英语人>词典>汉英 : 卵片发育 的英文翻译,例句
卵片发育 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The spore germination and gametophyte development of 21 ferns are studied. It indicates that :① the development period of prothallium and young sporophyte of the same species is different due to seeding time of spores;② the optimal temperatures of spores germination and gametophyte development of 21 ferns are about 15 -24 ℃;③ the rate of spore germination of rare ferns is much lower than the ferns which occur large populations in nature;④ the treatment with GA 3 can accelerate the germination of the spores;⑤ the prothallium changes from large to small, green to yellow when young sporophyte comes out. The prothalliums of all 21 ferns die away after the appear of the 3rd leaf of sporophytes;⑥ shapes of the 1st and 2nd leaves of the young sporophyte are different from those emerged later;⑦ spores cultured in dark can not germinate;⑧ a prothallium can develop only one young sporophyte though it has many archegoniums, and the spore propagation with leaf mould substrate is an economical method.

摘 要:以腐叶土为培养基质,对 21 种蕨类植物进行了孢子萌发和原叶体发育的研究,结果表明:①不同时期播种的同种蕨类的孢子,发育出原叶体和幼孢子体所历经的时间长短不同;②孢子萌发和配子体生长发育的适宜温度约为 15 ~ 24 ℃;③稀有蕨类的孢子萌发率低,而在野外能形成较大种群的蕨类的孢子萌发率高;④用 GA 3 处理孢子可以促进萌发;⑤当原叶体上长出幼孢子体时,原叶体由大变小,由绿变黄, 21 种蕨类的原叶体都在幼孢子体上长出第 3 片叶时消失;⑥幼孢子体上长出的第 1 、 2 片叶在形态上与以后长出的叶不同;⑦孢子萌发需要光;⑧ 1 片原叶体尽管有多个颈卵器,但仅发育出 1 株幼孢子体;⑨利用腐叶土进行蕨类孢子繁殖是一种经济实用的繁殖方法。

When the adult film section of the main discharging send when the film festival palace containing eggs have been completed Oncosphere development.


更多网络解释与卵片发育相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


bast 韧皮部 | bastardization 交配变异,变劣 | bastard merogony 杂种卵片发育


merogamy 小体配合 | merogony 卵片发育 | meromixis 部分融合

parthenogenetic merogony:单性卵片发育

parthenogenetic development 孤雌发育 | parthenogenetic merogony 单性卵片发育 | parthenospore 单性孢子

parthenogenetic merogony:单性(无核)卵片发育

单性生殖世代;孤雌生殖世代 parthenogenetic generation | 单性(无核)卵片发育 parthenogenetic merogony | 幼体单性生殖 parthenogenetic paedogenesis

bastard merogony:杂种卵片发育

bastard machine tool | 联合机床, 非标准机床 | bastard merogony | 杂种卵片发育 | bastard round straight file | 粗齿直圆锉

meroistic ovariole:具滋卵巢管

merogony 卵片发育 | meroistic ovariole 具滋卵巢管 | meromixis 部分融合

parthenogenetic paedogenesis:幼体单性生殖

单性(无核)卵片发育 parthenogenetic merogony | 幼体单性生殖 parthenogenetic paedogenesis | 雌性单倍核结合 parthenokaryogamy

meroblastic cleavage:不全卵裂

meristic variation 数量变异 | meroblastic cleavage 不全卵裂 | merogony 卵片发育


merodiploid 部分二倍体 | merogamy 小体配合 | merogony 卵片发育

parthenogenetic development:孤雌发育

parthenogenesis 无精生殖 | parthenogenetic development 孤雌发育 | parthenogenetic merogony 单性卵片发育