Pontus or the Punic Coast, or where [ 340 ] Alcinous reign'd, fruit of all kindes, in coate, Rough, or smooth rin'd, or bearded husk, or shell She gathers, Tribute large, and on the board Heaps with unsparing hand; for drink the Grape She crushes, inoffensive moust, and meathes [ 345 ] From many a berrie, and from sweet kernels prest She tempers dulcet creams, nor these to hold Wants her fit vessels pure, then strews the ground With Rose and Odours from the shrub unfum'd.

Neerer his presence Adam though not awd, Yet with submiss approach and reverence meek, As to a superior Nature, bowing low, [ 360 ] 她一边说着,一边带着急迫的神情,急速转身,一心想着招待的事,怎样精选最上等最可口的东西,风味若不调和,便会变得粗劣,务必要按照自然的变化而加调味,一样接着一样,有条不紊,引人入胜;于是忙着去采集各种的果品,从大地母亲所生产的万汇中千挑万选,无论东西印度、地中海滨各国、本都、布匿沿岸或阿西诺斯国中的,样样都有,结在柔枝上的,有果皮光滑的,粗糙的,果壳带须的,包在荚里的,她都不吝惜地采摘,堆积在桌子上。

Muddle 1 barspoon of peeled and crushed cardamon pods with the lime, sugar and orange in a long drink glass.


The pods energy is simply utilized to anchor the space for the healing to occur through the soul, no more.


For the sauce: 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and chopped " 4 cloves garlic, chopped " 2 fresh hot green chilies " 1 tablespoon ground coriander " 1 teaspoon ground cumin " 1/4 cup olive oil " 6 green cardamom pods, 4 whole, 2 crushed " 1 teaspoon cumin seeds " 4 cloves, whole " 2-inch stick cinnamon " 2 medium onions, finely chopped " 4 medium tomatoes, finely chopped " 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper " 4 tablespoons plain yogurt " 3/4 teaspoon salt


Foods rich in vitamin E include dark-green, leagy vegetables, legumes, nuts and whole-grain cereals.

含有丰富的维生素 E 的食物包括墨绿色的、多汁蔬菜,荚豆类植物,坚果,以及未去麸的谷类。

Later he lit the charcoal stove and baked a few chapattis for breakfast and lunch and cooked certain restricted vegetables and greens, avoiding potato, onion, okra, and such as might stimulate the baser impulses.


We demonstrated that decapsulated KP, but not capsule polysaccharide fraction or heat-killed KP, triggered up-regulation of BiP/Grp78 and Calreticulin, Caspase12 activation, and enhancements of HLA-B27 homodimers formation and protein degradation in a dose- and time-dependent manner.

实验结果显示并非荚膜或是热杀死之KP,而是去荚膜化后的KP对於细胞株随给予剂量及时间可以引起BiP/Grp78和Calreticulin的高度表现以及活化Caspase12,并促使HLA-B27 homodimers的形成且同时伴随有B27重链蛋白质降解的情形产生。

更多网络解释与去荚相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"倾析槽","decanting tank" | "去头","decapitation" | "去荚","decapsulation"

bean huller:豆类去荚机

豆类分级机 bean grader | 豆类去荚机 bean huller | 豆浆 bean milk

bean huller:豆类去荚机,豆类脱壳机

bean hook 割豆钩镰 | bean huller 豆类去荚机,豆类脱壳机 | bean husking machine 豆类脱壳机


husk 荚 | husker 玉米去苞叶机 | husker sheller 玉米脱粒机

automatic husker:自动脱壳机;自动脱荚机

"husker","脱壳机;砻谷机" | "automatic husker ","自动脱壳机;自动脱荚机" | "corn husker ","玉米去苞叶机"


"去头","decapitation" | "去荚","decapsulation" | "去二氧化碳(作用)","decarbonation"


husk rice 碾米 | husked 去苞衣的;去皮的;去壳的;去荚的 | husked millet 稷米

husked millet:稷米

husked 去苞衣的;去皮的;去壳的;去荚的 | husked millet 稷米 | husked rice 糙米;舂米;打去稻壳的米

vining and shelling:豌豆去蔓和脱荚

vinic alcohol ==> 葡萄酒酒精 | vining and shelling ==> 豌豆去蔓和脱荚 | vining cylinder ==> 豌豆脱粒滚筒

bean oil:大豆油

豆类去荚机,豆类去皮机 bean huller | 大豆油 bean oil | 豆瓣酱,豆酱,味噌 bean paste,miso