英语人>词典>汉英 : 历史上著名的 的英文翻译,例句
历史上著名的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与历史上著名的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Twice a day, the square fills with people gathering to watch nearly life-size figurines act out scenes from the city''s history on the famous carillon clock tower.


I made myself familiar with all its places famous in history or fable.


A planetarium instrument is housed in the center of a room with a hemispherically domed ceiling; the instrument projects points of light to the ceiling to simulate the night sky from various perspectives (seasonal, or historical views of the Earth-sky relationship).


The area of Nantong in Jiangsu Province is a fluvial plain by Yangtze River. To the north of the mouth of river to the sea is a beach plain, which was once the boundless ocean in history, through the development of history, form the wide seabeach finally. The two plains, which are in the different location, have the different ways to utilize the soil. The Yangtze Fluvial Plain, whose soil is fertile, grew to be the well-known area of producing cotton, with people outnumbering the farmland, while the beach plain became a famous salt field. With the development of the coastline, Huainan saltern declined day by day and at the beginning of 20th century, under the advocate of local government and the call of modern industrialist, Mr. Zhang Jian, the salt field in the North of Jiangsu province underwent a great reclaim-plain movement, which brought a tide of spontaneous immigration to the area. During the movement, the key problem is the contest for the ground. As the ownership of the land of salt fields is complex, the unification of the ownerhship of land was not easy. Zhang creatively took advantage of the form of modern joint-stock company to solve the problem.


De er long Temple, also known as Temple Shagou, all known as "Monkde er long Qu Lin Yi Ga", located in King County this summer Nageltang xiang of five kilometers south-west, the valley where the monastery by the name of the name, which means "Treasure Valley", here is the history of the famous Tibetan Tantric female teacher of Tibetan Buddhism can be sent off La Rose Chung, founder of Mary buried "Terton" outside.


Duringh is toric civil wars, when troops returned without any casualties, awriting was put up so all can see which read "0 Killed".


The case snowballed into one of the most famous trials in U.S. history.


City College's mission emphasizes excellence in undergraduate and graduate education and research.


The case of the Spring and Autumn Period to defend the country, were "five deer" is the history of the famous "five Lucheng"; Wei is the Warring States period; fordong jun Qin; the Han Dynasty forwei jun Jizhou;tang de zong Jianzhong 3 years (AD 782)da ming fu renamed; Song Qingli Injong year (AD 1024) to build capital, known as "Beijing", Yuan, Ming and Qing for the Road, House, Road location; Chihli Qing Dynasty was the first capital of the province.


In 1066, the Norman French people invaded England.


更多网络解释与历史上著名的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


***一些著名的(Famous)流行乐团(Band)都源于英国,如U2、甲壳虫(又译披头士Beatles)等. 甲壳虫(又译披头士Beatles)乐队流行音乐界历史上最伟大(greatest),最有影响力(influence),拥有最多歌迷(fans),最为成功(successful)的乐队.


high-tech 高科技 | historic 有历史性的、历史上著名的 | hive 蜂房

Willie Mays:世界大赛史上守备第一名的绝妙好球,著名的

Bonus: 惊天一击的历史画面. | 1954 Willie Mays: 世界大赛史上守备第一名的绝妙好球,著名的The Catch. | Bonus: Bill Cosby对偶像Mays的评论.


本游戏是以历史上著名的'凯萨之死'为故事的主轴,叙述猛将 阿古利巴(Agrippa)的父亲遭人诬陷为谋杀凯萨的嫌疑犯而下狱,为了洗刷父亲的冤屈,故与身为凯萨之侄的好友 屋大维(Octavius)发挥各自擅长的武艺与智慧,一同调查事件的真相,


在该书中,作者的分析建立在基督教历史上著名的神神学家的圣经观基础之上,广泛涉猎了哲罗姆(Jerome)、奥利金(Origen)、德尔图良((Tertullian)、奥古斯丁(Augustine)、亚历山大的克莱蒙特( Clement of Alexandria)、伊格纳纳修(Iren


毛驴不习惯周围世界的变化,它对变化的世界持一种抵抗的(resistant)态度. 就像历史上著名的"黔之驴"一样,表面上是一个"庞然大物",但由于对迁移的环境懵懂无知,一味地运用"蹄之"这一招,最终难免走向了灭亡之途. 或像西方哲学史上的另一头著名的驴子,

Beijing succeeded in the 2008 Olympic bid:北京申办2008年奥运会获得成功

historic a.历史上著名的, 具有重大历史意义的 | -Beijing succeeded in the 2008 Olympic bid. ;--北京申办2008年奥运 会获得成功. | influential a.有影响力的; 有权势的

Beijing succeeded in the 2008 Olympic bid:北京申办2008年**会获得成功

historic a.历史上著名的, 具有重大历史意义的 | -Beijing succeeded in the 2008 Olympic bid. ;--北京申办2008年**会获得成功. | influential a.有影响力的; 有权势的

was the most single striking event in the history of the times:是历史上最著名的罢工事件

The Bolshevik Revolution, at the time,|那时候,布尔什维克革命... | was the most single striking event in the history of the times,|是历史上最著名的罢工事件 | of the whole era.|也是整个时代最著名的

Cuban Missile Crisis:古巴导弹危机

由1C and G5 Software companies开发的<<古巴导弹危机>>(Cuban Missile Crisis)采用了<<闪电战>>的游戏引擎. 虽然游戏名称和历史上著名的"古巴导弹危机"一样,不过这款游戏并不是反应真实历史的,和最近QQ游戏曾经介绍过的<<加勒比危机>>刚好相反,<<古巴导弹