英语人>词典>汉英 : 原始红细胞 的英文翻译,例句
原始红细胞 的英文翻译、例句


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These were 85.7% of patients with myelocytes and premonocyte, 52.4% of patients with erythroblast in their blood smear respectively. All of the bone marrow showed active or significantly active proliferation. The median percentage of erythro??lineage, myeloblast of NEC and displasia were (58.3±8.0)%,(58.0±18.4)% and 66.7% respectively, that is different from typical AML.

外周血分类显示85.7%患者有幼稚粒细胞和幼稚单核细胞,52.4%患者有幼稚红细胞和有核红细胞;骨髓涂片显示骨髓增生活跃或明显活跃;红系细胞占58.3±8.0%,原始粒细胞占NEC 58.0±18.4%;66.7%患者有病态造血,与典型AML不同。

Results There were significant differences between MDS and CAA in Hb, red cell distribution width-coefficient variation, immature reticulocyte fraction, BPC, the ratio of G1 (the sum percentage of myeloblast and premyelocyte) to G2 (the sum percentage of neutrophilic myelocyte and metamy-elocyte), the ratio of E1 (the sum percentage of proerythroblast and early erythroblast) to E2 (the sum percentage of intermediate erythroblast and late erythroblast), megakaryocyte count,erythroblast PAS, neutrophil alkaline phosphatase, and serous levels of indirect bilirubin,lactose dehydrogenase, folic acid, VitBl2 and ferritin.

结果 MDS患者血红蛋白,红细胞体积分布宽度。变异系数、未成熟网织细胞比率、血小板计数、骨髓原始细胞及早幼粒细胞之和与中性中幼粒细胞及中性晚幼粒细胞之和的比值、原始红细胞及早幼红细胞之和与中幼红细胞及晚幼红细胞之和的比值、巨核细胞计数、有核红细胞糖原染色阳性率和阳性指数、中性粒细胞碱性磷酸酶染色阳性率和阳性指数、血清间接胆红素、乳酸脱氢酶、尿酸、叶酸、维生素B12(VitB12)、铁蛋白水平等常规实验室指标与CAA患者比较差异有统计学意义。

Runx1 is involved in primitive erythropoiesis in the mouse.


It publishes original research reports, reviews in the following areas: cell cycle regulation, cytokines, erythropoiesis, gene therapy, general hematopoiesis, granulopoiesis, hematological malignancies, immunobiology, immunotherapy, lymphopoiesis, megakaryocytopoiesis, microenvironment, monocyte development, molecular genetics, signal transduction, stem cell biology, and experimental as well as clinical stem cell transplantation.


The median percentage of erythrolineage, myeloblast of NEC and displasia were (58.3±8.0)%,(58.0±18.4)% and 66.7% respectively, that is different from typical AML. 52.4% of M6 patients transferred to RAEB/RAEBT and AMLM2 subtype in the disease progression. 11/19 cases (57.4%) achieved remission (CR 10; PR 1) after chemotherapy.

外周血分类显示85.7%患者有幼稚粒细胞和幼稚单核细胞,52.4%患者有幼稚红细胞和有核红细胞;骨髓涂片显示骨髓增生活跃或明显活跃;红系细胞占58.3±8.0%,原始粒细胞占NEC 58.0±18.4%;66.7%患者有病态造血,与典型AML不同。

更多网络解释与原始红细胞相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

primitive hemocytoblast:原始成血细胞

原始生殖细胞primordial germ cell | 原始成血细胞primitive hemocytoblast | 原始成红细胞primitive erythroblast