英语人>词典>汉英 : 卸货车 的英文翻译,例句
卸货车 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与卸货车相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Friend are you, I am a laid-off workers over the past few years has been in business want to point but there was nothing to the project, a few days ago I have a friend came to me told me that name I buy 400,000 of the trucks at the dry dock loading and unloading is to live on board to unload, he said he was making money, I do not trust him.


The truck dumped the coal on the ground.


The truck dumped the coal on the ground.


The carriage of goods in accordance with different types of goods can be an ordinary car field plate structure, platform-type structure, the structure dump, closed car, gas, tank and transport bulk goods (grains, powder, etc.) used in pneumatic blow tank or disposal capacity is dedicated for roads, railways, waterways, air transport and international transport of a variety of standard containers.


Dumper ,for the transport of excavated or other materials, motorized for off-highway use


更多网络解释与卸货车相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

side dump truck:侧卸式货车

side drum 小鼓 | side dump truck 侧卸式货车 | side dumper 侧卸卡车

side dumper:侧卸卡车

side dump truck 侧卸式货车 | side dumper 侧卸卡车 | side dumping hopper 侧卸斗

jubilee truck:小型侧卸式货车

JTU 杰克逊浊度计 | jubilee truck 小型侧卸式货车 | jubilee wagon 小型货车

dumped motor lorry:倾卸卡车

"dump wagon","倾卸货车" | "dumped motor lorry","倾卸卡车" | "dumper","倒垃圾"


Trailer 拖挂车 | Tumbrel 翻卸式两轮运货车 | Trailer Bus 拖挂车

dump body truck:倾卸货车

dump-bed truck 底卸式货车 | dump-body truck 倾卸货车 | dump-bottom car 底卸车

three-way dump body:三向倾卸式车厢

three-way drag ==> 三向刮路机 | three-way dump body ==> 三向倾卸式车厢 | three-way dump truck ==> 三向倾卸货车

dump wagon:倾卸货车

"dump truck","倾卸卡车" | "dump wagon","倾卸货车" | "dumped motor lorry","倾卸卡车"

Tipping apparatus, parts of trucks and waggons:倾卸装置(卡车和货车的零件)

120244 汽车座安全带 Security harness for vehic... | 120201 倾卸装置(卡车和货车的零件) Tipping apparatus, parts of trucks and waggons | 120201 倾卸装置(卡车和货车的零件) Tipping apparatus, parts of truc...

tip truck:自动倾卸货车

tip lorry 倾卸卡车 | tip truck 自动倾卸货车 | tip-car 自动倾卸车