英语人>词典>汉英 : 历史记录 的英文翻译,例句
历史记录 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
history  ·  histories

更多网络例句与历史记录相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the "Internet Options" dialog box in the "General" tab under the region click history "Clear History" button.


If just want to clear part of the record, click on the IE toolbar "history" button in the left column address history, find the address or want to clear the next page, click the right mouse button, the shortcut menu from the pop-up select "Delete."


Browser cache does not clear the trouble, the specific methods of operation are as follows: First of all, the menu bar with the mouse click the "Tools" menu item, and from the drop-down menu, select "Internet Options"; then set the box in the Options selection in the "General" tab, and click the tab of the "Delete Files" button to delete your browser temporary folder; and then in the same dialog box, click the "Clear History" button to delete your browser historical records and the contents of the cache.


As a cyber forensics, we have to search for evidence, it is necessary to start from the computer log. Perhaps you never not know how powerful isthe log in your computer and www.(Google in the snigger at this time). You try on Google for some words.


An alliance history tab similar to the character employment history tab; and Detailed shareholder reports, which lists individual member ownership of corporation-issued stock to players with an accountant or director role.


This thesis introduces the whole project and each module on exploitation, for instance:net transmission module,MPEG4 image serve module,database module, history track record module,sound talk-back module and so on .


You can easily do so by clicking on "Clear History or "Clear Browsing History at the Options window.


The software can record the eachcirculating time that equipments circulate to record with thehistory, with machine and with settle print data, statement,curve...etc., record at the same time many the item breaks downwith affairs occurrence.


As remarked above, the historical superscriptions are worthless for the purpose of fixing the chronology, even if the concession be made that some of these pretendedly historical notes antedate the final compilation of the Psalter and were taken from the historical romances relating the lives of the nation's heroes, in which, according to prevailing ancient literary custom, poetry was introduced to embellish prose comp.

正如以上所说,历史superscriptions是毫无价值的,目的是固定的时间顺序,即使作出让步,其中一些pretendedly的历史记录antedate最后汇编Psalter ,并从历史与爱情生活的国家英雄,其中,根据现行古代文论习俗,诗词介绍美化散文

The historical information table records the relation between the historical data and the actual data. According to the relation, the realization method of historical data backdating is studied.


更多网络解释与历史记录相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

all-time high:打破新记录,创造历史最高点

high 高峰,高水准 | all-time high 打破新记录,创造历史最高点 | record high 打破新记录,创造历史最高点

Download History:下载历史记录

Download All Posts from Poster 下载以下发贴者的所有贴子 | Download History 下载历史记录 | Download Special... 下载特别...

Historic Records:历史记录

histogram 直方图 | historic records 历史记录 | Historic Waters 历史性水域


在WWW刚起步的阶段,这样的设计并无不妥,浏览器的"上一页"、"下一页"及"历史记录"(History)的功能也都是因此而存在的. (1)页面的刷新会带来一种不流畅的感觉,用户每次单击后都使页面清空再重来,这样的用户界面设计基本上来说并不合理,

Alt- Right Arrow:导航历史记录中向前

Alt-right arrow: 导航历史记录中向前. | Control-Q: 回到最后依次编辑的地方. | Control-/: 对一行或多行注释或取消注释.

set new records for viewership:创下收视率历史新记录

赫赫有名的成就 prestigious achievements | 7 创下收视率历史新记录 set new records for viewership | 创下阅读率历史新记录 set new records for readership

set new records for readership:创下阅读率历史新记录

7 创下收视率历史新记录 set new records for viewership | 创下阅读率历史新记录 set new records for readership | 8 真实的历史人物 a real-life historical figure


Pattern 图案 | Histories 历史记录 | All 全部(针对上列各项)

Forward - Navigates to the next displayed or used operator (in history list):上一步 - 导航上一次显示或使用的操作 (在历史记录列表内)

Back - Navigates to the previously ... | Forward - Navigates to the next displayed or used operator (in history list)上一步 - 导航上一次显示或使用的操作 (在历史记录列表内) | Viewport Layout List - Swit...


about:plugins - 显示已安装插件 | about:histograms - 显示历史记录 | about:dns - 显示DNS状态