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历史剧 的英文翻译、例句


chronicle play
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Chronical play thus became a lively artwork between the contradictory of these two factors.


The chiefly meaning of chronical play ia as a being of artwork, it explain the history from a special angle of view, enjoy the history as a romantic poem.


During the 1990s, Chronicle play became significant cultural phenomenon in Chinese teleplay.


Nowdays, on one side, modernity is becoming an important aesthetics principle of the playwright who wants to express the thought of reality as well as explaining the history. On the other side, It is becoming another important aesthetics principle of audience who are interested in viewing the play because they find the same feeling between the chronicle play and the real society.


With the booming of 90's chronicle teleplay, the contest of it is getting hotter. This comes down in one continuous line with the dispution and review of drama chronicle play which generated from 40's, sharpende in 60's and deepende in 80's, and get a deep thought.


The author thought that the chronicle play shoud get material from history, not from myth and legend, modern life or future life. Only persons or affairs which had been recodated in history canbe categoried in chronicle play.


Here is the author' s opinion: teleplay series of history must bases on real history, rather than fables, modern life or life in the future. As for the scope of this field, Only those real historical persons or events can become the principal part of teleplay series of history. Teleplay series of history are the mixture of both history and drama.


The change historical drama pan-politics allegorizing narrative pattern's key, lies in the connection "54" the time and "the new time" the historical drama modern history rational tradition, establishes one kind to have the multicultural value orientation and many kinds of artistic style pursue historical drama creation idea under the modern rationality energetic contemplation.


This chapter deals with the following points: the origin of the historical plays by actors and their subjects' trends; people's value judgment and actors' historical playwriting; people's aesthetic value and actors' historical playwriting; the extreme growing of stylizing in actors' historical playwriting.


His plays fall into three categories: tragedies ( Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, etc.), comedies ( Merchant of Venice, The Dreams of the Midsummer Nigh t, etc.) and history plays Henry VI, Charles II etc.


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New Amsterdam:永恒传说

ABC电视台确认,热门剧>(Lost)第五季将会增加一名女角色,由英国演员朱蕾卡-罗宾森(Zuleikha Robinson)出演,朱蕾卡曾主演过历史剧>(Rome),以及不久前刚被FOX电视台撤下的新剧>(New Amsterdam).

Beijing Opera:京剧

其中,京剧(Beijing Opera)是我国的国粹 据不完全统计,我国各民族地区的戏曲剧种,约有三百六十多种,传统剧目数以万计. 中华人民共和国成立后又出现许多改编的传统剧目,新编历史剧和表现现代生活题材的现代戏,都受广大观众热烈欢迎.


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chronicle play:历史剧

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