英语人>词典>汉英 : 压制不了的 的英文翻译,例句
压制不了的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与压制不了的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This article starts with a review of the history of the "Expression" conception in the Occident literature tradition,from which to conclude the base connotation of modern "Expression" conception in occident.Relying on this springboard,we analyses the history of the occidental modern plastic arts gradually ,then the naissance and development of the occidental modern plastic arts may boil down to a going-deep course driven by the "Expression" conception:the impressionism which had been pursuing sensual reality brought out a turning point from Representation to expression;Faurism accomplished the consciousness of Expression based on inheriting and criticizing Post-Impressionisme, and resisted the suppressant on Expression by Physical Image; the German Expressionism and Surrealism uplifted Expression at the same time they resisted Physical Image by "Nugatory Physical image"; From the apocalypse of Cubism,Suprematism and De Stijl tended towards Pure Plastic which excluded Physical Image completely,meaning that it had realized absolute Expression in the range of plastic;After WW II,artsists in western detected that Pure Plastic had actually suppressed Expression newly,as a result of Abstract-Expressionism and Mirnirnaliam Art,Expression broke away from Pure Plastic gradually to seek some new possibilities other than plastic.


Her offbeat biography adds to the difficulty of pinning her down.


Operate at once (4)(4)电脑操作员(3)The company will soon begin operation (4)a computer operator He beat his opponent in the 他在选举中击败了对手 election I will not oppose you (1)on the opposite wall (2)The chief of the group has (2)Th gone over to the opposite She is often oppressed by him oral examination (1)The items are listed in order of importance (2)His desk is always in (2)Hi order (3)The young teacher cannot keep order in her classroom (4)The teacher ordered silence (5)You can order tickets by (5)Yo telephone It's an orderly room It' an ordinary person (1)There are many organs in (1)T a man's body man'(2)an organ of government (1)What's the origin of your (1)What' anxiety?

2original sample He became an orphan 我不会反对你(1)(1)在对面的墙上(2)(2)组织的头头归降了对方她经常受他的压制口试(1)(1)这些项目是按照重要性的顺序列出来的(2)(2)他的桌子经常很整齐(3)(3)这年轻教师无法维持课程秩序(4)(4)教师命令肃静(5)(5)你可以通过电话订票

In nomine Patri, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit


With his sensitiveness to beauty of whatever kind, Banneker felt the extraordinary quality of the face, beneath its grim outline, interpreting it from the still depth of the quiet eyes rather than from the 坚决可怖 stern mouth and rather tyrannous 压制的 nose.


PONI skin health research centre, with advanced skin care technology and causes skin pigment, successful research and development of a "'8 'black-suppression, the corresponding treatment and conditioning" technology, not undermine, not suppressed, does not damage the ecology of the skin Under the circumstances, the skin pigment formation of a smart decomposition, hypnosis pigment cells, skin in a relatively short time, reaching Suji elegant, Whitening Source lucent effect, lasting effect, the relative safety of similar products increased 68 percent.


According to the article, the violence is unlegal strength towards the victim, it can be used directly or indirectly, the coercion is spiritual compellion based on killing or injury at that position which would be put into practice, and it would be visible or tangible.


At the time of enactment of the McCarran-Ferguson Act, the NAIC adopted its Unfair Trade Practices Act, which included certain anti-trust prohibitions boycotting, coercion, intimidation and rebating.


This article starts with a review of the history of the "Expression" conception in the Occident literature tradition,from which to conclude the base connotation of modern "Expression" conception in occident.Relying on this springboard,we analyses the history of the occidental modern plastic arts gradually ,then the naissance and development of the occidental modern plastic arts may boil down to a going-deep course driven by the "Expression" conception:the impressionism which had been pursuing sensual reality brought out a turning point from Representation to expression;Faurism accomplished the consciousness of Expression based on inheriting and criticizing Post-Impressionisme, and resisted the suppressant on Expression by Physical Image; the German Expressionism and Surrealism uplifted Expression at the same time they resisted Physical Image by "Nugatory Physical image"; From the apocalypse of Cubism,Suprematism and De Stijl tended towards Pure Plastic which excluded Physical Image completely,meaning that it had realized absolute Expression in the range of plastic;After WW II,artsists in western detected that Pure Plastic had actually suppressed Expression newly,as a result of Abstract-Expressionism and Mirnirnaliam Art,Expression broke away from Pure Plastic gradually to seek some new possibilities other than plastic.


But some technophiles have accused Cisco of trying to suppress news of its routers' vulnerabilities, a charge that led to an ugly scene at a recent Internet security conference sponsored by an organization known as Black Hat.

但有些技术爱好者指责Cisco企图压制对其路由器易受攻击的报道。在最近由Black Hat组织的互联网安全会议上,这一指控造成了非常不愉快的一幕。

更多网络解释与压制不了的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在同样向新起点(beginning)开放的结尾处她写道,"其他人都睡着了",通过压制可重复性的运作,每个签名都把自己装扮成纯粹的起源. 某种程度上,它只说一次"是". 但这(我们知道)不能算作使某物成为承诺的充分条件. 承诺永远不是一次性的.

Dwight Eisenhower:艾森豪威尔

上世纪50年代,艾森豪威尔(Dwight Eisenhower)曾苦苦压制共和党的贸易保护主义情绪,但为什么美国的反自由贸易情绪当前会如此强烈呢?毕竟美国经济已连续5年多保持了增长,失业率也维持在4.5%这个令人满意的水平(如果你失业的话恐怕就不那么满意了).






这时,被告人对权利的放弃不能是引诱的或"压制"(Suppression)的. 放弃米兰达权利不一定必须是"明示"(Express)的,而是可以从被讯问者的言行中推断出来的. 比如,当问及是否明白了自己的权利时,被告人作肯定的答复,而当问及是否希望放弃权利时,


unconformilty 不整合 | unconquerable 压制不了的 | unconquerable 克服不了的


unconnected /不连接的/ | unconquerable /克服不了的/压制不了的/ | unconscionable /不合理的/没有条理的/过度的/