英语人>词典>汉英 : 卵蛋白质 的英文翻译,例句
卵蛋白质 的英文翻译、例句


egg albumin
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The yolk proteins were collected through the anatomization of the maiden eggs and the eggs in different embryo development stages. The yolk proteins were separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis and followed the image analysis. Over 203 protein spots were found to exist in the yolk protein of silkworm eggs. Some different patterns of yolk protein spots were found in silkworm of various varieties. While, little variation of yolk proteins was detected during different development stages of any silkworm variety.

采用直接解剖蚕卵获取卵黄蛋白,结合蛋白质双向电泳和图像分析,对家蚕处女蛾卵及不同胚胎发育阶段蚕卵的卵黄蛋白质进行了研究,发现家蚕卵黄蛋白有 203 个蛋白质斑点;不同家蚕品种之间卵黄蛋白的组成存在一些差异;同一品种不同发育时期胚胎卵黄蛋白的组成基本保持不变。

The research on placenta through modern science show that its important ingredient is immuneglobulin and sneeiyne, which is the anti-aging gene, enzyme, which has high appliance value, and interferon, which protein can reach more than 80%, amino has rich resources、full ranges、and reasonable ration, which fat is less than 10%, and also has rich lecithin, cephalin, lipopolysaccharide, a variety of vitamins and trace elements,in addition, it has transfer factor, protein active factor, collagen element, organic phosphorus compound, amniotic acid and nucleic acid compound and so on.


Immunoglobulin and anti-aging gene have a high value sneeiyne.sneeiyne enzyme and dry IFN-, in which the protein content of more than 80%, amino acid-rich.full range, areasonable proportion, Less than 10% aft content, but also rich in, cephalin, LPS, a variety of vitamin and trace element Su-, in addition to transfer factor, protein activating factor, collagen Su, organic phosphorus compounds, membrane acid And nucieic acids and other compounds.


The Partition Coefficient of protein was measured with PEG4000- sodium sulfate–aqueous two phase system, protein was Albumin form chicken egg Experiment temperatures were chosen at 15℃、20℃、30℃.pressure in normal.


Protein in solution can be a thickener, but if the solution is heated and the protein coagulates, it can form a rigid structure as in the case of cooked egg white or coagulated gluten in baked bread.


Protein in solution can be a thickener, but if the solution is heated and the protein coagulate s, it can form a rigid structure as in the case of cooked egg white or coagulate d gluten in baked bread.


Mainly using protein - film voltammetric technique, we have achieved direct electrochemical response of lots of proteins such as hemoglobin, myoglobin, cytocrome c, cytocrome b5, horseradish peroxiase, GOD ,Vitreoscillia sp. haemoglobin, etc., at a series of protein membrane modified electrodes, for instance, protein/kieselgubr, protein/polyethylene glycol, protein/polyethyleneimine, protein/phosphatidylcholine, protein/DNA, protein/montmorillonite/polyvinyl alcohol, protein/silver nanoparticle/ cysteamine membrane modified electrode, etc., which are prepared by casting, incorperating or layer by layer self-assembly methods. Electrochemical behavior of these proteins in the films have been studied, and their structural and conformational changes have also been examined with spectrometric techniques.


A23187 and OA could parthenogenetically activate Urechis unicinctus oocytes and activate MAPK, indicating that the effect of fertilization on GVBD and activation of MAPK was mediated by rising in intracellular free calcium, and phosphorylation of some proteins was enough to activate the oocytes.


The results show that: 1 supplementation of protein to maturation media improves cumulus expansion in vitro compared to the protein-free control, but cumulus expansion is not necessarily related to oocyte nuclear maturation in pigs, and cumulus expansion is not the criterae for determination of nuclear maturation of pig oocytes, but only the exclusion of the first polar body; 2 exposure of pig COCs to hormone supplements for 23-24 hours improved cumulus expansion but had no significant effect on nuclear maturation compared to that for 46-48 hours; 3 under our research conditions, supplementation of different proteins into different maturation media has different effects on porcine oocyte nuclear maturation, but has no significant effect on subsequent embryonic development after IVF; 4 the nuclear maturation rates of pig oocytes matured in mTCM+pFF and mNCSU+pFF are superior than that in mNCSU+FCS; 5 different maturation media have no effect on pig oocyte cumulus expansion and subsequent embryonic development after IVF.


METHODS Xenopus leavis females were injected with HCG, eggs were harvested next morning and dejellied by 2% cysteine, from which the Xenopus leavis egg cell free translating system was prepared.


更多网络解释与卵蛋白质相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


海胆卵受精以后,蛋白质合成速率立即大大增加,而且在放线菌素(actinomycin)存在的情况下,这些蛋白质中的大多数仍能合成. 因为放线菌素能阻止mRNA的转录,所以受精后蛋白质的合成不需要mRNA的合成. 必需的模板已存在于卵的细胞质中,

egg albumin:卵蛋白质

egesta 排泄物 | egg albumin 卵蛋白质 | egg apple 茄子

egg apple:茄子

egg albumin 卵蛋白质 | egg apple 茄子 | egg spoon 食蛋小匙

Soy Lecithin:大豆卵磷脂,润滑,安定和抗氧化

Soy bean oil:大豆油,富含脂肪酸和维它命E,保湿剂 | Soy lecithin:大豆卵磷脂,润滑,安定和抗氧化 | Soy protein:大豆蛋白质,润滑,安定和调理皮肤


孕酮可促使爪蟾卵母细胞(oocyte)成熟为卵(egg). 如果用蛋白合成抑制剂放线菌酮处理,则可阻断该过程,说明需要蛋白质的合成. 向oocyte中注入50nl egg的胞浆也可使其成熟为正常的卵,但若注入oocyte的胞浆则无作用.

unfertilized egg:未受精卵

虫卵 在人体粪便查见的蛔虫卵有受精卵(fertilized egg)和未受精卵(unfertilized egg) 之分(图15-4). 受精卵呈宽椭圆形,大小约为45~75×35~50μm. 卵壳较厚,由外向内为受精膜、壳质层、蛔甙层,但在光镜下难以分清. 卵壳外常有一层由子宫分泌物形成的凹凸不平的蛋白质膜,


卵磷脂血症 lecithinemia | 卵磷脂蛋白质 lecithoprotein | 卵黄膜 lecithymen






一说尚含极少量的卵胞激素"雌酮"(Oestrone). 含脑素(ceramide)约1.25%,并含少量雌酮(oestrone)、PGE2等多种前列腺素、多种氨基酸,以及骨质、骨胶、脂类、蛋白质等. 鹿茸提取物还含有游离胆甾醇、神经酰胺磷脂类(卵磷脂和溶血卵磷脂、鞘磷脂)、糖脂类. 另从鹿