英语人>词典>汉英 : 历史进程 的英文翻译,例句
历史进程 的英文翻译、例句


course of history
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The Heaven and the Way is the both the changeableness of the universe and the thought to pursue harmony in the world; The Humanity is the thought to pursue harmony in the conflict society by culturing mind, which means a real person must be of disenchantment in thought and self restraint in behavior, and the society is of solicitude for human, all that is the ZhongYong; The Unifying and the Changing is the harmony in evolvement, the essence of the universe and thought;as a thought, it is the Way of communication between human and nature or society; The one is ultimate perfection but that means death, only in its own transcending it becomes the the primary chaos,namely ultimately the Chinese thought.


Chronicle of modern history indicates that wax and wane of great nation is consecutive and vicissitudinary process, which can be paraphrased as "powerful nations are to rise within a five hundred years".


The special historic process and geographic position has contributed to the exoticism beauty of the Harbin city. It not only concentrates the histories and cultures of ethnic minorities in the north, but also integrates the Chinese and foreign cultures. It is a famous city in respect of history, culture and tourism.


It can be concluded that the history of Great Britain is the history of English.


Finally, in Chapter Five, by taking the history and culture of the South into account, the thesis points out the relationship between the women in the literary world of Faulkner and the myth of the South and the myth of Southern ladyhood. It makes it clear how Faulkner acquired the power to represent women in the bond of social and cultural forces and how he exerts his own power as a writer to write the historical progress of the South.


This paper explains the great contribution of Marxism in China's historical process making by the scientific concept of development from multiple perspectives. The scientific concept of development promoted the Chinese-style Marxism in the historical process by its scientific answer of the problems of China's development, its comprehensive system of thought, its profound grasp of the concept of human being the essence, its shape which combining theory and practice.


The songs in his works take a part in the special historical tenor, bear the weight of roughs and imply unique significance;(3) the contexts in which the music appears.


The analysis of change of left-wing discourse prototype-revolution and love, drives home a historical trend that the former popular individual figures escaped gradually from left-wing writers' works and emotional relations were replaced by class ones. In addition, this chapter provides ananalysis and review of historical development on the redirection with regard to the fact revolutionary literature spumed Maxist's positive sublation and ignores Maxist's dialectic individual perspective. Furthermore, a revaluation of the writing mode-revolution and love is made.


This article, based on the achievements of predecessors, with historical materialism as guiding principle, through excavating some related historical materials, combining research on whole with part, probes deeply into the emerging, development, upsurging, outcomings of the revolution in Jiangsu region.


"Little" barely describes the nature of Dunedin when compared with Shanghai: Only 120,000 people live here in New Zealand's biggest city by area, but each and every one of those people is grateful to be nurtured and supported by a "big sister" so understanding of our place in your history and, more importantly, yours in ours.


更多网络解释与历史进程相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




希腊人便把女神的名字当作自己国家的首都之名,"雅典"(Athens)之名,由此问世. " 听着导游的娓娓道来. 希腊的艺术, 哲学乃至民主的思想影响了整个西方的历史进程. 望着车窗外身着时髦的希腊人和建筑, 脑中依稀浮现出幼时学习素描画的希腊雕像.

Congo red:刚果红

1884年保蒂格(Bottiger)用化学合成的方法获得第一只直接染料--刚果红(Congo Red),至今,直接染料已历经120年漫长的历史进程.


"环境保护"(conservation)一词,虽然出现在1960年民主、共和两党的全国代表大会上,但其含义多指资源保护,如建立国家公园等. >揭示了滴滴涕对环境的破坏,那对大自然深深的哭泣,改变了历史进程. 如果没有这本书,

course of history:历史进程

历史课程:history course | 历史进程:course of history | 历史课程:The history course

The course of history:历史进程

9 独一无二的预言A unique prophecy | 10 历史进程The course of history | 11 文明的进程The course of civilization

That man changed the course of history:那传教士改写了历史的进程啊

They became the seventh-day adventists,a major religion.|这些人成立了后来... | That man changed the course of history.|那传教士改写了历史的进程啊 | Because his followers were as deluded as he was.|因为他...

make history:创造历史, 做出永垂史册的事业, 影响历史进程的大事

make heavy weather of sth. 对某事考虑太多, 发现某事难对付. | make history 创造历史, 做出永垂史册的事业, 影响历史进程的大事. | make hole 钻井.


向学生介绍中外史学在不同时期形成的"典范",并在此基础上按照历史学科的内在理路,分别讨论历史学科的历史进程、基本方法,以及独特的问题意识与发言方式,希望对学生进入历史学科有所帮助. 三、历史学家的培养:"典范"(paradigm)的意义

