英语人>词典>汉英 : 去...吧 的英文翻译,例句
去...吧 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与去...吧相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And thus said Shimei when he cursed, Come out, come out, you bloody man, and you man of Belial

007 示每咒骂说:「你这流人血的彼列之子哪,去吧去吧!

I am a high school girl, the logistics work in building materials for two years, and later to provide training to fashion design, it is to do this work, because nothing like us to do work experience is very difficult to find work So it more difficult to find if not a very good, so people are looking for挺多relations as it would have been better points, can also have the feeling of Recently, however, I encountered an abnormal designers, because at that time I also have to go to his That interview, he was a design director吧He told me I was with him did not go to school because we feel that a girl I was a bit inconvenient for the kind of timid that do not understand that person is not at ease to get there, and later their own into the a plant is not very good, I know that we have to slowly, but it results only knew he was in front of his girlfriend said I was his work in order to seduce him (Even more is that his girlfriend is I am an alumnus), he did slander me, I really gas hematemesis, his girlfriend that he cheated, he did not dare to him are so angry because he designed to help local (he did not admit that I am an alumnus his girlfriend is also everywhere to deceive the girls), but I do not like what I scolded him a big deal then I am leaving this line.


If he has a battle to fight, let him fight it faithfully; but woe betide him if he skulks when his name is called in the mighty muster-roll; woe betide him if he hides in the tents when the tocsin summons him to the scene of war!


Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, goback to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed.


Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to Georgia, goback to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northerncities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will bechanged.


Back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed.


So they went to live in the mud hut in the open field, and I wandered away, over moor and meadow, through bare bushes and leafless forests, to the open sea, to the broad shores in other lands,'Whir-r-r, whir-r-r!


So they went to live in the mud hut in the open field, and I wandered away, over moor and meadow, through bare bushes and leafless forests, to the open sea, to the broad shores in other lands, 'Whir-r-r, whir-r-r!


I also pointed out some of the views you, your baby may be scared, my baby is so before, to see the elderly experienced so scared to say this is a result of people with a good approach is to cook eggs , and then a cooked egg shell should be immediately stripped of the egg inside out, and then the silver film or silver rings on the inside of eggs in a clean handkerchief get wrapped in the baby's body face hands feet total Calvary digital twist to twist to the attention of eggs when the baby's Calvary twist when the total bit faster action, or else it will scald the baby, about 3 minutes or so rubbing it in to take a look at silver film, silver film, if there is discoloration , it is being scared to death of the baby, pay attention to when the eggs boiled eggs should like to take this up when hot去弄can not be allowed to冷掉, otherwise there would be no effect, you need to look at or try this approach, my experience that is the case, the baby is now my home has been 1 week 3 months, and would like to give you help


Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our modern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed.


更多网络解释与去...吧相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

OH!Go for it:去吧,去干吧

102、I''m gonna go for it. 我要去追! | OH!Go for it.去吧,去干吧. | 103、She is available. 她没男朋友.

Go to school now:(现在上学去吧.) OK! (好的

7. Get up. (起床) | Go to school, now. (现在上学去吧.) OK! (好的!) | Go home, now. (现在回家吧) All right.(好的)

Go to the devil! Go hang yourself:滚蛋!见鬼去吧

40. Drop dead. 去死吧! | 41. Go to the devil! Go hang yourself. 滚蛋!见鬼去吧. | 42. Don't give me your shit. 别跟我胡扯.

I'll take it myself:我自己去吧

Okay.|好吧,好吧 | I'll take it myself.|我自己去吧 | Hello? Is anybody in there?|有人吗?

Warren, go and practice your nunchakus now:华伦,去练你的双截棍去吧

Poor me.|真他妈的惨 | Warren, go and practice your nunchakus now.|华伦,去练你的双截棍去吧 | Leave us be alone, shug.|让我们俩呆一会儿,孩子

Ping Pong Club:稻中兵团/去吧稻田中!/去吧!稻中卓球社

Piano 钢琴恋曲/钢琴物语 01-10 | Ping Pong Club 稻中兵团/去吧稻田中!/去吧!稻中卓球社 | Pita Ten 迷糊天使 01-26

Ping Pong Club:去吧!稻中乒团/去吧!稻中卓球社

Piglet's big Movie--------------------------------------小猪大... | Ping Pong Club--------------------------------去吧!稻中乒团/去吧!稻中卓球社 | Pinocchio--------------------------------木偶奇遇記/匹诺...

Okay! There you go:好了,拿去吧

-All right, I pick that one. -It's the smaller piece.|-好吧,我挑那一块 -那一块比较... | Okay. There you go.|好了,拿去吧 | Enjoy your half, my friend. But that is it.|好好享受你的蛋糕吧 我的朋友,因为大势...


Come on,come on.|来吧,来吧 | Go,Cormac.|去吧,考迈克 | Come on,Ron!|上吧,罗恩